Private Roleplay Mushrooms are fun! [PRP - Solrush] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"Lord of the Body."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Bliss. That was what flowed through Vadishs mind as he chewed on his latest find from the Tortuga pack lands. The climate had been perfect for him to find a flurry of different 'medicinal' herbs thriving, and there was even a secret spot with some fantastical mushrooms that gave him the feeling as if he was shrinking.. shrinking.. shrinking away from the world. Everything seemed large and beautiful around him as the hellion padded through the pack lands and headed towards the shoreline. The salty air swept briskly through his blue hued coat and he breathed it in deeply. Invigorating. Stimulating. What a perfect day. He hummed to himself with these thoughts, floating across the sandy dunes and down to greet the ocean that stretched out before him. If only Bree, his bobcat mentor, could have come with him. He hoped deep down that she had found somewhere nice for herself and hadn't instead found.. a violent end. A horrendous image flashed into his mind of lynx fur strewn across a forest floor - her dead, lifeless eyes gazing straight towards him. The bobcats broken, bleeding maw parting to whisper one final word.. "Why?" Vadish abruptly shoved his head face first into the sand before him and began violently scrubbing against the grains to clear the image from his mind. When he raised his head again, sand clung to his now messed up mohawk. A nasty taste spread in his mouth and he stumbled his way to the waters edge, lapping up the salty liquid to remove the bile from his mouth. The salt water settled awkwardly in his stomach and little bursts of colour began to appear before his eyes, showering the ocean in rainbow hues and re-inspiring the hellions fascination and wonder at the world that lay around him. His pupils dilated and a manic laugh escaped from him as he began running and skipping through the shallows - bounding down the shoreline towards a rocky outcrop. As he approached the rocks, a strange looking sandy coloured boulder began moving. Then as he got closer it started to grow fur, then a tail and finally ears until the boulder transformed into a creamy wolf! Intrigued by this morphing boulder Vadish approached with no fear or hesitation - what was it doing? He stopped just behind the creature and peered his head over it's shoulder - the strange furry boulder had a stick in it's mouth and was poking at weird images on the boulder. The pictures glowed with vibrancy, leaping off the boulder to dance laps around Vadish's head. He snapped at them playfully, catching one and watching as it burst into a million sparkles above him. Beautiful. Amazing! "Whatcha up to furry boulder? How'd you make these pretty things?" He gestured to the air around him, poking another of images with his moist nose and watching as it too burst into a million star-like pieces. What an amazing place they lived in, who knew such beauty could exist in a world filled with violence and tragedy. The hellion hummed quietly to himself as he waited for a response - his hair was a mess and sand still clung to his face from the incident earlier. Certainly quite the sight for any creature to behold. He nosed his way past the furry boulder to stare more intently at the images on the boulder. They wiggled and vibrated, giggling at him and whispering. Vadish chuckled at their antics and licked the images on the rock, leaving a smear through the picture. He licked his lips, the flavor was unique - like a rainbow in his mouth. Delicious. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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It was her escape, really.
