Open The Place of All Fears | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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Gaven carefully observed the tides which lead to the island the tower was built upon. He had visited this place with Serrate once before, when the weather was kinder. Now the water was frigid and the horizon filled with the silhouette of an iceberg wandering by on the currents. It was a beautiful spectacle, a much-needed change in his scenery, but he would not stop to appreciate it that day. He was here on a mission to learn more about the tower. He brought a weighty stone tablet from the Library with him and swiftly picked his way across the land bridge. He would have to be brief lest he get trapped on the island overnight. The place seemed…exposed. He didn’t want to risk it. There was always tomorrow and the next day and…well, time was in abundance for once, until he was called on for something more important. Patterns formed in the frost that coated the tower stones; layers of ice on salt sometimes partly melted where the spray rose up on particularly turbulent hours. He circled it with the tome, wondering at the tower’s purpose to those who built it. Gaven did not go inside or climb the steps; from memory it was treacherous when he first went to the top and now the steps would be coated with ice. Instead he circled it to keep his blood flowing and read. As he lost himself in the strange pictographs the hellions from before left, only partially translated even to the interpreter, he began to imagine the ones who were here before. Humans (probably) carving and carrying their rocks to stack one on top of the other. The hellions were taking their lowlands, but they still had the sea, a place they had mastered that the land-beasts had not, and they had their clever hands to work for them. They had only warred with their kind before, but how could they keep those strange ones away? How could they hold back what they didn’t understand? Gaven looked up from the tablet and studied the patterns in the ice that swirled on the tower’s stone. Colorful thoughts raced through his mind, so vivid he wasn’t sure if they were only thoughts or things he was seeing from eras lost to them. Then he heard the scream and he barely had time to consider its nature; was it there all along and he only just noticed, or had it instantly started? He thought it was a scream, but it was unlike any sound he had ever heard; high pitched and unending, the grinding screeching of machines that didn’t yet exist, explosive ringing in his ears and the entirety of his mind. The man reflexively stumbled, dropping the tablet on his foot and reeling backward to grip at his head, but his mind was completely fixated on the searing pain that filled his head and overcome his senses. His vision twisted and cinched and his brain no longer understood the world he was seeing. Cold panic gripped him and he started to move too quickly for someone who couldn’t seem to see, hear, or feel anything. Maybe he blacked out. He didn’t know what transpired; he was only certain about the agony and the fear. It’s hurting you. I KNOW IT’S HURTING ME. HOW DO I STOP IT? WHERE IS IT COMING FROM? If a voice could shrug this is what it sounded like, I suppose you’ll find out eventually. You probably already have the answer, but I imagine thinking is difficult right now. Somewhere in all this (he didn’t know if during or after) Gaven wondered if this is what the Fury felt like. What a terrible thought, that the Fury could be a thing that happened to you and not something sleeping within all along. Was this what it felt like, Kariya? He remembered the puppy, huddled in the den, wounds he had inflicted on himself to ease the other kind of pain. Gaven could see how death could bring a certain kind of peace and it seemed a reasonable option to end this sort of suffering. Then again, hadn’t he thought that way once before to justify murdering another? That made his friend laugh, You don’t want to die and you won’t, Starreaver, because how can you be The Hero if you’re dead? You won’t go down so easily. You don’t get the satisfaction of that sort of rest. Not yet. When he began to remember some things he was in the sky and the dark ocean hung still and silent below him…or more likely the sky was dark and starless above him and he was floundering in a beautiful, shimmering sea of icy death. How much time had passed? He had left for the tower in the day, but now it was night, and the shrill squealing was gone but his body ached and the water held and crushed him. His limbs were stiff and unresponsive; throat closed, constricted to not allow any water in, or air for that matter. He would have laughed if he could have breathed. What a horrible way to go. Finally the ocean took a cue from the sky and all things faded to black for some time. Gaven woke to vicious coughing, knives of cold relentlessly stabbing into stiff, frozen muscles. The right side of his face was pressed against icy stone and as he lifted his head he felt prickles on his cheek and sharp pains in his sinuses. He wiped snot from under his nose to bring back dark blood, smearing it on the rock and touching the side of his face where he winced feeling a large spot where his skin had been scraped raw; unless someone had materialized on the island to punch him in the face and drag him across the ground he was left to assume he had slammed his face into a cliffside at some point, either because he was clumsy or he unintentionally hurt himself in an attempt to stop the shrieking calamity in his head. Either option was just as likely. He barely remembered dropping the heavy stone tablet but his foot was quick to remind him. His head still pounded relentlessly but the pain was a “normal” level of misery this time. His trip into the ocean hadn’t been imagined either; he was still soaked through, shivering and gasping pathetically as his muscles seized from the pain of the cold. Aside from his slow labored breathing the only sounds he heard now were the crashing of the waves somewhere below him and the gentler song of dark wolves whose fins sliced the veil of the sea. Moving was difficult, almost impossible, but when he managed to stiffly turn himself on his back he saw he was perched on a rocky shore just above the high tide and in the distance the tower’s shape stood against a dark horizon. A noise that was difficult to distinguish from a sob or a laugh burst out of Gaven’s throat as he slumped against the frozen rocks. Freezing seemed like such a minor complaint now after almost drowning, but he knew it would get worse the longer he stayed. He needed dry clothes and a warm fire; both things were miles across the territory, a trip he would have to make through the snow and the darkness, presumably alone since most of the wolves would be sleeping. He didn’t have the energy to scream; when he swallowed his throat felt raw, hinting that he may have been doing plenty of that when he was back at the island. He closed his eyes, aware that he would die overnight if he tried to sleep here but risking it anyway. He had already accomplished several incredibly foolish things today, most which he didn’t remember, that almost got him killed. What was one more? |
Take a glorious bite out of the whole world
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A spooky ghost named kariya is coming
The Mad Hatter
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January 23, 2018, 11:53:54 AM
(This post was last modified: February 03, 2018, 02:30:13 PM by Razi.)
