Open Wandering The Neutrals | |||||||||||||||||||||
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She/Her/They/them/really anything
if it feels good tastes good it must be mine.
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![]() Shad stretched her long, thin, spindly legs in the Neutral lands. She was wandering around. Not quite sure where she may go. Not being in a pack sure had its upsides. But the downside was that if she were to fight someone, it would have to be alone. Then again, she had not minded fighting and even relished the taste of blood on her tongue. But this place was not an area of death, nor fighting. At least, not that she had seen.
She wandered for a few more moments before realizing that she had no general direction of where to go. She always traveled like that, with no general direction. It was hard to not want to go nowhere but somewhere at the same time. She took a moment to sit, her red eyes tingling at the sight of the trees and shrubs of the area. she took one of her gazelle like legs and sat it in the dirt, drawing a little picture of something, it was not intelegable, so it really had meant nothing to her. He watched the area quietly through red eyes.
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The day was still young and the sun hung in the sky, slightly shrouded by unbidden clouds. The heat was dry for once and not the usual heavy humidity, much to Ifyla's pleasure. She hated humidity with a stark passion, treasuring the dry heat that today gifted her. She did this by enjoying it as best she good, walking around and being more active than she typically was. The weather had given her a reason for her mood to shift from the usual grumpiness, and she felt like actually talking to people instead of simply shunning them as she normally did.
When she spotted the grey and white maned wolf, however, her typical cautions reappeared. The stranger was much taller than her but didn't appear to weigh much more than Ifyla did. They didn't appear to be much of a fighter, though the nomad still held her own reserves about the unknown fellow. She tried to stay inconspicuous as she studied the other more thoroughly, making a note in the back of her mind that they kind of resembled a skunk to her. A really tall skunk that didn't seem to stink. She refocused her thoughts, scolding herself for the insensitive thought. She knew she shouldn't mess with the other out of fear of how they might react. But at this point, she was sure she was spotted. Having a bright orange pelt wasn't exactly effective camouflage when you're among green grasses. However, she could hope that the other simply didn't want to interact. Besides, Ifyla knew of a stream just past the maned wolf with clear water, a stream she wanted to get to considering the sun would soon reach its peak and the heat would become less than pleasant. She tried to discreetly pass by, trying to remain as inconspicuous and ignorable as possible. |
She/Her/They/them/really anything
if it feels good tastes good it must be mine.
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Shad sat for a moment, her black and grey fur liking the feel of the small breeze. She noticed another walking in her direction, a bright orange pelt had been seen. Shad watched the newcomer through optimistic eyes. She noticed that they might want to be left alone, She figured it was because her looks, being incredibly tall, but pretty skinny.
She took a moment more to feel the breeze before standing her full height and walking over to the other. "Hello." She said, not really knowing what to add on to her greeting. She knew it was not best to approach others that had the full body language that said i don't want to be talked to. But she was curious as to why the other had shown that, and sending a greeting was the fastest way to learn that. She blinked, with the lighting the other's pelt was quite bright.
To birds on a wire
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Her head raised when she heard the voice. “Hello” it said. She growled, and lifted her body up. She jumped out from the leaves she lay on, and landed silently on the ground below. Her large,long,black claws made a CLINK sound when the hit the dry surface. “Damn...” she said quietly “there goes my cover” she finished.
Wishingwind snarled when she began to climb the nearest tree, the pines pricked and poked her nose. “Ouch, crap.” Her nose soon began to bleed, and her eyes watered. When she got to the top of the tree, she peered down at the creature that had said “hello” and got her into all this mess in the first place. The pines fell from where she clung on to. An obvious sign that something was there. |