Acceptance thread i'm feeling like a big bang | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() The worst part of Borogrove falling apart was that he no longer had the herb garden and shed, and his collection of test rabbits. Jessie had failed to really connect with any of the pack members, so he had not taken their disappearances too hard. He had felt that Borogrove was going to be the pack he finally got to prosper in, but here he was, alone once again. If only Alchemilla had never fallen, then he would be doing what he’s good at and with family. But that was so long ago, and he didn’t even know if anyone from then was alive. Now he was an adult, and he didn’t want to just be healing himself. He had been taught to care for others, to be a doctor to all. It was useless to be a loner for him. He had traveled some, and then given up on trying to learn about any packs close by. The next one he came across, he went directly to the border. His old mask hung around his neck, the face on his nape. There were some herbs stuffed into it, for he had tried to gather as much as he could from the wilds. The boy was skinny, not caring much for eating, only doing so out of survival. From whoever were to lay eyes on him, they might think that he was just a stupid boy, not knowing how to properly hunt. But the scent of the herbs he carried were stronger up close, and his eyes were hard and determined. He had a purpose in life, and he fucking knew it. The howl would go up from the border, and then Jessie would just stand there. As soon as someone would come up, he would quickly try to be the first one to speak. “Jessie.” He’d point to himself with his paw. “Jessie healer. Good healer. Been all life.” He knew what he could offer. He had played this acceptance game before. “Jessie heal for pack. Whatever pack is. Jessie heals.” He would learn where he was later on. Anything they would try to throw at him, he could handle. As long as they would allow him into the land to continue his experiments and learning, he wouldn’t give a shit what they did. He would look almost impatiently at whoever showed up. |
Almost Sparkles
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March 17, 2018, 09:04:28 PM
(This post was last modified: July 12, 2018, 10:03:57 PM by Historia.)
[The first ring had been somewhat lonely for a time as Saboro settled into its new home. Steadily, though, the bodies began to trickle once more towards the borders, seeking entry into the pack of the red tattoo. There were other sentries, as well; Historia had encountered their scent trails here and there along the gates to the bloody taiga. As long as none of them got in her way, they'd all get along - otherwise the viper didn't much care for the others that shared her rank and duties.
A howl echoed out over the cold territory, catching the woman's attention. Footfalls increased in speed as she sped through the forest somewhere between trotting and running. She could smell him, the outsider. He didn't seem to be from any pack, not that Historia knew of anyhow. Oriole-yellow eyes caught sight of the recruit through the dark green of the trees and foliage. As she approached, the viper was met with not only an introduction but the whole damn spiel at once. Her immediate reaction was to get a little pissed that he hadn't even allowed her to speak - another part of her could definitely appreciate him cutting right to the chase. “Jessie. Jessie healer. Good healer. Been all life. Jessie heal for pack. Whatever pack is. Jessie heals.” Historia couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter at the young man's odd way of speaking. What the fuck?? Had no one taught him how to talk? Still, he got his point across, and with Saboro rebuilding as it was.. they needed to fill their ranks. Settling back, she regarded him for a moment like sizing up a piece of meat, gaze obviously scrutinizing. "Well, Jessie, this is Saboro, and I'm Historia." A paw gestured to the territory behind her and herself, respectively. "Say you get a big gash on your shoulder - how would you fix it?" She looked at him expectantly, adding "If you want in, I need you to prove you're not bullshittin'. " Admittedly, Historia knew next to nothing about the healing process. There were a few personal injuries she'd had to have tended to, however -- and she remembered the healing process for that shit vividly. She would base her questions to Jessie on those experiences, and the rest she would just wing. It had worked for her so far. |
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![]() The vibe he got from the wolf that approached him was some kind of sickly sweet thorn. He didn’t take himself for the best judge of character - he felt too detached from reality to be able to properly read people - but he felt this girl would snap if she wanted. Jessie did not back down from her when she approached, nor barely flicked an ear when she laughed towards him. He didn’t care, he was so tired of traveling from place to place. He knew where he stood in this world, where he prevailed. If she didn’t believe him for whatever reason, then he could move on to another place. At this point he wasn’t exactly picky. "Well, Jessie, this is Saboro, and I'm Historia." The name almost sounded familiar, but years of changing from one pack to another and learning of their alliances, there were a million packs that might have sounded like that. Maybe this place had been allies with Borogrove or Alchemilla. He didn’t know, and honestly at this point he didn't care. Those packs were gone and didn’t matter anymore. "Say you get a big gash on your shoulder - how would you fix it?" He instantly went through memories, but it came forward quickly. "If you want in, I need you to prove you're not bullshittin'.” He barely raised his lips, teeth slightly showing. “Jessie does not bullshit. Yarrow. Common herb. Chew up, put in wound. Slows bleeding down, fights possible infection. Cover in cobweb if hard to keep on - shouldn’t be though, if properly done.” Did Historia know of herbal remedies? Everyone, he guessed, knew something. That was his history of being raised in a very medical focused pack, though. This territory would surely bring forth new herbs for him to experiment with, though. They always did. He was already running over ideas of his rabbit pen, and seeing if this place had a garden of sorts. There would be new stuff to learn, but he was born to learn. |
Almost Sparkles
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March 29, 2018, 06:27:49 AM
(This post was last modified: July 12, 2018, 10:04:38 PM by Historia.)