Art was something her and her mother had bonded over, once upon a time. Of course it wasn't really all that long ago, Solrush was only a pup a matter of a couple years ago. Nonetheless, she had been through a lot of adjustment and travel since her days as a young queen in her parents' pack in the neutral lands. Finding a home in Tortuga was probably one of the better choices she had ever made. After losing most of her family, be it to illness or to living far away, Solrush was happy to settle down somewhere permanently. Her siblings were still wandering around, as far as she knew. Her family had never been particularly close to one another, so sticking together was not a priority. Maybe one day she would run across one of them if they hadn't passed on by now. Her parents were likely gone by now, they had been older when she was a child and the lone-life was hard on an elder wolf. She loved the scent of the berries she used for her paintings. Solrush used both her own paws and several sticks varying in size; she was detail oriented when it came to her paintings. As a crafter-in-training, she felt it proper to pay close attention to detail. She would like to be a fully recognized crafter soon, but knew that she needed to perfect her skills relative to Tortuga's needs in order for that to happen. Suddenly, an unfamiliar smell wafted towards her, followed by a large, blue creature. Solrush's ears pricked forward at first, curious as to who her company was. She had seen him in passing before; he was hard to miss, really. As for actually speaking with him, Solrush couldn't recall many words being exchanged between them. She opened her mouth to express a greeting, but shut it again and flicked one ear to the side in confusion. Furry boulder? Her green eyes shifted left-to-right a couple of times, I...what...? she stammered, half amused and half concerned for the stranger. He was gesturing around him, and yet she didn't see anything around him at all. Solrush let out a small chuckle at his antics and answered, I just use berries, mostly...flower petals....the colors stain the rocks--hey! Solrush's brow furrowed a bit and her ears pinned slightly in annoyance; he was eating the painting. What was once a purplish mountain range with an orange sunset sky was now a smudge. It certainly wasn't her best work, but Solrush couldn't help but be slightly irritated with someone who felt it appropriate to just waltz up and ruin her work. What the hell was he laughing at, anyway? So, I can't help but have a few questions if you don't mind? she asked dryly, standing up and eyeing the hellion over. Typically, Solrush's temper stayed in check. She didn't foresee any explosions in the near future, because there was usually an explanation for these sort of things--no matter how bizarre it may be. So...what's your name? Best start with an easy question. The dude seemed out of it. |
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"Lord of the Body."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
I...what...? The furry boulder seemed confused about it's own existence. Vadish shook his head and blinked a few times before looking harder at the golden boulder. He narrowed his eyes and sniffed in it's direction - a familiar scent indeed. Yet not one that had needed any medical assistance from him yet, so he was unsure why the fluffy rock smelled familiar to him. It definitely held the smell of Tortuga though, which was all the hellion needed to confirm this was one of his kin - a pack member and a potential new source of information. I just use berries, mostly...flower petals....the colors stain the rocks--hey! The shock and indignation was apparent in her voice - perhaps he was not meant to have interfered with her tiny dancing creatures? He could see the annoyance in her stance too. Maybe they were her babies? Then again that's silly, who makes babies out of berries and flower petals? He thought to himself as he straightened his body up and threw out his most dazzling grin to the she-wolf. The sort of smile that put everyone at ease immediately, he was no threat to those that did not threaten the pack. He certainly wasn't interested in getting on anyone's bad-side if he didn't have to. He looked back at the smeared rock, unable to tell what the image was originally meant to be. All he saw were scattered limbs of little creatures and their smooshed guts strewn across the rocky face. "Ahem.. sorry 'bout that miss. They were mighty tasty though!" He licked his maw to retrieve the remaining flavor, a welcome treat to his salty mouth. The she-wolf stood and he felt the weight of her gaze running across his body. The hellion flicked an ear back, unfazed by the examination. He certainly was a sight to behold. The long, flowing tail that streamed behind him often caught more than one or two looks of interest from passers by. So, I can't help but have a few questions if you don't mind? So...what's your name? His ear raised again in curiosity. Questions? Normally that was he domain. Still, better to play along until he knew the stance of this creature and could determine its intent within Tortuga. His superiors were counting on him to sus out any threats before they became too much of a nuisance. That was his motive as a covert Phantom, not that this creature could know that. It was information reserved for the higher-ups and someone like this would not be privy to such knowledge. "A name? Hmm ... I am Vadish! Lord of the body and resident Surgeon of Tortuga." He gave a small bow of his head with this introduction, the motion sent his head spinning into a frenzy again and he tried to ignore the little creatures that were pooling around the she-wolfs feet. They seemed to be tickling her - but she seemed unfazed by their actions. Perhaps this is one of the side affects of the Mushrooms... very interesting. He mused to himself as he straightened his pose and tried to ignore the hallucinations continuing assault on the she-wolf. Speckles of colours flashed before his eyes, like dancing rainbows above the she-wolfs head. "So pretty...." He murmured to himself, losing comprehension of what were thoughts and what had become words. Were they not all the same in the end? He cleared his parched throat and shook his body off, grains of sand flying from his face and mohawk returning to it's usual precarious position. "And how about yourself miss? Are you.. a local of Tortuga? It would be nice to make acquaintance with any new creatures. For it is a most magical day ..." His voice trailed off as he gazed lovingly at the world that surrounded them. The gentle lapping of the waves was music to his ears and colours were brighter and more vivid then he had ever remembered them to be. Oh if only everyone could share in such an experience.. He would definitely have to collect some of those mushrooms to add to his supply den. The other pack mates were going to LOVE this. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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Solrush didn't feel the least bit threatened by the large male; he smelled of her home and seemed a little too out of it to pose any sort of real threat. Solrush relaxed a little; it wasn't the end of the world for one painting to be ruined. It had been a quick piece anyway. Plus, he seemed to be enjoying the flavor of her medium very much considering his repeated licking of his maw. And a smile that was a cross between welcoming and sly; perhaps a bit goofy. The she-wolf let out a small sigh and returned to a sitting position.
