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Macbeth They / He
False Face Must Hide What the False Heart doth Know
Posts: 6
Pronouns: They / He

All Accounts Posts: 463
(This post was last modified: October 18, 2018, 11:33:06 AM by Macbeth.)

Were you barred from the Inarian party for being a "social disgrace?" Just want to hang out with the boys, without being nagged to bathe for once in your life? Do you like DEAD THINGS? Join the club!

He found what was left of an elk, after the more proper populace had their fill, swarmed in flies and looking like an absolute feast to the scavenger. Macbeth gnaws at the tough hide, red eyes scanning erratically for the inevitable predator to steal it away. When someone does approach, he bristles, a growl low in his throat and ichor-greased teeth bared about the skin he refuses to release. The smell is what brought him here, and it will certainly attract others-- if not this, then the next.

So, he tears a thin leg from the carcass and drags it a pair of paces back, settling back in the dirt with his fraction of the rotten prize, ears back defensively, but eyes ever-watchful.

[Image: skyline_divider_black_by_toxicestea-d4fsw2s.png]
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