“Jessie does not bullshit. Yarrow. Common herb. Chew up, put in wound. Slows bleeding down, fights possible infection. Cover in cobweb if hard to keep on - shouldn’t be though, if properly done.”
Jessie offered up an answer promptly, which pleased the sentry. Despite his stunted way of speaking, the recruit seemed to know what he was talking about. If he didn't, he sure as shit made himself believable enough for Historia to move forward with the interrogation instead of turning to violence. The cobwebs thing sounded a little strange - putting spiderwebs on anything seemed like a bad idea in general - but she let it slide. Historia didn't know enough to challenge him on it, and she refused to look ignorant. "And if you get a cold, a simple little sniffle, how would you ease the struggle?" Bright golden gaze was locked on to Jessie as she posed her questions, unrelenting gaze scrutinizing and imposing. If the spotted man's answer was satisfactory enough, Historia would move away from the healing-related questions and into deeper territory. "You want to join - why? Did you have a pack before this?" They were straightforward questions, but ones that were necessary. What motive drove Jessie to Saboro's borders? Surely he had to have learned how to work with plants from someone. That made Historia think that he'd had a pack, or at least a group to travel with, and that made her even more curious. The sentry reflected for a moment on her own arrival at the borders. She had found Saboro when the jungle had been their home, ensnared as a slave by one of the Wings, Bane. From there she had managed to crawl her way up into the position of sentry-in-training after catching the eye of the Sabor himself. Crenate was nowhere to be found - whatever potential he had seen in her did not matter any longer, she thought sourly. But she didn't need him. She didn't need anyone. Not her mother, not Reiss, not Crenate, not Obadiah - Historia was the master of her own fate. |
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![]() There was no point to heal himself, when he could be useful to others. He had been raised to care for the sick, not himself. He kept himself just fine enough to be able to do the duties he wished to do. Jessie looked at Historia, slightly wondering why she had chosen to be with others. Everyone had a story, but he wasn’t actually sure he was interested. As long as he got to play his role in his story and others he was happy. Mallory would surely be proud of her little rat, as he had grown up to be the perfect doctor, and he enjoyed it. "And if you get a cold, a simple little sniffle, how would you ease the struggle?" He almost bared his teeth at the question, but held back. “Little point to waste herb on cold.” A simple cold could easily be fought against without the use of medicine. When there could be much more important matters at hand, he saw no reason as to why they would waste it on something that soon would be over. “Ginger helps, though.” He knew the answer, but he still felt like if it were to come, he would simply tell the patient to rest until over it. If they complained enough maybe he would indulge them, but best not to. But none of that really mattered right now, did it? What he needed to do was give an answer to the question, and so he did. "You want to join - why? Did you have a pack before this?" He had taken acceptances before, he knew why the question was asked. And honestly, he didn’t blame her for the question, he knew the importance of it. “Jessie raised in Alchemilla as pup, raised to be doctor. Alchemilla disband. Jessie join Borogrove, become healer and scout. Borogrove disband.” He shrugged. “Jessie has skill. No point not using it. Suppose to heal others, that’s what Jessie do.” He had a purpose and he knew damn well what it was. The only reason he felt the urge to join packs was because of the healing he had learned. He couldn’t keep it to himself. He had to help others, and teach others. Why, he did not know. But he knew that was his purpose. It’s what his story focused on, and he wanted to play the part right. Jessie would look at the Saboran girl, wondering if she had anymore questions. |
Gay Boy
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Almost Sparkles
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June 02, 2018, 03:15:29 PM
(This post was last modified: July 12, 2018, 10:05:24 PM by Historia.)
“Little point to waste herb on cold. Ginger helps, though.”
Historia grinned toothily, quite please with that answer. It was always pleasing to find someone who knew the difference between comfort and necessity. Colds were simple things to deal with - unpleasant, but nothing a healthy wolf shouldn't be able to handle on their own. The sentry knew very little about what ginger was or what it did, but Jessie seemed confident in his answer. That was good enough. “Jessie raised in Alchemilla as pup, raised to be doctor. Alchemilla disband. Jessie join Borogrove, become healer and scout. Borogrove disband. Jessie has skill. No point not using it. Suppose to heal others, that’s what Jessie do.” The wicked woman had never heard of Alchemilla or Borogrove, but if they had both crumbled, they weren't worth her notice in the first place. She nodded, studying the spotted man as he spoke. He seemed to have a passion for healing and medicine, something Historia knew would be useful to Saboro. The woman had no doubt that, in the event that Jessie turned out to be a waste, she could deal with him efficiently. The risk was very little, and in the end the payout for either direction would be fine: either Jessie did his job, or Historia got to use her teeth. "Well," the viper began, focusing her harsh golden eyes upon him, "you've convinced me. Welcome to Saboro." Historia stood and turned, gesturing for the strange-speaking man to enter the territory. "Pull your weight Jessie. You won't like what happens if you don't." |