I can't help but snack on them myself sometimes, she said, smirking a bit in amusement. She, of course, assumed he was referring to the berries when he said "they." It's too bad some of the prettiest ones are quite poisonous...they would make for some interesting tones. Sol had only had one run-in with a poisonous berry, and thankfully it had only resulted in vomiting and a stomach ache for the rest of the day. She was no medicine extraordinaire, but she could differentiate between most dangerous plants solely due to her love of painting with their dyes. Although, Vadish--as she now knew him by--likely knew more about the medicinal uses of these plants she utilized. Clearly none of them had been dangerous, seeing as he stuck his nose right in the center of their smeared remains. Pretty? Puzzled, Solrush's ear turned slowly to its side and one eye narrowed slightly. She knew he didn't mean her; she was quite plain looking for a she-wolf. Her muted tones helped her blend in and stay pretty much unnoticed in a crowd of more boldly colored wolves. And it didn't bother her, really. Sol doubted anyone would say such a thing only moments after meeting, anyway. Glancing behind her among the trees, she assumed he meant their surroundings. Yes...pretty, I guess...? she agreed, wondering if this was his idea of small talk or if he had hit his head prior to running into her. Pleasure, she began, mimicking his slight bow of introduction. I'm Solrush. training, she added, green eyes flicking over Vadish's face. He seemed slightly distracted by something. Or just dizzy. Either way, she felt like something was awry, but she wasn't sure if asking was appropriate. Surely a Surgeon could self-diagnose anything wrong with them. Magical day indeed... she chuckled, pausing momentarily and then asking, How so? Do you know something I don't about today? |
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"Berries are tasty. Mushrooms are fun!"
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Vadishs mind wandered briefly to another time, a time where the sunlight shimmered through the forest trees and warmed his back. There was no salty breeze here and no crashing waves - miles from any significant body of water. It was a peaceful place, now clouded in a surreal haze. He was an adolescent then, gangly and awkward as he found his place in the world. While sitting next to his mentor, Bree, he was once again asking the bobcat another question in the line of many during their time together. "But Bree, aren't these berries poisonous?" The lynx had suggested to the hellion that they chow down on several of them, a wry smile on her face and a playful glint in her eye as always. "You would be correct, but combining certain species with other specimens can even out the toxic and fatal effects via a chemical collision like no other! Of course it's important we know if there are any side effects to such combinations so today you and I are testing that for the good of others!" The memory faded away as quickly as it had come, no matter how hard the blue-coated male tried to hold onto it. The dazed look in Vadishs eyes cleared and he jerked back to the present moment. The side effects that day had been minimal at best - but his blood stream still coursed with many combinations of obnoxious plant toxins, and the long term costs of these experiments still remained unclear at this stage. Clearing his throat he murmured his response, looking away towards the ocean and watching the rising and falling of the swell. “It's also true of people, that the prettiest ones are quite poisonous.” His ears fell back and he frowned for the first time in what seemed like an eon. It wasn't like him.. Then again with a combination of mushrooms, sea water, obnoxious berries and sand in his digestive system what else was to be expected? Another flashback took him to a time before Bree, blood splattering and bone crunching sounds pierced Vadishs ears and a manic laughter echoed in the depths of the back of his mind. Pleasure, I'm Solrush. training, The sentence bought him crashing back to reality. He refocused on the real world again and ignored the burning images that still pounded through his mind. A crafter hey? Vadish himself had considered this role but decided that the pack would benefit more from his medicinal knowledge then from trinkets and the like. He still made his own wares for the sake of storing herbs and treating patients though and so was useful with his paws. The male watched as the she-wolf bowed in an awkward way, he determined it was more mocking than genuine but this was a playful gesture if anything and nothing that seemed to harbor ill intent. He still wouldn't rule out too soon that this female may be spitefully plotting against Tortuga - everyone had to slowly prove themselves to Vadish. This was both due to his secondary pack role and also from the paranoia that was developing due to his latest