i see a red door and i want to paint it black
Posts: 3
Pronouns: he/him
Rank [IC]: Slab
Played By: Akante
All Accounts Posts: 1,345
January 26, 2018, 11:31:00 PM
(This post was last modified: January 27, 2018, 12:40:28 AM by Oil.)
![[Image: banner_by_etkri-dc05go2.jpg]](https://img00.deviantart.net/83a7/i/2018/015/b/d/banner_by_etkri-dc05go2.jpg)
He had grown so accustomed to the jungles in his years.
Intimately familiar with the fungi. Aware of every herb and its uses, its faults, and its dangers. And skilled with the berries and various barks and plants that were a critical part of Saboran geography.
But this place was not Saboro. Or, at least, not what he had spent years of his life becoming oh-so-familiar with. He would have to readjust to the new region, the soil was cool against his paws, the air crisp, the water even more crisp. He would find none of his gained knowledge at use here. Then again, the crooked bastard was always up for a new challenge, and so he slunk back into the shadows, clinging to the dirt and the debris and the flora that came with it all.
Tongue lapped listlessly against his lips, his form huddled under a brush, wide eyes blazing as they focused on a particular golden eagle, freshly feasted. Anticipation ticked with the time, the former building up as the latter passed. He had not, in fact, poisoned this particular bird. At least... not directly. No. It was the elk around the mountain's ledge that he had tainted, lacing its normal grazing grounds with some new berries he had discovered. The elk ate, and then it was coincidentally slain and left for the scavengers... one of which happened to be this unfortunate eagle.
With its wings slouched, its head hanging a bit low, a bit weak, a grin twisted onto his wretched face. He watched patiently, eagerly, as the hours passed and the posture of the bird failed just a little bit more and more and more. Eventually one of its pathetic attempts at flight utterly failed, and it tumbled against a branch and down to the ground.
Half-warbles eeked from the direction where it had crashed, and the timber brute marched diligently to its dying form. Feathers were crooked and pulled, its third eyelid partially closed over. On the ground, its form warped and twitching weakly and in obvious torment, any other might have taken some action. Any action.
But he simply sat. And stared.
And studied.
All with a cheeky, cruel grin on his face.