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dont care
Almost Sparkles
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(Oh so rusty... time for Dagan to venture his way on in)
Deep, dark clouds blotted out the late afternoon sky, the sun long since hidden as the oncoming rain overtook the lowlands. Rain fell in sheets, adding a soggy wetness to an already cool day as evening gradually approached. A flash of lightning briefly lit up the darkening land, quickly followed by the deep boom of thunder. Most creatures would wisely have long since sought shelter, tucked away safely in warm, cozy burrows or dens to await the morning that would eventually follow this early springtime storm, though one figure could be seen slowly, almost casually crossing the far southwestern border only a short distance from the foot of the mountains. Dagan paused briefly as another flash briefly lit up the land before him, taking the moment to give as quick a glance around as he could before giving the faintest of nods to himself, this seemed as good a way to go as any, there seemed to be a river not too terribly far ahead. Glancing over his shoulder at the looming mountains, he briefly considered turning that way and seeking some shelter among the rocks. Turning back he opted to just continue on, how much worse could it possibly get? His fur clung, plastered to his body already soaked clean through, likely making his lean frame seem almost scrawny to anyone else who was crazy enough to be taking a stroll through the area. His slow, steady pace showed he was clearly in no rush as he simply just pushed onward, his long tail hanging low, the end more or less just trailing through the soggy ground in his wake. He wasn't sure where he was, nor was he terribly concerned with the details of where in particular this was anyway. the grey-blue Hellion had been travelling for a long time now, only recently something seemed to nudge him in this general direction, perhaps some odd instinct, even he wasn't sure why... it just seemed... right. Through the rain-laden land, he'd briefly detected a faint scent of what could possibly be local inhabitants, but he didn't feel particularly threatened for now, besides, if he kept going now, what were the odds they'd even take notice of his presence tonight? He could figure that all out later, for now, he just felt like walking, so he would do just that until perhaps he was tired enough to stop, or perhaps he'd find something of interest, who knew? |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "Treading lightly."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
I've done it this time... Mother is going to be so disappointed if she finds out where I've gone. Yet the hell hound pup had been unable to resist the call of a gently tinkling bell that had first beckoned him to the den entrance and then out into the rain. The darkness of nightfall had begun blotting out the final slivers of light among the heavy storm clouds. He had heard it ringing a few times before, but never as clearly as tonight. Why did it have to be tonight? He continued on towards the noise, eyes closed tight and mouth drawn thin as he bowed his head against the latest wind fueled rain that drenched his fur to the bone. He thought he caught a whisper of a voice and so he quickened his pace, barreling into the darkness of unfamiliar surroundings. He had not long left the den for the first time and exploring had not been his priority in the cold world that he was born into. Yet here he was, determined to catch this noise that tormented him for nights on end. Growling with frustration at the unknown source, he leaped forward against the elements and was sent barreling down a small hill face - tumbling into an unknown abyss that awaited below. He had fallen into the low lands - further than most pups his age dared to travel, yet in his mind Arcas believed he had not strayed far from the old willow and so he continued his hunt for the bell - for it seemed louder to him now and he could smell something that was not from these parts. The terrain around him shifted and changed, but the rain and cold remained persistent. Arcas was about to give up on his pursuit for want of a warm spot in the den when - Biff. His nose met something smelly and furry. The rain seemed to cease a little and Arcas opened his eyes. His gaze was met with the sight of a furry leg that held the same coloring as the skies above. The pup blinked twice and tilted his head back to look up at his find. Brown eyes stared back and the orange hellion soon realized the rain had lessened as this other creature was now blocking it's descent upon him. He hadn't met or smelled this other hell-hound around before, but then he still had hardly met any pack members and so did not bother to think as to whether this creature would be a friend or a foe. The pup backed up and examined the other male from ears, to toes, to tail tip. No Bell. He sat with a huff and let the rain continue its onslaught on his fur, for the ringing noise had stopped and his hunt had been in vain. This creature was not the source of his mission. Arcas glared at the grey hell-hound with mild disdain. He had scared the bell off. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Acolyte Apothecary
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April 20, 2018, 11:24:22 AM
(This post was last modified: April 30, 2018, 09:53:03 AM by Necros.)
Grey skies and the stale scent of a distant storm was the onslaught that greeted the, newly appointed, rangers senses as he started on his first late night patrol of Geminis borders. It was ironic that the dark fringe dire blended so well with the shadows that accompanied the rapidly approaching storm; like a ghost with only his burning amber eyes to separate him from the rapidly decending darkness.While in the daylight he stood out like a sore thumb. The large male began his trek over the vast hills of shortgrass prairies that held random areas of shubry and trees. The feel of the grass cushioning his paws against the ground beneath was a welcome difference to the more common feeling of them jabbing his paws as his weight crushed them underfoot durning his earlier patrols. The sound of thunder rolling lazily in the distance reminded the ranger of his own acceptance into Geminis borders. The thought brought a small grin to his face at the pure randomness that the female had been saying to him. Ranging from a shriek to full blown yelling. It was a comfort that the bar had been set so low he thought jokingly. Still the threat of the lowlands flooding was evermore becoming a reality with each storm that came. The solitary ranger wanted to quickly finish his patrol so that he could take shelter from the storm in his warm den.