concoctions. Remembering he had a duty to protect Tortuga from internal sabotage snapped him back to his happy and attentive self, the playful grin returning and his focus re-adjusting back to Solrush. “Everyone started out in training at some stage. So what is it that you craft then?” There were many choices a crafter could take when it came to pedaling wares within Tortuga, did this wolf have what it took to stand out among them all? Tortuga was a cut throat enough place as it was, and there was no room for the weak and worthless. Every member had to bring something valuable to the table to earn their scrap of meat within this world. Otherwise they were no better than the slaves they kept. Magical day indeed... How so? Do you know something I don't about today? The smile spread wider across Vadishs face. Know something? What a weird question! Maybe she was an infiltrator after all? If there was ever an event that the general pack needed to know about then it would have been announced - she would know that if she was a true pack member. Then again, maybe it was an innocent enough question and he was just over thinking things? He shrugged it off.. for now. “Every day is what you make of it m'dear!" He laughed and shook his head, she clearly hadn't dabbled in any hallucinogens or she'd know about the magic and vibrancy of the world around them too. Vadish had to remind himself that not everyone had his knowledge or access to the same resources. That's why he was here! To educate his pack members on all the remedies the world had to offer. How lucky they were to live in such an abundant piece of the world - if you knew where to look that is. "So what are you going to make of today.. Solrush was it? The day was still young and Vadish was getting restless, his stomach gurgled angrily - he had yet to eat anything substantial today and that salty water was not being very agreeable. He stretched his body out, tail stiffening backwards and claws outstretched, raking through the sand. The blue coated hellion rolled over into the sand and rubbed his fur into the grains - it was such a pleasant scratchy feeling and he poked his tongue out as he wiggled in front of the crafter - waiting for her response while enjoying himself. He was hoping to return to his den soon for some of his favorite green herb to help settle his stomach and dull the effects that the mushrooms had bought on. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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They did live in a beautiful area; Solrush often found inspiration in their little world. Between the shades of deep green in the trees and the sharp blue of the waves on the beach, she had many things to encourage her creative mind. Solrush overlooked and took for granted her surroundings a lot; she became so wrapped up in her own head, or in her tasks for the day, that she simply would forget she was living in such a unique environment. The busy days of pack-life distracted her, and others too she was sure. Vadish, however, seemed an exception to this. He was quite enthralled with nature; enthralled enough to smash his nose into her rock canvas.
She gave a scoff and a curt nod of agreement, arching her brows as well. Agree with you there, she said. Solrush was still young; too young to have ever suffered much heartbreak.The loss of most of her family was of course tragic, but somehow it remained in the darkest parts of her mind, unable to be reached. While she had been quite young, she remembered the old wandering pack she had been born into. As a heir to their throne, no less. In her youth and pup hood, she had been sheltered by her mother and didn't see much of the world until she was forced into it after the breaking up of her pack. Her mother passed, and her siblings all wandered in separate directions so it was unlikely she'd ever see them again. All of this would come pouring out of her, she imagined, at an inopportune time. What was it she crafted? Solrush did a half-assed job of hiding her amused smirk; he had run head-first into her "craft." I am a painter, she answered. Our world is beautiful, but there's something about vibrant colors that add a touch of magic to it. I imagine having decorative murals around during festivals and ceremonies could offer an interesting touch to Tortuga. It would be interesting; she knew it would be. Through art, one could depict scenes of glory after the winning of a battle, or portray cultural symbols of Tortuga during important events within the pack. Solrush had recently taken a curiosity to tattooing as well, and liked the idea of learning the art form in a more intricate way. Eyes glancing to the sky in a motion of thoughtfulness, Solrush hummed momentarily. I don't know... she said, looking back at Vadish. There's something about not knowing the next move of the day that is quite thrilling. |
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"So, who are you really?"
