Upcoming Events/Annoucements
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Almost Sparkles
Posts: 32

All Accounts Posts: 398
(This post was last modified: February 18, 2018, 10:18:14 PM by BlackRabbit.)


New Leadership!

- Ilunga(Desdemona) and BlackRabbit(Mako) have taken over as the new leaders of Tortuga!
- Tortuga will be relocating to a new island due to the hurricane. Plot upcoming.
- Any Tortugans that wish to leave are free to do so. Feel free to say they were lost in the hurricane.
- Any Tortugans that wish to stay should attend the upcoming activity plot/auto ranking ceremony. More on that in the Upcoming Events section.

[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 32

All Accounts Posts: 398
(This post was last modified: March 26, 2018, 11:51:37 AM by BlackRabbit.)


We're Moving!
February 2018

In the process of moving to our new island, some things need to be addressed. Links to be added as items are posted.

- Slave Nation -
Start Date: TBA
End Date: TBA
Anyone wanting to enter Tortuga as a slave will have X amount of time to join this thread before all slaves are bought from the traveling salesman.

- Marketplace -
Expected Set-Up Date: TBA
We want those strips to be useful so we're setting up a cool shop where Crafters can post their wares for sale!

- Tattoo Shop -
Expected Set-Up Date: TBA
A place to spend those hard earned strips on a little ink.



[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 32

All Accounts Posts: 398
(This post was last modified: March 26, 2018, 11:55:42 AM by BlackRabbit.)


- The Funeral Pyre -
Start Date - 2/19/18 
End Date - 3/23/18
A bonfire sending off the bodies of the dead. This is a mandatory event that will act as a mass ranking for anyone who wants to stay with us. Held in the current lands before the move, this thread will confirm who is living, who is dead/lost. If you aren't here, you won't be added to the ranks list.

- Bank Poll : We have to redo the bank and we'd love your opinion as to how it should run!
                   It was decided that strips would be given out in small numbers per thread/post and larger numbers for big plots/rank activities.

- Tattoo Poll : New tattoo info to be added and with it, we want a special place where tattoos can only go when they're earned. All other parts of the body are free to tattoo whenever, but we need to decide on the place.
                   It was decided that a special tattoo should be reserved instead of specific location on the body.  


[-] Likes: DustyForgotten
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