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November 11, 2018, 10:16:32 PM
(This post was last modified: November 11, 2018, 10:17:01 PM by Stellairria.)
You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream, Like thoughts become a river stream Yet may the tide ever change, flowing like time To the path, yours to climb actions - “speech” - thoughts
The golden wolf woke peacefully from an afternoon nap. Jaws parted, tongue curling, ears laid back as she let out a wiiiiiiiiiiiide yawn, front legs stretched out, toes splayed. Yeeeeeah.... That was a good nap. Jaws closed with a light click of her teeth sky-blue gaze coming into focus, she hadn't even meant to doze off, she'd only been taking a break from wandering about under the shade of a tree.... Oops. Well, on a bright note, this spoke of how safe and comfortable she felt here in Nardir! She wasn't quite sure where she was but, she knew she'd been following a series of small waterways from what she'd come to learn was Moonstone Lake. Another yawn and soon she pushed herself to her paws, shaking out her fluffy coat. Stella lowered her chest, giving her back a good stretched before taking a step forward as she rose back up, stretching it the other way and in turn, each hind leg, the left giving a little pop. Oof, stiff still, ah well. The small arctic wolf began to walk along following the water, black tipped ears twitching about as she drank in the sights, scents, and sounds of Nardir. She had noticed an island not too far into the water when she laid down earlier though, now as she walked along, she was sure it'd be easy to cross the river to it! She was curious but, she was more curious about seeing what the waterways connected to, was it a massive lazy flowing river? another lake? maybe the waters vanished into the earth, being swallowed into a deep cavernous pit. A giggle sounded as she walked along, letting her mind wander. Sky-blue gaze drifted upward, looking over the clouds and the position of the sun, she had plenty of daylight left to explore though, she didn't mind wandering about at night either... As Ticon very well knew, she loved to stargaze and honestly, part of her now daily explorations while she settle din was looking for a good spot to do just that. Lay out comfortably and count the stars while relaxing and letting her thoughts wander. Of course in her wanderings and daydreaming as she looked about from sky to water to the landscape around her, she was bound to have something happen. A cry from some sort of raptor above caught her attention as she walked, the sunny little wolf oblivious to anything other than trying to find the bird when... Thump! She walked right into someone and recoiled back, tripping over her paws, landing on her rump awkwardly. She would grit her teeth as that sore leg of hers protested but, swiftly shake her head and blink up at whomever she'd run into. The golden wolf gave a nervous yet, shy laugh, an awkward smile upon her features, ears laid back in embarrassment. “I uhm.... S-Sorry about that, heh... Guess I wasn't paying attention” Well no kidding girly, you knocked yourself on your tail! Speaking of tails, when she got back to her paws, hers was wagging gently in a friendly manner! This was Nardir after all! Surely whomever she ran into wouldn't be too mad at her.
ooc- Stella is heading toward Lake of Rain, she's still within sight of Fisher's Stand. :3
coding © vixxie's codes
Sparkles a Little
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November 12, 2018, 12:58:34 AM
(This post was last modified: November 12, 2018, 01:07:12 AM by Kimster.)
Take a left at Moonstone Lake, then a right at Storm's Fluffy Part - no wait, that's wrong.
Take a left at Moonstone Lake, then a wobbly right or middle left at Lake of Rain - what a stupid name. Lake of Rain. What ELSE would a lake be of? Mud? Puke? No. Hang on. The blue male scowled at his surroundings, trying to remember the directions his esteemed leader had given him. Oh boy was she going to get an earful when he finds her. Stupid names and absobloody useless directions. And no, HE wasn't lost, nuh uh, it was totally someone else's fault for leading him onto the wrong path...ok fine he was lost. Jase rolled his light green eyes and groaned - greeaaat. Just when he'd found Nardir, he's gone and lost it again. Within the pack's borders. It must be a special skill of his. Looking about one last, he chose a direction at random and walked on, feeling that if he ever came on the marked borders he could easily find his way back by howling to someone to come get him. Man he'd forgotton how beautiful this place was. And he'd seen some different places in his travels. Horrible places, sometimes, but pretty ones too. Pretty soon the healer's pouch around his neck would be brimfull of handy stuff again, and he'd be healing various ow-ies and bruises. Mark had given him plenty of practice! That boy got into trouble faster than a wolf could take a breath...Jase stopped that train of thought. That was then. Mark is gone, decayed. Just a maroon smear in the dirt. Perhaps it was better this way, Jase could only hope that his son had, had a peacefull death. WHAM! Jase gasped a little as his breath got knocked out of his ribs - just below chest level a wolf had walked into him. COULD IT BE IT MUST BE MY The joyous outburst died on his lips and his face froze in incomprehension No. - instead of the brightly hued teal and red female with a personality bigger than the world, he saw a small, golden coloured wolfess. Not her. Jase stared at her, trying to distinguish reality from the dream. She was talking in a sweet, gentle voice, her tail swaying lightly in a friendly manner. She had an awkward smile on her lips and her ears flattened in embarrassment, and the eyes lifted to his showed trust in the way packmates would. It wasn't her eyes. It wasn't her voice. Get it together Jase. The blue male blinked and cleared his throat, coughing slightly over dramatically to try and mask his absolute disappointment. He summoned his most charming grin and laying his paw in a dramatic manner across his forehead, he said: "La! Do I behold a ray of sun in wolf form? Milady, if your lack of attention means bumping into me more often in the future, consider me honoured." He laughed, wagging his tail in a manner that pulled the attention to his wiry, sleek form, and added: "I'm Jase, by the way. Newly accepted." His manner was pure Jase, his flirting ridiculous and harmless, but his eyes lacked their sparkle, the hurt still too much on the surface. |