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Agree with you there. I am a painter. Our world is beautiful, but there's something about vibrant colors that add a touch of magic to it. I imagine having decorative murals around during festivals and ceremonies could offer an interesting touch to Tortuga... There's something about not knowing the next move of the day that is quite thrilling. The larger male finished his rolling in the sand and returned to all fours, giving a quick shake of his long fur. Vadish gave a slow nod of acknowledgment and glanced towards the rock he had licked earlier - the colours were smeared together and he couldn't make out what it was. Yet it didn't take him long to put two and two together as he saw the array of berries and stick 'brushes' that lay at the feet of Solrush. If his fur hadn't hid it, he would have blushed. Instead he managed a sheepish smile, swallowed and cleared his throat. “I... ahhh... mm.. I mean.. Did I just eat your craft then??” He half laughed but followed it with a quick cough to stifle his bemusement and looked away from the she-wolf awkwardly. Not really wanting to hear the answer as he already knew it. Even with the smearing, it was obvious this was something she'd been working on for some time based on the number of colours on the rock and the size of the painting itself. Not a laughing matter at all. Well.. There's no curing a damaged artwork! The hellion sighed internally to himself as he remembered that some things were beyond his abilities as a surgeon. Not everything could be healed.. He shook his head and cleared the thought - instead starting to picture what the festivals would indeed look like with large and colourful murals. He toyed with the idea in his head, enjoying the thought of getting the whole pack high and letting their minds trip together as the bright and colourful images would play around them. What a festivity that would be indeed! “I am sorry for eating your craft.. Better not use any poisonous berries for decorating at those events, just in case!” He laughed out loud at the thought, pack mates all high and copying his actions from before - licking the paintings by accident and then being sent into a dizzying schizophrenia thanks the obnoxious plants. Ahhh... that would be a great few days for me. Good way to knock off someone inconspicuously too... He pondered the thought and stored the idea in his vault. It would make for a great 'accident' should one need to occur in future gatherings. A smile tugged at his maw and he began to walk away from the rocky outcrop. After he was a few steps past Solrush, he looked back over his shoulder at her and cocked his head. The blue Mohawk flopped to the side from the motion and he gave a tilt of the head - motioning off in the direction of his apothecary. “I have to go get something, would you like to come with me?” The blue hellions long tail swayed and flicked just above the ground, sometimes skimming the dirt below. He would wait for a response from the female before proceeding. His high was wearing off and he was craving his favorite... remedy. Would this she-wolf choose to follow? Or would she wait here to fix her painting while Vadish fetched what he required. It was always hard to predict the actions of another. Yet their actions revealed a lot about a character, and that was something Vadish was keen to find out more about from Solrush. What was her character? coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia
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Solrush chuckled as Vadish glanced away from her in slight embarrassment, seemingly just realizing what he had done. At this point, she was over it and was not annoyed in the slightest with her new acquaintance. She offered a relaxed smile as he cleared his throat.
You did. But it's all right, she said. Perhaps we can call it 'abstract' now? she chuckled, looking over at the smeared mess. It truly did not look as awful as one might think. The random and sporadic blending of the stains had a unique touch to it that she would try to keep in the back of her mind for later use. It could be fun to paint something where she didn't depict anything at all. Simply mixing colors together in strategic splashes and swipes to create a mood could be an interesting project to work on, too. It might actually work better for the festivals she wished to paint for one day; too much happening in a piece may distract from the event. Nothing poisonous, I can assure you, Solrush assured him, shaking her head. There are too many ways for that to go wrong. Imagine accidecanlly poisoning a packmate? she said with a small cringe. Solrush would never forgive herself if someone were to be hurt or to die by her hand. Accidentally, of course. She would in any instance defend herself or a packmate if need be, but pure murder or maiming was quite a ways out of her comfort zone. At least at this point in her life she believed it to be. Solrush was young and life could turn and twist into something much darker for her than it is right now. She wondered if she would ever change for the worse? Surely if she managed to cope silently with the loss of her entire family, she could withstand anything. Truthfully, Solrush had yet to figure out how much she was really capable of. One thing she did know about herself was that she was curious. Ears pricked slightly at the invitation to follow him to his den, and Solrush nodded. I'll join you, she told him with a nod as she rose to all four paws. She was also cautious, but tended to ease up on that particular trait when dealing with members of Tortuga. It was unlikely that many of them had ill-will toward one another. She did have Vadish out-sized in terms of height at least. His tail made him seem much larger and heavier than he likely was. Solrush was normally among the tallest and largest in a group despite being a female; her whole family had been quite well-built so she inherited those traits, it seemed. How did you find yourself in Tortuga? she asked, turning to look at the male as they walked. |
Him, He, Himself
Lord of the Body
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"New friends are hard to find."