They are going to hurt us...My ears swiveled this way and that way as emerald eyes focused on the ocean. The water angrily lapped up on the rocks, screaming in frustration as the sharp edges caressed the liquid. I was sitting there lost in thought as my gaze was transfixed on the colors that licked the sky. Even a wolf like myself could admit how beautiful the sky was as the darkness engulfed the stars in its wake. The barest hint of a sparkle scattering across the abyss. The sight was almost intoxicating as my mind was starting to become lost in the euphoria bliss of it all. I almost felt some content in this place I was starting to call home. Almost being the key word. We mmuuuussst act before they get uuusss...There was that voice again, violating the very essence of my thoughts. The demons were always scraping against the edges of my mind, taunting me. They hissed and spat, snatching at the barrier that warped my thoughts. They whispered and cooed sweet nothings in my ears until I felt like putty in their claws. They knew every crook and cranny of me to make me kneel before them. To make me whimper and cry like a little lost pup. To make me lose my mind until my brain was beyond comprehension. It used to be a terrifying thought, but I developed a craving to lose myself in the bloodlust. To bury myself into the darkness until I was nothing but a little puppet whose strings were strung back too tightly. It would be so much fun.. Another crash of the wave caused me to flinch and my thoughts raged as the voices raked their ugly claws against the edges of the barrier. I turned emerald colored eyes to stare at the dark shape looming in the distance. I had spent a lot of time trying to explore every edge of these pack lands if I was going to call it home. This place was extremely vast and I needed to know every crook and cranny of it. I needed to know where I could escape too, where I could hunt. I even wanted a place I could hide..ya know things if the worse case scenario happened. I needed a place I could occupy my mind without the distraction of bleeding hearts everywhere. The more I stayed here the louder everything around me became. The voices were agitated, biting furiously along the thin line that separated my thoughts from my skull. I needed some kind of serenity...a balance. I shoved myself to all fours and made my way down the dark path. The waves were screeching rather loudly against my ears as they lashed out at the edges of the shore. I could hear a distant sound out across the ocean and I paused for a moment to listen. I studied the vast abyss as the sounds of the world were hollow whispers that were carried against the wind. I had never actually see what laid out across the ocean and I definitely was not curious enough to venture out there. The ocean was a dangerous place and I had seen more than enough idiots who decided they wanted to one with the waves. I had no idea what it was that cause others to do such stupid things, but I had met some rather pea brain sized idiots. I continued along my journey as the path changed, water lapping along the edges. I tilted my head as the familiar knocking rapped against my head. This would be perfect for dro-- Shut up! Stop putting such ridiculous ideas in my head. While the idea was tempting to shove my paws into their chest as they tumbled into the icy abyss..I did not want it. I do not want these careless thoughts. I was tired of caving to the blood lust. I was lonely and no one likes a murderer. Unless it was another murderer; but then it would be a constant battle of power play as one tried to survive the other. I was exhausted. I just wanted to lay low and never have to worry about caving into temptation. Fuck you. Fuck you and everything you stand for. I continued along the bridge as I tried to be careful lest the ocean take me into her arms. The wind cascaded against my body as it threaten to throw me over the edge. It felt like eons before my paws hit the edges of the island when the wind shifted. My head jerked up as the scent of blood lingering through the air, snapping its way through my nostrils. I flared them as I stood there transfixed. The smell was coming from the skirt edges of the ocean. Was I really foolish enough to actually follow my instincts? My stomach chose that moment to answer for me, growling rather loudly. I felt betrayed. Blood... Shut up. Blooood... Yep, there is blood. Shut up. I felt my body move into the direction I had smelled the blood, claws etching into the dirt. I realized how stupid I was as I made my way around the island, the salty stench becoming stronger as I came closer. I was careful as I made my way through the rocky shore, the water slamming against the edges as it threaten to swallow me. I snarled at the ocean, not today! You will not take me into your arms, not today! When I edged closer to the source, I realized there were other sounds that occupied the stench. The creature was still alive...such a pity. Yet, as I got closer the stench mingled with something familiar...So would be so easy..we will-- Shut up! I stopped, standing frozen in place as I turned emerald colored eyes to stare at the odd creature. I had seen him once before..he was such a strange creature that I had no idea what he was suppose to be. He said he was an elf...what the fuck was an elf? He looked almost human, but he detested the idea of even being called that. Fair enough, I would