As the storm began to rain down the wolf knew that he would have to rely on his sight and hearing to detect signs of strangers, or enemies, lingering in the shadows. Sadly the water of the river and the rain rendered his sense of smell useless. It wouldn't be long before even his sight and hearing would be just as useless. Narrowed eyes scanned the surroundings with utmost care before moving on only when he felt there was no threat to be found. The night carried on like this for a short time before the massive fringe dire spotted what he believed to be the figure of a stranger approaching.
The sheets of rain coming down made it difficult to tell for sure but as he squinted his brilliant amber eyes he could see that it was just some shrubry moving against the wind. He wanted to go home so that his fur could dry off instead of it clinging to his massive frame. Honestly it probably made him look more intimidating but he just as likely looked ike a drowned cat. Casting another glance into the shadows the dire made a move to leave when he actually noticed something walking among the shadows. Suddenly his body tightened with alertness as his amber gaze locked onto the figure.
He waited a moment before slowly approaching ,"Who goes there," Necros barked above the sounds of the storm; which was currently ravaging the area. However the rangers attention was only focused on the figure..or rather figures. Another mass was noted at the feet of the larger stranger. Was it a kill he had made or perhaps he had a child with him? The fringe dire moved closer and was suprised to see a hellion standing across from him. Taking a moment to note the hellions appearance he allowed his eyes to fall to the bundle of fur that sat his feet. It too was a hellion but it seemed to be a pup but now that he was close enough to take in their scent the pup smelled different than the taller one. Eyes widened with the realization that the pup smelled of Geminis highlands. "What are the two of you doing out here?" he asked somewhat sternly. He cast a lingering glance to the pup before locking gazes with the darker colored stranger.
dont care
Almost Sparkles
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Dagan paused once more, taking a moment to give himself a good shake as the water seemed to seep in more deeply among his drenched fur, sending a spraying of water around him before letting his fur resettles once more. It was still early in the season... perhaps he should start looking for someplace to take shelter, at least until the rain slowed a bit. He hadn't really thought things through about travelling so long in this weather, though he didn't often encounter such heavy storms while he was on the move. Before now, he'd watched them lazily from the safety of some shelter or other when he'd stop for a few days here or there, but something was different about this place, the land almost seemed to urge him to continue onward. Such was a feeling he wasn't accustom to, and he wasn't entirely sure he liked its pull on him.
His deep brown gaze swept out over the landscape, seeking out a potential shelter over what he could see of these lightly rolling lands. There wasn't much to see through the darkness, even less through the heavy rains. A few individual trees scattered about, though those would do nothing to help him at this particular moment. He gave a snort of mild annoyance, there seemed to be nothing close by he could make use of for now. The idea of turning back to head for the mountains didn't appeal to him, but he didn't see much else to choose from. The grey-blue hellion was snapped back out of his thoughts as he felt something collide with his leg. Turning back, his gaze met... the blue eyes of a pup...? He blinked once, momentarily surprised by the little creature that stared back at him. What was a pup doing out here? And a hellion no less! The little creature backed up a bit, seeming to examine him a moment before giving a huff as he sat down. Dagan couldn't help but give a light chuckle at the grumpy little look of disdain that that glared back at him. Though where had it come from? Perhaps there were more hellions around. The pup didn't look particularly scrawny or underfed, so someone had to be taking care of him. "Who goes there," "What are the two of you doing out here?" Seating himself, he opened his mouth to speak, but a voice interrupted him. It seemed another had arrived, though this one was far from puphood, he noted. Narrowing his gaze lightly, he studied the new arrival, this one certainly wasn't a hellion like the youngster, though he could detect a similar scent over the both of them. Perhaps this land did belong to someone afterall, not that the thought hadn't potentially crossed his mind prior, he just hadn't really cared. The new arrival was dark, and look sturdy enough to hold his own should he have a need to, though he couldn't help but be mildly surprised at the lack of surprise the other showed at seeing him. Was it a common thing out here for wolves such as him to cross paths with his own kind? A brief glance the grumpy youngster seemed to give some credit to the idea. Dipping his head only slightly in way of greeting the the larger wolf, he shifted himself to try and block some of the rain's onslaught from the pup. He kept his voice level and calm as he finally spoke up himself "Though I can't say what brought my new young friend out here, I was simply walking. If I am trespassing, I suppose I should apologize, must have missed the border scents in this rain. Dagan is my name, stranger, perhaps you could tell me exactly where here is?" |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "It's not so bad out here."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
