Open Under the Rotting Logs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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☯ Envis
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August 26, 2018, 05:32:23 PM
(This post was last modified: August 26, 2018, 05:46:48 PM by Envis.)
![]() Maria
Timber Wolf | Female | 3 years | Rogue | Biography ![]()
The smell of the decaying logs above her head had never bothered her, even as it grew more and more potent as the years passed. She had been raised under these logs back three years ago when they had freshly fallen, creating the perfect den for a mother and her single pup. Now, after her mother had passed, it was solely Maria who resided there. From time to time, strangers caught out in the rain or snow had been granted a spot beside her until the storm passed, but otherwise the young wolf lived in solitude. Wolves rarely lived on their own, especially a female. She knew many packs would welcome her, if not only for the fact she was a young and fertile female who could produce pups and strengthen a pack. Perhaps that idea set off a red flag in her mind, a warning that she would be seen as only an object to be utilized. She didn't want that at all.
Green eyes slowly started to close as night approached, her head laying atop her paws in a cozy position, prepared to sleep and search for food in the morning. As the last of the sun's rays filtered through the trees she sent a silent prayer up to her mother as she always did, to remind herself she wasn't as alone as she seemed. That small hope was all that kept the black and grey-pelted female going. Hope was a powerful motivator, and though speaking to her you'd assume she was cold and a bit rude, her will to live was strong and she had every intention of someday finding a pack or mate to continue her bloodline. But for now, all she could think about was a good night's sleep.
Tagged: Anyone. _______________ Notes: Limit of 1 person, please. Not intended to be a group thread.
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() Night was always a good time. The world was quiet and the darkness did well to hide the monsters that lurked throughout the brush. Even as the moon hung high in the sky, there was a calm serenity that followed with it, allowing those to find respite from the sun and extremes of the day. But one could suppose that night too held it's own variants of chaos that only came through the flutter of bat wings and howls of lone canines looking for a meal. Lurking within the chaos and silence of the night was a grey timber; his body lurching forward through the underbrush as he made his way absent-mindedly through the world. He had no destination, no directional purpose; he simply walked. For all intents and purposes, he was a sight to behold- the timber's coat was thick all over save for four balding spots, and he carried himself with a sense of dignity and respect that was not found amongst other vagrants and loners. The male paused mid stride and lifted his head, tilting it to one side as he looked out to the never-ending forest that lay ahead of him. If one had been watching, they would have noted that he strode with his head constantly tilted to the right, allowing his left eye to be the one that guided him through the darkness. His right eye bore a scarred patch of flesh and a clouded blue eye; he was completely blind on his right side. Across his back lay another large patch of scarred skin across his shoulders and back; his muzzle also bearing the searing scarred tissue across it. He huffed softly to himself and pressed forward, leading with his scarred right leg, his ears lowering slightly as he took in the gentle silence of the evening. It didn't take long on his journey, however, to find the scent of another wafting in to his nostrils. Hudson paused once more, this time next to what he would have noticed to be a rotten log shaped makeshift den had his right eye been of any use, turning his head a little to the right and left to see if he could see whoever it was that hid in the darkness. The smells of another were heavy in his nose but his one eye was not enough to visually detect another presence in the dense wood. Hudson gave a soft sigh and stood there, hunkering himself a bit and letting off a soft growl. If there was another around, surely they would see him long before he would see them. |
☯ Envis
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August 26, 2018, 06:46:31 PM
(This post was last modified: August 26, 2018, 07:42:44 PM by Envis.)
![]() Maria
Timber Wolf | Female | 3 years | Rogue | Biography ![]()
The song of the crickets began to quite as a new smell danced under her nose. Even half asleep she knew the smell of another wolf, a male at that. Typically being larger than females, she always had to be on guard around them. Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to wake herself from her drowsy state. Slowly the form of another came into focus. Another timber, far lighter in color than she with greys and whites, and very apparent scars marring his form and face. She easily noticed the pale eye, concluding it was either blind or very near it. He was of decent size, a possible threat, and he was growling. So much for a peaceful night's sleep.
