can't hate the guy with the dazzling smile [waka & angus] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Kaz was still reeling from his encounter with Sumitra and Ifyla, uncertain of how exactly he felt about that whole situation. He was supposed to be helping Sumitra “feel at home” in the forest, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to accomplish that. He’d help her … Later. Or something. He didn’t really care too much.
For the time being, he was just wandering. He knew where Sumitra had her set up, he could always find his way back – but he wasn’t done exploring this part of the forest. He was on the mountainside now, at the forest’s edge. Kaz hadn’t spent a lot of time over on this side of the world, and he was intrigued by what he might find. The sun was beginning to dip lower and lower in the sky, less than an hour away from hiding behind the mountains. Kaz considered heading back to Sumitra’s little roost for the night, but ultimately decided against it. Mostly because he was too lazy to head all the way back there now. He’d find a nook in the mountainside to curl into for the night once he grew too tired to adventure – but that would be a while from now. Trotting along a trail on the mountainside, kicking rocks here and there, Kaz toured along, nose high in the sky as he caught scents here and there. Suddenly, his nose picked up the scent of someone else nearby, someone unknown. A stranger. He stopped in his tracks. There was a sharp turn around the mountain up ahead, and it smelled like this stranger was right around the other side, upwind of him. Feeling rather mischievous, the dark colored male grinned widely. Maybe he should have a little bit of fun? Perhaps at his own expense, but that was the kind of risks he took for a good laugh. Slowing his pace, he creeped up to the corner, the scent of the stranger growing stronger and stronger. They were definitely right around this corner… He knew it. Grin growing wider and wider, he tip-toed around the corner before suddenly jumped forward and hollering a loud “BOO!!” at his poor victim. He’d be lucky if this stranger didn’t swat at him or tackle him off of the ledge. Or maybe he didn’t even scare them. Either way, Kaz was so sure this would just be hilarious. |
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He had promised Katti that he'd find sweet little Maeva, that she couldn't have gone far, but low and behold her scent lead him toward the fringes and he feared the worst. There children branching out too far from home was a reasonable fear, wasn't it? Along the mountain trails he stalked, skulking around every corner, with a keen nose that picked up every sent, but the slowly disappearing gray girl. His jaws clenched as he moved, tattered ears on a swivel, but even then it didn't prepare him for the jump scare as he rounded this next corner. The thing about Saborans, especially older Saborans, was their ability to respond to fight or flight instances with an undying need to ATTACK, unfortunately for Kazmiere, he'd be met with a hulking force, teeth bared and red eye wide and poisonous. Zasha lurched forward, greasy furred body aiming to make contact before his mind could clearly register anything. These responses were what made the ex-Hawkeye one of Coven's favorite tools. Zasha simply just did, relying on feral instincts like some mindless beast. However, fortunately for the other male, Zasha's hefty weight would merely pin him to the ground if the other didn't move quick enough. Teeth aiming to rip out the other's throat, until he realized, oh, they're not fighting back? Instead a low growl erupted from the large male's throat, drool pour down from his jowl as that red eye narrowed squarely on the other, clearly not at all amused by the other's little game. "Boo." He'd retort in a raspy, wheezed tone, lowering his face so that his nose was touching the other. |
Almost Sparkles
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October 26, 2018, 09:02:04 PM
(This post was last modified: October 26, 2018, 09:03:49 PM by Ryker.)