"Who goes there," The dark shadow that emerged from nearby startled Arcas, he wasn't able to sleep well due to constant thousand-eye nightmares that plagued him in the den. The lack of rest had left the pup more than a little twitchy around new people in unfamiliar surroundings - which was every encounter to him at the moment. The authoritarian tone reminded him of his mother and what she would do if she knew where he was.. Or maybe she wouldn't care? The she-wolf had been less than motherly towards her brood - yet still, Arcas clinged to the hope he might snap her out of her daze. Make her proud of him somehow.. The pup pouted at the two figures that now surrounded him, and he took a few steps back away from them both. Either of them could be a threat to his mission for mothers affection - and the stupid grey one had scared the tinkly bell off. "What are the two of you doing out here?" The adult hellion re-adjusted his position, shielding Arcas from some of the rain. The pup tilted his head, curious about the warmth of the gesture from the stranger. Taking advantage of the somewhat lessened down pour, the pup shook his coat off and sent water droplets flying. His fur remained sticking outwards from the motion, giving him a fluffy appearance. He hoped this made him look older and bigger than he was so these two did not think him incapable of defending himself. Really it just made him look like a cute, fluffy fur ball. "Though I can't say what brought my new young friend out here, I was simply walking. If I am trespassing, I suppose I should apologize, must have missed the border scents in this rain. Dagan is my name, stranger, perhaps you could tell me exactly where here is?" Friend? Arcas frowned and gave a rumbley puppy growl, he didn't have friends. Didn't need 'em. Certainly not friends with big idiots who scare off the tinkly bell. Plus he's a stranger to boot! Why would anyone need friends? Especially ones like him.. Arcas thought to himself with a huff. The rain seemed to be slowing a little for the time being, so he moved a little further away from the pair of males again. He didn't bother responding to the black and brown wolfs question, it was none of his business and Arcas was not exactly well versed on social etiquette. His mothers limited conversation and stunted affection had impacted the hell-pups development and understanding of social conduct. Plus he didn't want to run the risk of revealing too much and being scolded by mother later. This guy might be a stranger too, and I'm not interested in making anymore 'friends' today. The pup tried to re-focus his hearing to see if he could find the bell again, but it was gone - for now. He sat down, feeling disheartened, then lifted his hind leg to scratch behind his large, floppy ears and around his horn nubs. He was interested to hear how the exchange of words progressed, mother wasn't a teacher and this stuff sounded like it could be fun. What were these two doing out here anyway? I wonder if these two heard the bell too and came looking for it.. If they had maybe he could finally get some answers, as when he had asked his family about the bell they had all denied hearing it! Deaf and dumb... especially the freaks with three eyes. The pup relaxed a little knowing he was away from them all, with no chance of any having followed him through the weather. This was.. his first big outing without being tailed by those weirdos. The thought dawned on the pup and his pout became a snaggle toothed grin. Suddenly the weather didn't bother him as much, the stress of the situation melted away and he almost laughed for the first time.. almost. At ease with his situation he gave a satisfied yawn, then half cocked an ear forward and one back as he continued observing the two adults. They didn't have three eyes either, so they were.. normal. This was not so bad. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Acolyte Apothecary
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April 21, 2018, 09:59:31 AM
(This post was last modified: April 30, 2018, 09:54:57 AM by Necros.)
"Though I can't say what brought my new young friend out here, I was simply walking. If I am trespassing, I suppose I should apologize, must have missed the border scents in this rain. Dagan is my name, stranger, perhaps you could tell me exactly where here is?" The stranger, Dagan, didn't seem like he had any ill will for the rangers homeland but one could never truely be sure but Necros knew that he would quickly put an end to him if such intentions were noticed. The pups lack of response hadn't gone unnoticed and he once more glanced at the pup with a raised brow. The stoic glare that he was sending to the adults caused a frown to pull at his lips. Was the pup unaware of his predicament or was he just choosing to not answer simle questions? It didn't matter. In the end the ranger would escort the pup back to is family and let them handle the situation. Amber met brown as the finge dire turned his attention back to the silver colored hellion, "I understand missing the border markings," he stated calmly, "You have crossed into the borders of the Gemini pack." It was coming down to the moment that his training prepaired him for either he'd turn Dagan away or he would be screening the newcomer for possible acceptance. "At this point you have two options, wait out the storm and leave when it settles," he stated with as much authority as he could muster without sounding too harsh, "or you can become a member of the pack if it's something you desire." His tail twitched as lightening cracked across the sky, "Be warned though," he cautioned, "we don't tolirate traitors." He then turned his attention to the pup, "I will be escourting you back to your family den after this matter is settled," his stern tone let the other know that his fate would not be swayed. The pup must not have realized how lucky he was that Dagan seemed to be a decent sort. Out in this storm the little one could have gotten lost or injured with his reckless wandering. Thank goodness he would be returning with a pup and not a corpse. All the ranger could do now was wait for Dagans reply but either way the large male would make it short so that they could all get out of this storm. Speaking of which he thought as another gust of wind showered him with more water that, by now, just rolled off his already soaked coat and to he ground via his legs and face. Yes....he wanted to go home but sadly he couldn't leave his patrol half done. The large finge dire would have to return and start his trek again. Who knew; there maybe other strangers waiting out in this storm. When he accepted this role he didn't truely comprehend how tough his job would actually be but he would carry out his duty regardless...he didn't wish to do anything else. |
dont care
Almost Sparkles
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Dagan's ear gave the faintest twitch as the little hellion growled at his words, having to suppress a light smirk as the huffy little grump of a runt settled himself a little further from them. The pup wasn't done yet, suddenly the grump seemed oddly comfortable and rather pleased with himself, bringing about a small snort of amusement. Shaking his head slowly, he half wondered what was going through that little mind of his that he'd be content looking like a little drowned rat out here, but his thoughts were interrupted once again as the wolf's voice brought him back to reality.
