Waiting in the wings {PRP Anglachel} | ||||||||||||||||
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It was early dawn when a pair of sleep crusted eyes fluttered open to greet the darkness of his family den. The teen yawned widely, feeling his muscles stretch to accommodate the action, as his body worked to get the dire wolf into a more alert state of mind. All around him lay sprawled out in various poses were his siblings. Felixes being the most unique out of the lot. After a few minutes of staring into space, not really focusing on anything, the child turned his gaze to the mouth of the den. He could make out the grass at the dens entrance and the outline of the various trees that populated Inarias landscape and peeking through the spaces of their canopies was the soft blue hue that came with the rising of the morning sun. It must have been early since no one else was awake. Even father laid motionless in his spot asleep where he normally would have been gone. A soft smile lit up his face as he realized that he would be able to sneak out and avoid most of his packmates. Birch did not dislike or fear any of his fellow Inarians, quite the opposite, he was just so self concious of his own shortcomings when around them that he just couldn't even attempt a simple 'how are you' because he feared the possibility of someone seeing them too. After all they were so much more than he was. Carefully shifting out of Gavins hold, while struggling to remember how they managed to fall sleep while in such an uncomfortable position, Birch headed out to begin his journey but not before whispering a soft 'good morning' to his sleeping family as he started off towards his destination. The young dire didn't know if anyone was aware of his attempts at learning about herbs and their healing properties, since he tried his hardest to stay out of the spotlight, but he had been picking up on bits and pieces of knowledge that he had managed to overhear from the healers. Father had been stressing over Felixes desire to become a soldier so much so that it made Birch want to avoid adding more problems onto his plate. Not to mention that he couldn't stand the thought of causing another person pain. Which rendered the very idea of him seeking the rank null and void. Plus he was rather scrawny, built more for running than fighting, and was easily scared. When it came to fight or flight Birch would always choose flight. The Inarian was weak simple and plain. However he loved the idea of healing his loved ones, whether it be from illness or injury, the idea that he could take away their pain and cure them from sickness drove him to learn more about the medical arts. The healers were impressive with their knowledge and understanding about the bodies physic and the multiple properties, and uses, of medicinal herbs that they left the innocent dire breathless in awe. So he would listen in on their conversations when he was able, minding to keep his distance as to avoid detection, and had grown to idolize them. Tan paws glided effortlessly over Inarias forest floor, disturbing the dew drops that clung to the grass as his paws brushed across them, leaving his toes chilled and wet while he soaked in the serene nature that surrounded him, the sounds of crickets singing echoing in the stillness and the feel of the cool morning air filling him with a peace that he could not explain. He loved mornings like this. When he was alone and way from the loud noises of his packmates and their hustle and bustle routines. Out here he could focus and enjoy doing what he secretly loved. Tending to his garden. A hobby he had learned from watching his father plant seedlings of Inarias famous purple trees. However Birches garden contained common herbs for healing. Thanks to ghosting Inarias healers he had learned which plants were used to disinfect cuts and to ease symptoms of nausea. He was always hungry to learn more but he would no doubt just end up messing up and making a fool of himself...he was a bit clumsy. Sighing in dejection the dires golden eyes glanced at the vibrant foliage surrounding him but he did a double take when he noticed a familiar figure. Curiosity getting the better of the cautious teen the dire made his way closer to them. Keeping in mind to make as little noise as possible so that he wouldn't catch their attention and waited behind the trunk of a blooming tree as he strained to hear the knowledge that awaited him today. |
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August 03, 2018, 12:29:50 PM
(This post was last modified: August 03, 2018, 12:43:56 PM by .Birch..)
