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October 31, 2018, 01:44:34 AM
The chiming voices of children echo across the peaceful lilac forest. Their voices bittersweet music to the healer's ears as he rests beneath the purple trees. It's a song he can't help but listen to — a song that brings back memories, but for once Anglachel does not try to chase them away. He listens to their chatter and happy shrieks of play, ears perked for any sounds of distress or scuffles that he would have to break apart. A silent sentinel upon a hill overlooking the vast field. And it's a good thing he decided to rest close by, the healer idly notes as he gently tugs some brambles out of a glaring Cassian's foreleg. The golden child is begrudgingly cooperative, and says nothing despite the suspicious frown tugging at his lips.
"There, all done. Be more careful around thorn bushes now, alright?" He nudges the child with his muzzle, smiling tiredly at the boy merely glares once more with blue eyes that are so achingly familiar.
"Thank you." The golden prince grumbles dutifully before turning and sprinting off toward the direction of children's laughter, likely on his way to get tangled in more thorns.
Anglachel sighs and watches as the golden coat is nothing but a speck amongst soft lilac and greens. It was jarring, to see such mistrust swimming in such a familiar shade of teal.
Closing his eyes, the healer turns his head slightly to nose at the braid of silver and ebony. Ah — the feeling never failed to strike. A cocktail of longing and bittersweet nostalgia. He had both yearned and dreaded to see Zach amongst the the Alteronian visitors. But ultimately, Anglachel felt relief when the golden male was not amongst them. He hadn't gone back, and the silvery healer hoped he found a peaceful place far from the decaying forest.
"I hope you're doing well." He murmurs the quiet prayer with a wistful smile.
![[Image: Qu1nlr2.png]]( |
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We think too big, we think our self is one whole thing
And we claim that this collection has a name and is a being
But deep inside, when every cell divides
It sets upon the rule that states self-interest is divine
Cancer, too, lives by this golden rule
That you must do unto the others as the others unto you
All for the best, cause that’s all the life accepts
And so we kill it like a buffalo
With awe and with respect
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#5d637f || Played by ilunga