"I understand missing the border markings, You have crossed into the borders of the Gemini pack." "At this point you have two options, wait out the storm and leave when it settles, or you can become a member of the pack if it's something you desire. Be warned though, we don't tolirate traitors." Joining? the hellion stared back at the wolf in mild surprise. That certainly hadn't been what he was expecting to hear. Narrowing his gaze lightly, he studied the dark wolf as his attention was briefly turned back on the pup. Did he want to join? He didn't know... he'd never even heard of this place or its pack... Which dominated here? The hellions? Wolves? Who knew. Perhaps they lived in some sort of peace, unlike his own home. He'd heard of wolf packs, but he'd never heard of them coexisting, though he'd no reason to doubt they may very well do so here, if what little interaction he could see between this duo was any indicator. He let his gaze shift from the other to pass over the territory around them. Which way marked what borders, he wondered silently to himself. The direction he seemed to have been going... would that take him deeper within their lands? or simply pass through them? If it was deeper in, perhaps joining would be the better idea, maybe he could figure out what had drawn him here in the first place. On the other note. What would living here, if even for a short time entail? He knew nothing of those who dwelt here beyond the name given... Gemini. If he were to judge solely on these two though, perhaps this land could be of interest. There was still a great deal he had left to learn about the world, and some chances were perhaps worth making. Turning back to face the Ranger once more, he gave a nod in the general direction he'd been heading. Yet unknown to him, it would lead in the general direction of the wall, and more in particularly, the wooded area that housed the hellion library. "A place to dry and rest for the evening would be appreciated... though if that direction will take me deeper within the... Gemini lands... Perhaps joining wouldn't be out of the question, though I would have a great many questions to ask before I decided to remain, assuming departure after joining would be tolerated, should I find it not to be a home I wish to call my own" |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "Screw this noise."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
"I understand missing the border markings, You have crossed into the borders of the Gemini pack." The pups excitement was quickly diminished by the simple statement. Arcas perked his ears up and his jaw dropped open. In his mind he had been heading north-bound, further into the pack lands. Not that he knew directions or what areas were which yet. I'm near the borders? No way I went that far!! The twinkling noise must have transported me or something... While he mulled this over the conversation around him continued on. At this point you have two options, wait out the storm and leave when it settles," The pup, still reeling over the realization of his location, hoped the storm would cease immediately so the new comer could be on his way. Then the twinkly bell would return and Arcas could use it to transport himself back to near the den and away from the other dark coloured wolf that had yet to give an introduction. The bell being magical was the only explanation the pup had settled on, as he couldn't fathom the reality that he had somehow clumsily loafed his way through stormy weather and into the lowlands. "or you can become a member of the pack if it's something you desire. Be warned though, we don't tolerate traitors." Lightening cracked across the sky again and a rolling, boom of thunder soon followed. The storm was worsening and the loud noises and bright flashes sent the pup skittering for cover. There were only two objects nearby for shelter - and he chose the one that had already protected him once from the rain. The little hellion dove underneath the larger, grey male adult who had called himself Dagan. Arcas nested himself under the males chest area, just behind the front legs. He peered out from his position to glare at the angry skies above. While he didn't want the bell-scaring male to agree to become a member of the pack, the pup also still liked him better than the other brown-black barking yap yap. The rain came bucketing down again and the pup became grumbly as cold and exhaustion chilled his body. Adrenaline and curiosity had kept him fueled for his journey to find the interesting noise. Yet these energy-giving resources had now ebbed away, and the pups body was not used to longer trips as he had only left the den less than a week ago. "I will be escorting you back to your family den after this matter is settled." Arcas cast a withering, angry look in the males direction. His tail twitched with annoyance and ears fell back as another rumbly growl escaped the youngster. There was no way this guy was going to let his mother, or anyone else, know where he'd been. The pups advantage was his scrawny size, he had already decided to slip away later - some where that they would be too big to follow him. Then he would make the rest of the way back to his den by himself. I'll ditch these idiots just as soon as I've got my bearings... Another clap of thunder echoed across the sky and Arcas, trembling, shoved his face into the leg of his shelter-providing 'friend'. It was time to move and get out of the elements. The pup was now tired, hungry and grumpy. The excitement of the situation had worn off and he had to get back towards the pack lands, back towards the den, so that he could rest after the eventful outing and re-think of a new strategy to catch the tricky, twinkly bell noise. His fur had now gone flat, clinging to skin and making him look like a drowned rat. The ground below him had turned soft and squishy, almost as if the water was unable to drain away. Slush covered the pups paws and, as rain continued to bucket down, it seemed to be worsening. The pup looked up at Dagan with small, tired blue eyes. Had the other hell-hound noticed the change in the ground too? coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Acolyte Apothecary
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April 22, 2018, 04:45:11 PM
(This post was last modified: April 30, 2018, 09:55:45 AM by Necros.)