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The quiet morning air was broken by the loud musings of the slender blue healer as he seemed to have come across an obstacle that he was having difficulty removing on his own. Being a recluse had made him oblivious to the hints that he was giving to the shy child but even then Birch was pondering what his next course of action should be. He could go back to the den and get one of his siblings to come to the healers aid but he didn't want to disturb his family's rest. Plus they would probably just hassel the busy wolf with their endless interrogations. He loved his siblings but they tended to be a bit of a handful sometimes. Two of them more so than the rest. The second choice was to call for a sentry or a guard but as the other said it wouldn't do to take them away from their jobs for such a simple matter. Some might even act cross towards the maimed healer for calling on them for such a task. The last but most terrifying choice for the introvert was to lend his aid and hope that he wouldn't be drawn into an conversation but it was common sense that words would be exchanged. Golden eyes drifted down to his wet toes as he tried to distract himself from his sudden feeling of anxiety. Curiousness winning over anxiery the brown coated dire poked his head out from behind his hiding place to observe the white haired healer. However he immediately ducked back behind the trunk of the tree as he narrowly missed being spotted by the others roaming gaze. Did the healer know he was there?! Birches heart hammered against his eardrums as he rested his back upon the rough bark of the large blooming tree. Once quiet breaths became a bit quicker and louder as he tried desperately to calm himself down. His worst nightmare was being caught following the healers and being told to stop and leave them be. He didn't think he could bear not being able to make his silent dream into a reality. Closing his eyes and tuning out the world around him the small dire stopped his thoughts and tried to empty himself. It was something he did to calm himself; sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. Luckily today seemed to be one of his better days as he opened his eyes and was no longer on the verge of having a panic attack, he was still a bit scared, but he peeked out from his hiding place as he waged a silent war with his subconscious to move out into the open. What ended up happening was a bird swooping down and pecking his hindquarters. Which rightly surprised the yearling. Letting out a yelp as the boy stumbled out from behind the tree only to turn back and watch as the bird flew back up into its branches. It's angry series of chirps letting the dire know that he was not welcome near its tree anymore. After a few moments of watching the small bird flutter around the branches he was suddenly aware that he was now standing in the open. His relaxed posture suddenly became rigid as the knowledge hit him full blast. Slowly his head turned to stare at the healer behind him. Silence filled the air before Birch let out a high pitched squeak. "I---I--I'm so s--s-sorry," he continued in the same squeaking voice as he practically faceplanted the ground beneath him in an attempt to escape the brilliant ruby eyes observing him. |
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October 03, 2018, 09:58:01 AM
(This post was last modified: October 03, 2018, 10:08:54 AM by .Birch..)
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A dull ache spread across his poor nose as it meet the earth. Perhaps that had not been the brightest move now that he thought about it so instead he put his paws over his eyes to shield him from the disapproving look that, he believed, the healer was leveling at him. Clumsy Birch had made a fool of himself infront of the very person he had admired as a healer enthusiast. Many days when he tended his secret garden the timid dire would imagine scenarios in which he would finally show his skill, garnered through all the knowledge that he had accumulated, to the one standing before him. Unlike in his daydreams the dire didn't have half the confidence that his imaginary self did. Maybe if he did this meeting would have gone differently...and less humiliating than it was now. "I'm not upset, there's no need to apologize."
Not upset, he thought, but disappointed. Still his ears pivoted around towards the direction of the others voice not ready to 'face' him quite yet. A few moments of silence passed leaving the yearling with nothing but the dark of his eyelids; in retrospect the darkness was oddly calming. Allowing the youth to feel security , even if it was fake, which slowly eased the tension in his muscles and ebbed away the stress that came from meeting the others eyes. Perhaps he could talk to people if he couldn't see them? Why was he having this thought, he wondered as he waited to hear what the elder had to say, it was rude to close your eyes when talking with someone...so maybe he shouldn't speak? These random thoughts kept popping up with no real connection other than avoiding people to some degree. Why couldn't he have been as adventurous and outgoing as his other siblings. It would have made his life so much easier. "I'm building a garden here and could use some help. You don't happen to like plants by any chance, do you?"
Unconsciously the chocolate dire rose his paw off of his face to peek at the tricolored figure. "A-are you s-sure you want m-my help," he stuttered interest peeking at the thought of aiding one of Inarias healers with their herbs. Birches garden contained only common plants that could be found anywhere but the healers dealt with rarer herbs used in different medications. Perhaps the healer would share his knowledge of the plants if he accepted the offer? "Y-yes...b-but I'm n-not as s-skilled as others," he said as he removed his other paw from his face and looked up at the taller wolf with the most pleading eyes, "y-you're a healer a-aren't you," he asked even though he knew the answer to the question already but Birch was a bit tact less when it came to talking to others. "Do you k-know alot about the p-plants?" |