Slowly Maria lifted herself onto her feet, coming out of her den and returning his growl with one of her one, teeth slightly bared to show she wasn't a push-over, and if he came looking for trouble he'd get it. After the short growl ended, the black timber wolf tilted her head and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?" She asked calmly. Her growl had only been to ensure he knew she wasn't sick or injured, she was healthy and she could fight if he was seeking to claim this small area.
Tagged: @Hudson. _______________ Notes: N/A
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() "Who are you? Why are you here?" The voice cut through the silence of the night and Hudson abruptly stood straight as she spoke; ears perked as his head began to sing to and fro looking for the source of the voice. He spun slowly til he faced her in her home, his head tilting to the right so he could view her fully. He watched her a moment longer before dipping his head lowly. "My sincerest apologies," he rumbled with his low baritone voice, his tone greatly supporting his claim of apology. His ears lowered back upon his head for a moment as he rose his head once more to hold the female's gaze, "are these pack lands? I did not intend to trespass; I am merely a wanderer." He stood straight and looked at her before resting his gaze like a normal animal- his right eye staring straight at her though unable to see at all. It had been some time since he had any sort of interaction, and Hudson still felt as if he was too out of touch for this sort of social encounter. Still, he pressed on with attempting small talk. "My name is Hudson," he began after another moment of silence, "I do apologize for disturbing you this evening." |
☯ Envis
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August 26, 2018, 08:10:37 PM
(This post was last modified: August 26, 2018, 08:11:29 PM by Envis.)
![]() Maria
Timber Wolf | Female | 3 years | Rogue | Biography ![]()
Maria's ears fell back to her head at the male's reaction to her words, watching for him turn slowly as he searched for her. Definitely blinded, then, not just wounded and discolored. 'He's less prepared to be a rogue than me.' She thought to herself, ears slowly raising again as he settled his gaze on her and spoke an apology so she heard him clearly. His low tone proved further his sex was male, and it still made her uneasy despite the fact she now knew a clear weakness. If he started a scrap, she could just come at him from his blinded side. No, perhaps that would be too easy.
"No, not pack lands. Just a small patch of land I inherited from my mother." Maria said honestly, seeing no reason to lie. Sure, he could be an enemy, but that piece of information couldn't really come back to bite her. He had no idea if her mother had been a powerhouse or something, and he didn't need to know, so the honest answer sufficed. He went on to greet her, introduced himself, and gave off a calm vibe. He wasn't looking for trouble after all. 'At least,' she though nervously, 'not until he knows who all is here.' Her mind began to race for a plan if others came slinking out of the darkness around them, if this was a trap there was no way she could defend her home, but equally there was no way she'd not fight to the death to defend it. Too many memories were here. She tried to ease herself to calm down as she sniffed the air and found only her own and this male's. With a small step forward, Maria managed to be polite and respond with a simple, "I am Maria." But as soon as the words left her mouth she started up on another subject. "You're in no physical condition to be alone, were you chased from your pack? I highly suggest you find a friend to stand on your blinded side. Many will take advantage of that weakness you so clearly bear." She warned, not thinking it could be percieved as a possible threat. It was just the truth, the scar and discoloration of his eye compared to the opposite eyeball gave him away. He was a sitting duck from the right.