"A place to dry and rest for the evening would be appreciated... though if that direction will take me deeper within the... Gemini lands... Perhaps joining wouldn't be out of the question, though I would have a great many questions to ask before I decided to remain, assuming departure after joining would be tolerated, should I find it not to be a home I wish to call my own." Necros nodded his head to Dagans request. A swift movement that caused eccess water to rapidly decend from his chin. The only source of cover within the out in these vast fields of prairies was a small gathering of trees that lay close to the wall; which acted as a natural divider between highlands and lowlands. There the dark canine could further inform the potential acceptee about the unique pack of Gemini. Another crack of lightening flashed in the darkness. Illuminating the area for a brief was time to move. Least they find themselves on the recieving end of one of those bolts. "I'll show you the way," he stated as he moved to the side, "we should move quickly and the pup seems rather fond of you so I would like to request that you keep a close watch on him," the ranger asked knowing he wouldn't be able to keep watch of their surroundings while also trying to tend to the pup. Plus Necros wasn't really parent material the only 'pup' he ever cared for was his brother and he wasn't exactly a child by any means. A gust of wind brought another sheet of rain plummeting down upon the dires already drenched coat....he really wanted to get out of this storm and dry off. The ground squelched beneath his large paws as he moved out towards the area of trees known as the hellions library. The irony was not lost on Necros which brought to mind something that the ranger had not yet done, "My name is Necros," he said in a gentler tone, "if you need to speak to me don't hesitate to let me know." With that the trek towards shelter began. Darkness and rain. Thats all that filled his senses as he walked ahead of the hellions leading them over the saturated fields of shortgrass. Obviously all the storms had began to take a toll on the usually dry hard ground. As the ranger walked he tried to find them more stable ground to traverse as his paws would sometimes sink and slip upon the moist surface. Making walking difficult. A few times he shook his head to rid himself of the liquid that fell into his eyes every so often. All the while the deep roar of thunder echoed constantly in the skies above them; accompanied by brilliant flashes of lightening that arched upon the dark grey clouds that gently rolled overhead. Every so often the large male would cast his gaze to the hellions behind him to check on them. The pup mainly. He was sure that Dagan could handle himself but the latter was still a pup and wasn't as hardy as the two adults. Perhaps the ranger should take him to the healer first before escorting him to his parents. Turning his attention to th horizon he spotted the shapes of the towering trees that marked the hellions library. "We're nearly there," he called over the roar of the storm, "Just over that hill." It was a straight shot from where they where now but he wondered if the pup would catch ill from the wet and the chill. As his head breached the trees outstreched branches he could immediately feel the rain ease up. It was a wonderous feeling and in the middle, standing proudly with its large branches twisting outward towards the heavens, was the hollowed tree. A perfect place to hunker down from the storm, "This should keep us sheltered for a bit," he stated as he stopped at the entrance and turned to his company, "After you two." |
dont care
Almost Sparkles
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(sorry for the delay, was a rough couple days, but back we go xD)
Dagan blinked once as the pup dove under him, shaking his head slowly with a smirk as he poked up from below to cast his glare up at the stormy sky above. It didn't take long for the little one's energy to seem to fade. He cast his gaze around briefly, wrinkling his nose lightly, he wasn't sure where close by where they could go to dry off. Flicking his ears lightly, he turned his attention back to the Wolf as he heard him speak once more. "I'll show you the way, we should move quickly and the pup seems rather fond of you so I would like to request that you keep a close watch on him," Considering that a moment, he turned to meet the tired blue eyes of the youngster hiding beneath him. Pushing himself back to his paws, he hesitated only a brief moment before nodding, as much to himself, as he made up his mind, as to his current guide. Stepping back a bit, he leaned down to reach for his scruff, intending to pick him up if he put up too much of a fight. If permitted, he'd lift him enough to keep his tail from dragging through the soggy grass, though tucked closer to his chest to keep him shielded as best he can from the rain. Once the both of them were situated, he'd turn to follow after. "My name is Necros, if you need to speak to me don't hesitate to let me know." His gaze shifted about only slightly as he followed along, not that there was much to be seen in the storm. If he chose to remain, he could always just come back and take a more proper look around. He had, however, noted that Necros seemed to be taking them in the direction he'd been headed in the first place. Whatever seemed to have led him this way was perhaps somewhere up ahead. Was it something in this territory? Or perhaps even beyond it? He let his mind wander a bit as he pondered things over. The odd slip of the paw barely phasing him as he shifted just enough to keep himself securely upright and moving forward. He could hear Necros speaking again, though he was too distracted to pay him too much mind for the moment. As they crested the last hill, he paused a moment, looking over the forest up ahead. Tilting his head very slightly, he gave a small snort. The urge to go there seemed to grow stronger the closer they came, and now he was doubting whether he really wanted to go closer. Could something like that be a good thing? perhaps it wasn't.Necros had continued right on forward, so there wasnt much else he could do but follow the wolf right on in. Approaching the tree slowly, he gazed up at it quietly before helping the smaller hellion get setting inside the hollowed section where it'd be the driest. Giving him a brief glance over, he took a step back to give himself a quick shake, setting loose much of the water that had collected in and among his fur. It was then that he finally turned to once again face Necros. "Gemini you said.... Tell me more about this place... Are there many of my own kind here as well as your own?" |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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April 25, 2018, 11:27:17 PM
(This post was last modified: April 26, 2018, 12:03:19 PM by Arcas.)
