Private Roleplay Cowabunga! [Eli] | |||||||||||
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She spreads her wings when she's gonna fly, the crow
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A h s o k a
Sunny days are meant to be filled with exploration and adventure, and one girl took advantage of that idea. A cool, sea breeze blew across the territory as an invitation. The girl ran against the wind, relishing in the spring breeze that flew past her coat. As a winter pup, she had yet to experience warm temperatures. Besides being huddled up to her family in the castle for warmth, this temperature was foreign to her in the outside world. The endless white melted away, only to be replaced by an endless green. The spring rains brought the land to life, springing forth new, colorful flora. The young princess was amazed at how much the land changed over the course of a couple months, and it made her all the more excited to see what other changes the land had in store.
The more she ran toward the coast, the louder the waves became as she approached. She came to a halt at the edge of the rocky cliffs to gaze down on the crashing waves below, or what she could see of it. The mists that rose from the furious waves dampened her coat, sea spray making her screw up her face to shield her eyes. The cool spray came as a relief from the warmer weather, though, despite barely being able to see anything. The wind buffeted her fur, flattening it against her hide, her bangs no longer reaching towards her eyes. Craning her head, she sniffed the strong winds, the scent of saltwater greeting her nose. Although it didn't entice her down for a drink, there was something oddly refreshing about the scent. She felt the need to get closer to the waters, but wasn't inclined to go rock climbing again. However, the girl knew of a place where the rocks opened up to allow safe passage between the tower and the highlands. That would be her safest bet, and so she turned and made her way toward the break in the rocks. Ahsoka didn't stop when she reached the break, and instead hurled herself towards the black, sandy beach. The blue waves rolled in from the sea and lapped at the shore. They were more gentle here than at the cliffside, and the young girl was able to go up to the water's edge, letting the smooth waves engulf her small paws. She couldn't help but giggle when she felt the foam from the waves glide past her legs. Fidgeting her toes, she buried them in the soft sand as she closed her eyes and lifted her head into the ocean breeze once again. Taking in a big swig of air, she sighed in contentment. Then, slowly, she opened her eyes.... "WOAH!" she hollered as she jumped back, landing smack dab on her butt with a loud "OOF!" as water droplets scattered around her. Scarlet eyes stared in shock at the black and white figures ahead of her, rising out of the water like great towers, before coming back down with a huge splash. Some would breach, others would simply wave their huge tails before submerging again, and some would spray jets of water out of their backs. In other words, these things were weird, ginormous, and AWESOME! Ahsoka got to her feet again, not taking her eyes off the strange creatures. Soon, a huge grin crossed her muzzle. She had to know what these things were, even if they were dangerous. Bounding across the beach, she searched for a place where she could get as close as possible without the waves taking her out to sea. So far, no dice. It was high tide, so any rocks that may have been visible before were now underwater. However, as each moment passed, it appeared as if the giant creatures were getting closer.... ooc: @Bea Let's go whale surfing!! |
Get a Load of That Dog
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For the first time this season Eli found himself sitting on the black sand beach. He had discovered it shortly after the pack arrived and the waves beckoned him to try a paw at swimming. It seemed like a fool's errand for a dog still learning life on three legs, but he surprised himself at how easy it really was. But Eli had no intention of swimming today. There was still a chill in the air. And besides, sometimes quiet meditation to the sound of waves and seabirds were good for the soul.
Taking in a deep breath Eli tilted his head back and let the briny ocean air flap his ears behind him. The dog's mind was quieted here, a rare occurrences as of late. He was so relaxed that he nearly slipped from a sit to a down but a noise caught his attention. It was familiar, like a bird but unlike any bird Eli had ever heard. The screeching and clicking wasn't quite avian. Eyes opened, scanning the horizon. The sun glared off the waves, forcing the tripod to squint. There was movement on the surface as the monochrome creatures undulated with the waves. It wasn't until one fully breached did the dog catch a good look. "Wow..." His voice was hushed, shock and awe clear as the ocean he stood in. Eli had little experience with the ocean and it's wonders, and a life of living by rivers hadn't prepared him for a fish that big. And in such a large school! "WHOA!" And it seemed he wasn't alone on the beach or in sentiment. Head turned to see a wolf pup charging in his direction, eyes on the fish. The fluff was nearly already the dog's size and entering the gangly teenage stage. She seemed twice as excited by these creatures as he was. The dog gave a bark, if anything to alert the focused youngin that she was running straight at him. He side stepped out of the way just in case. "Whoa there!" Eli smiled. Being young himself he hadn't had much experience with kids, but he didn't think it would be too hard, "Are you trying to run those things down? Have you ever seen them before?" He finally looked back out to the fish. Head cocked, where they coming closer? "I think they see us. We should be careful." |