Saboro Ring 2  Observer [Open]
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Vance They / He / She
Posts: 22
Pronouns: They / He / She
Rank [IC]: Kestrel

All Accounts Posts: 463

He sits, staring towards the inner rings, but his back not far from the border, mechanics and rosters in his head. Generally, he would hide himself away under brush or thick shade, drenched in mud, but he is clean, for once, marks unmistakable to anyone aware of the Tribe. Fortunately, it doesn't seem anyone left is.
Tricolour eyes don't shift, despite who comes to join him. "Sindarin is missing," he admits, like to say as much is a curse. It has been days, and her own siblings have not seen the girl. He hasn't seen her parents, either. "North, Nero, I assume the rest of the brood is with them. I suppose that leaves me, as far as Kestrels go."
Finally, Kitkun shifts his scrutiny to any that have arrived. "Call me Vance. Who have you lost?"

[Image: wE4vhjY.png]
Caught up in the gutter
Once again
Crashing through the mud
Throwing lies
Cutting ties
We know all too well
It's a living hell

Careful what you say
And who you say it to

Not yet.
Bane: Wing lost to the Vanishing. He didn't strike me a traitor.
Blackwall: Vanished. Good riddance.
Cato: Dead before you could be made Hawk.
Crenate: Vanished Sabor, and father of the current king. Tread carefully.
Kappa: No. Not you, Nightwalker.
Mara: Rude, wasn't he? Alchemist, mated to Crenate, likely gone with him.
Nero: Brute of a Sabora; likely found with his lineage.
North: Second Peregrine to escape in my time. I'd make an example of you.
Oriana: The last old blood Sabora. I'm still searching for the body.
Sindarin: Kestrel, of Nero's clan. Too sweet to be truthful.
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