A R C A S "Mission Unsuccessful."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Arcas just managed to stifle a yawn as the adults exchanged conversation regarding the next plan of action. It sounded like a lengthy walk was to commence in order to find shelter, and the little hellion pup loathed the thought. As much as he hated his siblings, he was missing the warmth and familiarity of the den. He started trying to chart out a course in his mind to make his way back. There was no way he could rely on familiar smells and tracking, as the storm had washed away all traces of his path and distorted his surroundings. There was also the problem of what the big brown-black wolf had said.. If they were indeed by the border then Arcas was not familiar with the trails back to access the pack lands. However if they were lying to confuse him then the pup knew some familiar landmarks to the north and if he headed towards where he thought them to be then maybe he could find his own way back. His brain became fuzzy trying to weigh up the options. The thought of a milky meal began to prioritize itself in his mind, and as he sat in this muddied daze he hardly had time to comprehend what happened as the earth below him sank away and the surroundings began to move of their own accord. A familiar swaying sensation proceeded, lulling the pup into a half asleep trance. Perhaps if he had more energy he would have realized the predicament he was in. A small body of meat being gently carried above sodden grass and muddy earth. He was entirely at the mercy of the larger hellion that now carried him, yet he couldn't find the strength to worry. The pup dozed as the two adults made their way to the safety of a hollowed tree - the storm around raged on but Arcas paid it little attention now. The short nap came to an end as his carrier deposited the pup in the dried out hollow of the chosen tree. Arcas blinked a few times and looked around dozily as he regained consciousness from his sleepy haze. The dry area carried the heavy scent of his homeland and, after a few more blinks, he began to gather his bearings. The pup knew this place, his family den lay just a short way through the forest and off to the right. His siblings and himself had all stumbled to this tree with mother once, when she had began to encourage their exploring. Giving another yawn the pup stood, stretched, and shook off the water from his coat. The rain continued pouring outside the safety of the tree, and another flash of lightening lit up the forest around them. Arcas gave a shudder, he would wait for the storm to break before he made his escape from the 'babysitters'. The tree was much warmer and would allow him some time to gain the energy needed to slip away. His mind was starting to work again now and the pup soon realized he had been in the disgusting mouth of the 'friend'. Feeling indignant about being lugged around like a dead rabbit, Arcas threw the grey hellion a dirty look. There would be no trace of a thank you here. The pup fell to the ground in a huff and began rolling around in the dirt inside the tree base - eagerly trying to wipe off the slobber of the stinky hell beast. The two adults began discussing Gemini and the newcomer seemed interested in knowing what others resided in the homelands. Arcas continued his dirt bath, an ear half cocked in interest. He hadn't met too many pack members outside of the den yet. His lack of interaction meant he didn't know that others took appearances into consideration, and that his kind could be considered different from the rest. It was a young mind, filled with young thoughts. Everyone was just who they were and that's how it was in his head. Except the three eyed freaks... Or anything with multiple eyes. The pups mouth pulled up in disgust at the thought and he remembered why he hadn't minded the howling storm as much as the home den. Finishing up his time in the dirt, Arcas was satisfied that the stinky drool was no longer on him. So the pup stood and shook off again, sending speckles of dirt and mud flying around the den. His stained coat puffed up, leaving his cheek fluff standing on end and giving him a pouty looking face. The tree didn't leave much space to get away from the adults - so Arcas joined them. Sitting right in the middle and tilting his head between the two parties as they talked. He half remembered that while he was dozing, the brown black one had introduced itself as Necros. Dagan and Necros... So now he knew them both by name. He thought about what his mother had said regarding it not being safe to talk to strangers. I know their names though... that means I know them and they're not strangers? He pondered this for a while before concluding he was right, you can't be strangers if you know their name. What was in a name though? If he gave his name to them then would they be able to use it to dob him in later? Arcas also knew that strangers were bad though.. He didn't want to be bad, his mother wouldn't like that and it would get him into even more trouble with her if he was a bad stranger. Giving a nod of decisiveness the pup figured he better introduce himself or they wouldn't talk to him since he was a bad stranger. Without waiting for a pause in conversation, he randomly barked out loudly. “ARCAS.” Pleased with his contribution, he wagged his tail and tilted his head back to look up at both of the adults. He had a dorky smile, fur standing on end and mud caked into his coat. A twig had worked its way into his little mo-hawk and was sticking out at an odd angle - only adding to his disheveled appearance. His mission for the twinkly sound had been a failure, maybe it had led him here since it wanted him to meet these two though? For now the pup was just proud not to be a 'bad stranger' and would not have his adventure sullied so early on in the night of the storm! [OOC: Aaaand that's Arcas done! Enjoy the acceptance thread guys and thanks for the adventure! ;D EDITED: Lolol guess the puppy play continues! Glad you're enjoying Arcas being a pouty floof ~] coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Acolyte Apothecary
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The two hellions entered the opening, the larger one being somewhat hesitant, which confused the wolf. Once the two were settled and Dagan had rid himself of the excess moisture the water lagged ranger entered into the shelter he finally got to shake off all the rain that had been greedily coating his fur but as a result from the action his fur now stood up all over the place. Giving him the appearance of a drowned rat. Luckily for them that the tree had grown large enough to encompass them comfortably. Sadly though it did not manage to keep the wind at bay as was soon discovered as a breeze brushed against the moist fur of the fringe dire. He wanted to curl down on the dry dirt and warm himself but he couldn't allow is guard to be lowered. Its not that he didn't like Dagan, he seemed like an honorable sort, but if there was even a fraction of a chance that he tried to do something Necros wanted to be fast enough to act.