Tagged: @Hudson. _______________ Notes: It's his right eye that's blinded right? Or am I wrong and it's the left? lol
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() OOC: It's his right eye that is blinded- left is the one that can see, so he'll turn his head to the right so his left eye is facing whoever he's talking to. Basically his muzzle, right eye, right leg, and across the width of his back/ shoulder blade area is just nothing but huge scarring. ----------------------------------------- "No, not pack lands. Just a small patch of land I inherited from my mother." There was a small sense of relief flood through the male as she spoke, only offering a gentle nod to her comment. It seemed he was still trapped within lands that held no pack and while he found himself grateful for it, it was becoming slightly frustrating that he'd walked for so long and found no one that held rank or a pack. Perhaps this was his punishment; perhaps he was doomed to forever wander the wilds. Honestly? Hudson found this penance to be...fitting. "I am Maria." Hudson's attention snapped back to reality and to the wolf in front of him as she spoke again. Maria. His brow furrowed ever so slightly as he committed it to memory. Maria. Hudson inhaled sharply as he reclined to his rear and sat down, his head swinging to the right so he could get a better view of her as she continued to speak. To some it was found disrespectful but Hudson was a firm believer in holding full attention to whoever was speaking. "You're in no physical condition to be alone, were you chased from your pack? I highly suggest you find a friend to stand on your blinded side. Many will take advantage of that weakness you so clearly bear." At this, he chuckled. In fact, his chuckle had almost become a full on laugh as she worried so openly for him. Hudson shook his head, a small smile plastered upon his face. "No, no," he began, head rising to look at her once more, "I have wandered these woods for a very long time. I am, when I need to be, quite capable of keeping myself safe." The chuckle dwindled and a heartfelt smile held his face as he looked at her; another small dip of his head in appreciation. As his head came back up, he looked directly at her with a smile. "I do sincerely thank you for your concern, Maria. It is rare to find one such as yourself in this wide world- not many would care so much on a stranger; especially one who is so easily dismissed as being 'lame'." Hudson's ears twitched slightly as he looked away for a moment; nose rising as he took in a deep inhale, but his attention returned back to her after a moment. "Are you hungry?" |
☯ Envis
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August 26, 2018, 09:12:29 PM
(This post was last modified: August 26, 2018, 09:14:57 PM by Envis.)
![]() Maria
Timber Wolf | Female | 3 years | Rogue | Biography ![]()
Maria was surprised to see the wolf sit so calmly, tilting his head in what she had come to assume was his best viewpoint. She wouldn't have taken it offensively even if she didn't realize he was looking directly at her, just in his own adapted way. His laugh surprised her, but kept her ears perked to heard his justification for laughing in her face. She for a moment felt a pang of anger thinking he was teasing her kindness, but she had learned from her mother never to assume so easily. That in mind, she was silent until he explained himself. It made sense, he'd adapted in most ways to this disabled lifestyle. It wasn't fresh, but a scar he'd been bearing for quite awhile.
His appreciative words made her skin heat up under her fur. Damn him! He had that tone that clearly gave away he knew she wasn't feigning care. She would have much preferred in this situation he'd have taken it as a warning, just in case he turned into an enemy. Shaking her head, she quickly dismissed his thanks. "I have no personal concern or care for your wellbeing. I am simply living as my mother taught, following a good wolf's example." She stated a bit loudly, giving away she was putting it on, if only slightly. She didn't really care if she never saw this wolf again, but it was against everything she had been taught to have not given him advice like that. Seeing his nose rise to the sky she did the same, searching for what he had sensed before her. Albeit only half blinded, she had no trouble believing his other senses had enhanced naturally to make up for what he was lacking. She didn't think him "lame" in ability, simply handicapped. "I was going to hunt in the morning, but if you smell something close by I am smart enough not to turn down a meal. Each meal is precious." Maria spoke like it was a rehearsed line, something she had instilled in her. Never pass up a chance for food, good advice any parent would have given their child. Tilting her head up a bit higher she took in short but deep sniffs. "However, if it's a rabbit or smaller you take it. It'd be useless to share, I know how to fish as well. You're free to hunt in my little patch this night only." She spoke quietly but firmly and turned her back to him, going back inside her den and pivoting under the logs to plop down in the same position he'd found her. She stared at him as if silently encouraging him to get on with his hunt so she could get back to sleep. "Be quiet, don't draw attention to my small den-site." She added with a much more firm tone.
Tagged: @Hudson. _______________ Notes: Okay. Wanted to make sure.