Somewhere in the world came the low, bellowing wail of an old stag as it fell. Then silence. And then, a sharp snap tore through the silence. Birds that had found themselves nestled in their trees took flight, cawing and hollering at the one who had made the noise and woke them from their slumber. It was a grisly snap that echoed through the land, but it was fleeting; a moment lost to time. From somewhere close, if one listened hard enough, they would be able to hear the guttural sounds of teeth sinking in to flesh, pulling, tearing, and ripping, pulling, tearing, and ripping until finally silence once more overtook the land. Standing above the carcass of the elder stag, Ryker held the head of the fallen beast by an antler in his mouth, surveying the quick job he had made of his sacrifice. He had not slain the beast itself; he merely ran it to it's own point of exhaustion and allowed death to come for it swiftly. Gingerly he set the head down beside him, licking his lips as he began to dig in to the belly of his feast. He could feel Death with him now, even as he took his first few bites of the fresh kill, nourishing him for a job well done as his right hand man. Ryker paused for a moment, lifting his head to the crisp night sky and inhaling proudly. He had served his master well, and would be rewarded for it when the time came for him to meet his Master in the flesh. The boy bent down once more to his dinner when from the silence came the yowling voice of another. It echoed through the valleys and trees, through the mountainside that Ryker found himself upon with his dinner, and beyond. The voice was curious enough that it bore within him the desire to investigate; perhaps Death called upon him once more to ferry another soul from this world to the next. Ryker picked up his trophy, carrying it in his mouth as the head and neck dragged between his legs; ears perked and eyes darting to every nook and hiding hole that lay near him. If there was someone up here, then there was a good chance there were more than one someones. It didn't take him long either to find them. It was all thanks to another voice; deadpanned and serious that made the male quicken his pace. Whoever they were, they were not far from him, and as he turned a corner he spotted them. One male pinned to the ground by another. Ryker gave a soft snort, holding his prize tighter in his mouth and squinting at the pair. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of them, but never the less it was still a curious sight. Ryker paused a moment before setting the stag's head down between his feet. "Evening," he growled lowly. |
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Hilarious may not have been the word someone else would use in this situation, but as gray-blue male pushed his own body into and then on top of Kaz, he couldn’t help but let out a burst of laughter. Perhaps it was because he was mildly spooked by the ‘attack’, or maybe it’s because he’s just kind of an asshole – it didn’t really matter either way. The laugh flew from his mouth like a bark, excitement and adrenaline bursting inside of him. Oh, what a thrill!
It hurt a little when he found himself crushed on the ground, but that didn’t really matter either. The only thing that truly mattered in this exact instant was that Zasha found some control within that old tattered mind of his, and his teeth did not, in fact, tear Kazmiere’s throat out. Phew. What a relief. Nervous laughter continued to trickle out of Kaz as he lay beneath this stranger. He didn’t realize that his eyes had been closed until he heard the male growl lowly and felt warm drool spill onto his face and chest. Kaz peeked open a yellow eye, then a red, and took in the features of his attacker (he was totally the victim here, right?). The stranger’s face was riddled with scars and he only had one functioning eye – he really looked like he’d lived through some shit. Maybe that’s why he was a bit jumpy. He also had the remnants of some red coloring on his face, but it seemed the scars interfered with that quite a bit. The stranger then repeated Kaz’s earlier exclamation, wheezing out a gravelly “boo” in response, pressing his face right into Kaz’s, noses smooshed against each other. “Heh, heh… Heh heh…” Kaz giggled under the male’s weight. “That was pretty funny, actually. Thanks, man, for not like … Totally fucking me up.” A shit-eating grin spread across his maw as he continued to stare at the wolf’s ugly face – it was so close to his. He only broke away his attention when he heard another voice near them, and turned his head away to find a dark colored male with his kill dropped between his feet. His greeting was bland and gruff, and Kaz wondered what he was doing over here. “Well, hellooooo there,” he cooed, slowly trying to wiggle out of Zasha’s grip. He grunted a couple times before huffing and looking at the male again. “Okay, I’m done hugging now, can we uh, separate?” A charming smile would be flashed at Zasha, hoping he’d get off of him so he could maybe indulge in the newcomer’s meal a little bit – everyone loved free food! |
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Do you want to continue and pretend Ryker was never there (since Angus is gone?) or do you wanna just call this dead? I'm good either way! |
She / Her
weird autumn
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i'm down! |
poutine goddess
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OK! No rush on replying or anything
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