"Gemini you said.... Tell me more about this place... Are there many of my own kind here as well as your own?"
"I'm afraid I can't be of much help when it comes to Geminis history," he said, "I'm a recent member of the pack, in fact, I've been here for two weeks before you," it was somewhat saddening that Necros couldn't answer Dagans questions about the rangers homeland but he hadn't met with many of the others yet since everyone seemed to be busy with their own tasks. Plus Necros had been busy wandering the new territory with interest and while he had many questions he had not managed to speak them to someone. "I could call another scout who might be more knowledgeable about the subject but thats the best I can do for you on that subject," he finished before moving on to the other question. "As for your other question; yes there are other hellions in the pack. How many there are I can only guess but I'd be willing to bet that half the pack consists of hellions and two lions I believe or one might have been a hellion."
The ranger looked at the pup with interest as he took in the frazzled appearance of the youngster. How could something so small be so fiesty at his age? Was it how his family raised him or was it his own unique quirk? Either way the male nodded his head in recognition to the pups word. "Well met Arcas," the rangers voice was naturally rough but it managed to hold some warmth. The dark fringe wolf had positioned himself across from Dagan and, while he might not have fully trusted Dagan, he was comfortable enough to take a seat. God knows he wasn't going to keep on standing after walking all that way. "Do you have any other questions you wish to ask," he inquired as the sounds of the storm continued outside of the safe haven that the trio had managed to get to.
(Ooc: Sorry its short but I'm hoping that by this weekend I'll have enough free time to reply with lenghty posts. XC )
dont care
Almost Sparkles
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((sorry for the holdup, and for a bit of a short reply. Work's decided to make some changes that are annoyingly exhausting. Weekends will be easier for posting for now))
"I'm afraid I can't be of much help when it comes to Geminis history, I'm a recent member of the pack, in fact, I've been here for two weeks before you," "I could call another scout who might be more knowledgeable about the subject but thats the best I can do for you on that subject. As for your other question; yes there are other hellions in the pack. How many there are I can only guess but I'd be willing to bet that half the pack consists of hellions and two lions I believe or one might have been a hellion." Dagan wrinkled his nose lightly before turning to glance back out the direction they'd come. A small sigh of disappointment escaped him. This Necros wasn't much of a help, though if he was new as well, he couldn't really blame the wolf. He wasn't sure what to think, though if he was new himself and already ranked, he couldn't imagine this place to be too tough. His ear twitched lightly as he heard the little hellion rolling around in the dirt. Raising a brow lightly, he shook his head slowly as he finished and placed himself right between the two of them. “ARCAS.” "Well met Arcas, Do you have any other questions you wish to ask," The grey-blue hellion's head tilted slightly in momentary confusion at the pup's random declaration, though it quickly faded at Necros's reply. So the runt's name was Arcas, huh? As he looked the little guy over, he had to fight back a small smile at his dirty appearance. This little guy would need a bath before too long, he doubted the mother would want him taking another dirt one. He nodded to Arcas's introduction before looking back to the wolf, thinking his words over a moment. He'd mentioned hellions could make up maybe half of the population, though he couldn't help but wonder where these ones had come from. Necros also mentioned lions? HE wasn't sure what those were, but if he stuck around, perhaps he'd see one fore himself. "I suppose there isn't much else I could ask... I suppose I could stick around for now and see what I can learn from others here. I'm not really sure what brought me here... but I'd like to find out what. I could always learn more about this place in the process I think" |
Youth, Freak, Him, It
Unconventional Youth
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A R C A S "The tree is alive!"
