I was lightning before the thunder [prp: Kyron] | |||||||||||
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A dark gray and cream color wolf slipped through the grass, he seems to be just aimlessly walking. However, he was deep in thought. He flicked his ears back as he came to a stop near a water's edge. He let out a sigh and almost dragged his paws as he walked over to the water. As he started to drink he could hear the low roar of thunder. It could be heard coming from the far north of where he was. The winds had just started to shift and pick up speed. His deep blue eyes scanned the sky around him once he was done drinking. He leaped on top of a nice size rock that was next to him as if to try and get a better look. The sky was growing dark; he looked behind him towards where he had come from and then back to his heading. The rain would do him good, it could help hide him as he slinked back to the only place he could really call home. Perhaps it was time to revisit some older thoughts once more? He flicked his tail before jumping off the rock and splashing into the water below the rock. He had made his way to the other side of the river as the rain started to fall, perhaps he would find something interesting out here. He slinked around the sore line a bit before heading into the palm trees a bit. There was a bright light that little up the night sky as if it was daytime followed by a loud crack of thunder. The storm had gotten closer as he had taken his time to swim across to this island. He let out a soft sigh as he was slightly annoyed with himself. He scented the wind as it picked up. He couldn’t pick up anything but a damp earth smell mixed with the scent of the surrounding water. It was throwing off his nose at the moment. “To knock or not to knock” he thought as took a quick look around. No one was within sight. “So much for people being on guard in this area”. He let out scoff at that though. He let out a short howl before taking a set under the palm trees. It wasn’t in the mood to be kept waiting. He wondered who would show to great him. He didn’t think many would welcome him warmly. If they knew his father they would likely be keen to steer clear of him as well. "Well, this is eventful..." he said sarcastically out loud as lightning let up the night sky once more before the thunder rolled. |
born of sea salt and driftwood
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It wasn't exactly the homecoming present he had anticipated but then again, when was anyone in this family known to turn down an opportunity for advancement? Kyron walked with a new energy in his stride, no longer a mere Sailor in these isles but a Quartermaster. Even in his hey day, with Rita at the helm as Captain, he'd barely amounted to anything more than an over-eager Watchman, zealously guarding the borders and keeping the masses entertained with tales and jokes and a quick nip here or there. But now his duties incorporated so much more. It was up to him to keep the inner workings operating properly, to keep the peace with the members themselves, and to act as one of the Triarchy for important empire matters. To be frank, the thoughts dazzled him. He could only hope, despite his dizzying giddiness at the position, that it all turned out to be easier than it seemed. But regardless of his shiny new status, old habits die hard and the bastard found himself patrolling the Crossbones Pass, keeping an eye out for any who might stray too far along it. Friend or foe, these borders needed to be kept intact and strong, free from the trodding of those who simply did not belong there. He had to hand it to his grand-nephew, this was quite the strategic choice in territory. Easy borders to maintain, given appropriate manpower. As the dark clouds rolled and rumbled overhead, giving clear warning for the oncoming downpours, the Quartermaster closed in on the southernmost stretch of the Pass, where the bridge dips down to the sandy shores. By now the winds had churned, spitting and frothing the seas and letting loose a shower from above. Just great. It was no reason to stop. Kyron continued, his ears perking at a beckoning call from somewhere close. Very close. After a couple minutes of scanning and sniffing, he'd be fucking lying if he said it was anything but chance that led him to find that dark-colored wolf hiding beneath the shade of the palms on this gloomy, thunderstorm-wracked night. He'd saunter over just in time to hear the boy's remark, and with a twitch on his lips he'd spread that quirky grin, his tall form approaching and circling around him before stopping to size him up. "I'd say it's quite fuckin' eventful, you picked a helluva night to stop on by." As if on queue, a crackling lightning strike touched down on the distant sea, flashing across the sky and shattering violently. Unfazed, the Quartermaster took another, domineering step forwards. "You're mighty close to the domain of some unruly bastards," A warning, perhaps? "What's your purpose here?" If this was some poor lost fucker, this was his easy ticket out of here, no questions asked... possibly. But if they were here for Tortuga, for Kyron, for the treasures that lay in waiting beyond the Pass, they'd have to impress the Quartermaster first. Time's a-ticking.
ooc: set after he gains his quartermaster rank
text speech: #8e8322