actions - “speech” - thoughts
The creamy coloured she-wolf was very forgiving of the stone-licking mistake and Vadish was grateful for her kindness. Most would not have taken kindly to their work being smeared and destroyed, especially in a pack of pirates. At least she has a good sense of humor! He mulled to himself as Solrush assured against the use of poisonous materials in her works. It was a young mind, filled with pure intentions. Yet she was surrounded by a pack of scally wags and scum from across the lands. They were all pirates after all, even if they did accept meek lambs into their strong hold. Vadish gave another warm smile to reassure his lady companion, inside it was a sinister grin. He certainly would never accidentally poison a pack-mate... Intentionally though? As required.. He chuckled in his own mind, now there was something he would never admit out loud. Along with the slight sense of satisfaction when he watched a traitors final 'remedy' send them spinning into a convulsing, vomiting mess. Writhing on the floor while their lungs drowned in a foam their own body created - suffocating those that had done wrong. It was a type of high that was rare for him, yet one of the most satisfying highs of all. The female had agreed to join him on his journey to the apothecary, Vadish politely waited for Solrush. He maintained his position until she had made her way over and then he set off along the well-known route back to his herb collection. Keeping a steady pace so that they traveled side by side, with him only a head length ahead to guide the way. This was another important trust-building action that Vadish had perfected over time. The art of being friendly, of being approachable, of matching your patient and gaining their unwavering trust. Sometimes it was a slow process, yet in the end it was always worth the effort. Connections were the backbone of the pack and of their success, Vadish knew that each part must co-operate and integrate in order to survive as a unit. It was easy to fly under the radar when you were alone, but with the liability of others - it required everyone to contribute in order for things to run smoothly within the 'walls'. How did you find yourself in Tortuga? Orange eyes glanced towards Solrush as he wondered how best to respond. It was important to give enough information to win her over, but not enough to allow her too close to know how he had come to be selected for his dual-action role. Clearing his throat he re-focused his attention on the pathway ahead, winding past the trees and bushes as he spoke. “I followed my nose... You see, back where I came from, the terrain changed and became toxic - poisoning the plants and remedies where I resided. The medicine I would have used to treat the toxicity in others also became poisoned and... ” His voice trailed off as he remembered the catastrophe, the whole thing had even made a well established pack re-locate. Many animals never made it out of the area... Some had been deliberately laid to rest during that time, with the event used as an elaborate cover-up. Another snippet of the past flashed into the hell-hounds mind of a time that would never be spoken of, and actions that were forbidden from repeating. “Needless to say, I couldn't be much help. So I started sniffing for somewhere with an abundant supply for my work.” At this point the blue hell hound stopped and gestured a white tipped paw to the terrain around them. “Needless to say, I found Tortuga. They needed my services, I needed their supplies. It really was a fair negotiation all round!” He gave a laugh to shake off the impact of what he had told the she-wolf, normally the story was enough to leave anyone feeling solemn and contemplative of their turbulent existence in this land. “What about yourself? How did you find your way to Tortuga Solrush?” The hellion began walking again, continuing the journey towards the apothecary. It wouldn't be long before the clearing and den came into sight, but they still had a while to talk and Vadish was interested in finding out more about his new companion. It was hard to find decent conversation among the busy scally wags and the blue hell-hound expected he would be bumping into this crafter again during pack events. Better to be on her good side and have her trust him, surgeons were on call to all the pack-members and Vadish wanted to make sure he was the first one they would howl for in an emergency. Emergency situations often revealed important information and occurrences that he needed to report to his superiors on. Being the first on the scene meant having access to the freshest information and recounts before everything became clouded with rumors and false information. Every pack member was a valuable connection, and Vadish intended to 'connect' with them all. coding © vixxie's codes | edits © Nadia