actions - “speech” - thoughts
As the pup waited for the two adults to acknowledge him, a cold breeze burst through into the tree. The chill set the pups fur on edge and a shiver shook his body to the core. Giving a yip of displeasure he sprung to his feet and went skittering away from the entrance and the adults, leaving a little dust cloud in his wake. Taking refuge behind a gnarled root in the tree, he settled in like a cornered cat. Glaring outwards to the weather as it raged on. Another reminder of why he found it stupid mother had made them leave the den. Focused on his disdain for the storm outside, he hadn't noticed the ant nest underneath his tail. Stupid weather... stupid outside world.. stupid.. ITCHES!!! Giving a yap of indignation, the orange and black spun around and leaped into action. Gnawing intensely at the fur on his rump, little fangs desperately scratching a sudden itch that had crept up on him. Tiny black ants were sent flying from the pups backside, they had not taken kindly to sharing their space with the cold youngster. Arcas was not about to be beaten by something so small and began to smack at the ants with his paws. The game of whack-a-mole was one sided, big puppy paws flailed around at speed - squishing the trails of ants in groups and leaving them half alive, writhing in the dirt. While the massacre raged on, more ants trailed out from the nest, enraged at the death of their colony members. The sheer number of insects had Arcas' head darting left and right, trying to keep track of them while he smacked the new arrivals into the corpses of their dying comrades. The battle raged on and the ants kept streaming from their mound, tiny black pincers scissoring back and forth in a threat to their large opponent. Exhausted from the enslaught and bored from his game, the hell pup backed away from the gnarled root. Hair still bristling and growling at his tiny foes. As he moved away the ants settled down and began collecting the bodies of their fallen - taking them back into the nest to recycle them as food for the young. Another cold breeze lurched through the hollowed out tree and Arcas snapped his attention back to the storm and cold that raged around outside their little safe haven. The tree gave a loud creak as the wind slammed the side and the pups head snapped skywards to examine their shelter. His family den never made noises like this and the creaks set the puppy back on edge. Unable to decide what else could be done, the pup started yapping and barking at the roof. Growling and trying to back away from the noise, tail and hackles bristling in defense mode. Not paying attention to his surroundings, the puppies rump butted into the sentry. Shocked by the unexpected sensation of fur on fur, Arcas spun around and started snapping at the unknown threat - his eyes closed tightly and ears flat against fur. If he made any contact with flesh, tiny puppy teeth would be nothing more than an annoying gumming action to the adults. On edge from the lack of sleep and the unfamiliar surroundings, the hell pup thrashed around at the unknown threat. The adults can fend for themselves, I'm gonna get this thing! Another strong wind howled through the tree, a much louder moan and creak echoing from its old branches. Arcas hissed and spit, eyes snapping open so he could better attack the strange noise and anomaly. This was nothing like the tinkling bell, this presence seemed ominous and the hellions head spun in all directions as he tried to find his target in the enclosed space. Everything in here was after him! Out to attack him! Unable to see his foe the pup yapped again at the ceiling, glaring angrily at the tree that would not be silent. Unable to see his target, he once again accepted defeat. Someone else can deal with this guy! He spun around to the adults and weighed up his two options, this time he chose to dive for the larger of the two semi-familiar animals. Surely his size would make him better at fighting the loud and fearsome foe. Blue eyes locked on his target and Arcas went barreling towards Necros, intending to jump into the gap between the males four paws. The pup was unaware he had just been snapping at his intended shelter. Would the sentry let the little orange and black ball so close to his vital organs after an 'attack'? coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
Acolyte Apothecary
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Necros could see the hellions nose crinkle as he turned his head towards the entrance of the tree. His eyes seemed to reflect the raging storm, loud and churning with conflict, the ranger understood and didn't hold it against him. In all actuallity Necros was an acolyte apothecary he only attented to rangers duties when he had freetime. However Necros believed that there were members who could give the traveler the knowledge that he was seeking. The ranger didn't know what Dagan was looking for but they would help him the best they could. If it was something he wanted. Joining a pack was a large commitment and Necros could see that the silver toned hellion was wanting more information about his potential new home before taking such a large step. It was a reasonable request and the ranger was disheartened that he, as a pack member, could not answer his questions about his pack.
"I suppose there isn't much else I could ask... I suppose I could stick around for now and see what I can learn from others here. I'm not really sure what brought me here... but I'd like to find out what. I could always learn more about this place in the process I think" The fringe dire opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a loud yelp. His ears rotated towards the sound before his eyes turned upon the small figure of the hellion pup as he swatted at the ground. A moment of silence passed before the male turned his attention back towards Dagan only to be distracted once again. This time it was when he felt a sensation against his leg and before he knew what was happening the youngster was using his leg as his personal chew toy. A brow rose as the pup began going on a frenzied tantrum of sorts. His snarling and barking seemed to be aimed towards the ceiling. Amber eyes glanced upward as he took notice of the trees groaning. The wood was bending against the fury of the wind but it was nothing to worry about; just the branches swaying. The wolf suddenly found himself the target of the pup and he had to quickly rise to his feet to avoid a tackle to his sensative parts. The ranger was perplexed to the pups actions; seeing as the child had taken a liking to Dagan for the majority of their meeting. The large canine glanced up towards the ceiling before looking down towards the pup. "There is nothing to fear," he said calmly, "it's the tree singing." A gentle smile graced his face as the ranger recalled the story that his mother had told him and his brother when they were younger. "The trees are scared of storms too," he began, "but unlike you and me they can't take shelter from when the trees get really scared they sing to drown out the sound of the storm." He didn't know how the pup would take to his mothers tale but it brought an ache to the dires heart. It had been some time since had thought of his family and the memories of the past brought a yearning for his blood kin but it was never to be. The ranger cleared his throat and returned to his task, "There are members within the pack that can answer the questions you seek and maybe you will find something to strive for while your here?" Necros wasn't sure how to comfort Dagan but he wasn't one for not trying; after all the pack was based around kinship. "Now, if you would like I can take you to the pack after the storm passes and perhaps you will find what you are looking for," Necros grinned, "just to make it clear I am accepting you to join the Gemini pack you will be free to traverse the territory and go deeper into the highlands." The black and brown wolf watched the Dagan with interest as he waited for his response. He would be rangers first acceptance to the pack and he wondered how the hellion would take to his new home. Would he grow to love it or would he be restless and yearn to seek out different lands? Those questions could not be answered by anyone but time...and there was plenty of time for the answer to surface. Necros could only watch him and see how he grew. (Consider your character accepted. Welcome to Gemini! I would recommend looking into Geminis Ooc information to get to know more about the pack. Do you still want to continue the rp or call it finished?) |