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
Almost Sparkles
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![]() "I have no personal concern or care for your wellbeing. I am simply living as my mother taught, following a good wolf's example." He smiled and nodded, though he wished to say that even still, it was an example not many lived by when they lived out on their own. But he refrained; he could tell that she was already uncomfortable about his being there. "I was going to hunt in the morning, but if you smell something close by I am smart enough not to turn down a meal. Each meal is precious. [...] However, if it's a rabbit or smaller you take it. It'd be useless to share, I know how to fish as well. You're free to hunt in my little patch this night only." He'd turned back to her by this point as she spoke again, and his smile only grew. Perhaps it was an advantage he had? Perhaps she was still too focused on him to have smelled it. He couldn't blame her though- he had taken up her time and space, and distractions never helped. "No, I don't believe it is a rabbit," he began, rising to all fours and sniffing the air again. It was stronger now than just a moment ago; the sickly sweet coppery smell of blood mixed with deer. It was possible, of course, that the game in question was being pursued by another wanderer, but Hudson still had yet to smell out a third party member, so he was taking it on faith that the game was alone. He inhaled again and looked away from her in the direction of the woods; his ears lowering a bit before perking back up. "Be quiet, don't draw attention to my small den-site." Once more Hudson's attention snapped back towards Maria, his brows knitting as she made her request. In fairness it was not an odd request to make, but he did find it a bit off putting as she said it- if they were truly the only other ones around then there would be no worry. Again, the rationale kicked in to the male's mind that this was not a typical 'run of the mill' encounter, so anything could have been possible. Puppies? No; probably not. He simply nodded before turning back to the woods. "I will not," he stated firmly, "A deer that is injured in the woods could mean more wolves, naturally, but I don't believe that is what we would need to worry about. If you would like to accompany me, I would not stop you." His head swung back as he gave her a small smirk, " but I understand if you'd rather stay and protect your home." |
☯ Envis
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August 27, 2018, 05:04:31 PM
(This post was last modified: August 27, 2018, 05:05:03 PM by Envis.)
![]() Maria
Timber Wolf | Female | 3 years | Rogue | Biography ![]()
Watching his smile extend and tug his lips further was irritating. He was judging her based on one single act of politeness, and that bothered her greatly. Maria didn't strive to be rude or aggressive, but to be taken so lightely was truly offensive. SHe knew mercy, but she wasn't naive to the cost of mercy. This wolf was pushing all her buttons just with that grin, and she wasn't sure she could handle him much longer if that smile stayed plastered on his face.
As he stood, she caught the scent of deer blood in time with his comment. Definitely not a rabbit, but a dear being wounded... Her mind began to list off possibilities. A stag injured during fighting? No doe would be bleeding without having been attacked by a predator, they were far from aggressive. This scent was a possible danger, and it all depended on a factor they couldn't yet see. If it was a stag, there was a good chance she'd help this new male in finishing it off. However, a randomly wounded doe didn't sit well with her. This wolf was quickly agitating her. He seemed so excited by the smell of deer blood that he wasn't thinking through the possibilities of it being a trap or a fatally wounded prey that was wandering it's last step before it collapsed. A number of creatures could leave giant gashes that caused their prey to bleed out, needing only to be followed before consumption. She knew wolves didn't live in this world alone, and with that always kept in mind she never rushed into a situation. "I don't think going after it just yet would be wise." Maria finally spoke, lying down her head with her tail giving a thump of irritation. If he had any idea how to read body language he'd know she was irritated. Verging on angry, even. "How many factors have you considered before asking me that?" If he wasn't thinking through everything she was, she didn't think this wolf would be safe company. If blood was all it took for him to get ready to hunt, he was a fool. She didn't smell any other creature, sure, but she knew following right at the prey's feet wasn't the way it worked if the predator was following. She wasn't prepared to be caught stealing a hard-earned meal.
Tagged: @Hudson. _______________ Notes: N/A
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
*pooto face*
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-tagged, reply coming soon-