have hated to being compared to such lowly creatures. "Hey you dead yet?" I barked out, forcing myself to move closer as the stench of blood continue to assault my nose. Fucking elf, why you do you have to be so stupid?! Why were these idiots always playing so close to the ocean? It was a dangerous place to be and it was by no means such an adventure. Why could they not just play somewhere else where they weren't lingering between life and death? I shifted my weight as I sat down next to him, the ice raking against my fur as a chill rushed up my spine. It was a cold winter and this idiot was soaked to the bone. Stupid elf. I narrowed my gaze at him as I lowered my muzzle to his shoulder, nudging him. I was not a blanket. I should leave this idiot to his fate...but he seemed treasured among this pack. Why was he here in a pack full of wolves? I settled my full weight down to the ground, suffocating my stomach as my side was pressed against him. Such easy prey...he would tas-- Shut up! Nope. Not going to happen. Leave me alone already. I gazed at him, emerald colored eyes transfixed on the elf. "You smell delicious..." OOC: I hope I got everything right :x
Almost Sparkles
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Ahote couldn't help but feel...out of place.
He was a human among a colony of wolves, after all. Er--a pack, that was. It was weird having to think about trekking through wolf territory. He was used to things just sorta...avoiding him. As most animals tended to do with humans. The tattooed man was practically tiptoeing as he continued northwards, unsure when or where the wolves' claim would end, knowing that a whole clot of them could be hiding in every bush and shrub, eyes glowing, teeth gleaming, ready to rip out his throat at the slightest misstep. He continued heading northwards as he had been doing before, searching for where this new continent ended. His stomach twisted as the sun wheeled through the sky, the man too brimming with caution to risk a rabbit or a deer, not that he saw any anyways. He still didn't quite understand what he was here--a guest, a traveller allowed passage? If he hunted, would it be considered stealing? What did wolves do to thieves? He tried not to look suspicious, eyes fixed on the road ahead, steps sure-footed and even. The sun was setting by the time he finally reached his destination, a blaze of orange to his back as his toes curled over the rugged stones of a cliff. Gazing through the stretched shadows, the man could just make out a strip of ground below, dark as the night sky. He lowered himself to all fours, climbing down the cliff, finding footholds with ease among all the jagged, piled rocks. He could hear a familiar hiss and whisper, rolling and slapping gently just ahead. Bare feet were buried in dark sands as he met the floor, leading him further north until a cross frost sent him hopping back. The man rubbed his eyes, staring forward at how the sky reflected off and wavered upon the shifting space in front of him. The ocean, he thought, feeling his legs give out as he slid into a sit. It had taken him season after season, but at last he found the edge of this landmass. With no other humans to speak of--well, save the man in a mask. Ahote sat for a while, watching the sea froth and furl. He scratched his head as he stared, thoughts drifting. This was by no means the end of the north. There could be another continent yet beyond the horizon. Boats: he needed a boat. But there were no colonists here, not that he had seen, and he wasn't stupid enough to head off into the ocean without a navigator. Slowly the sun fell, the stars blinked awake, and the water began to curl around him. The tide was coming him. Ahote stood, backing up, eyes staring out across the ocean once more. He thought he could spot a smudge against the horizon, but perhaps it was only a cloud. Then he was climbing back up the cliff, perched and watching as the tide rolled in, The man sat back on his arms, breathing a cloud of mist into the air. At least it was one of those warmer winter nights, something he could be thankful for considering his relatively sparse attire. Again he sat and observed the sea, until a flicker of movement caught his attention. Instinctively he had already stood up, for he'd perceived the motion as being rather near. Feet drew him closer to the sounds of coughing and hacking, eyes squinting through the darkness. A bark--he froze, hand hovering near to the knife at his hip. He had to wait for his eyes to adjust, revealing two distinct shapes in the shadows. His muscles tensed as the figures reformed, solidified, into something he could immediately recognize. Another human! And a wolf--or was it a dog?--lying next to him? Automatically Ahote was stepping closer, his gaze transfixed on the pair. Maybe he wasn't the only human out here, after all.... As he came closer, the figures became ever clearer, and Ahote could see the hungry eyes on the canine, glowing orbs staring closely at the fallen human, whom now he could see was sodden wet, the source of the choking noises. Instantly Ahote had drawn his knife, shouting out to the wolf, "¡Espantar! ¡Espantar!" slashing out with the blade in warning. |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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A moment passed in which he was seized by dread stirring in his chest at the familiar rhythm of paws on rocks; a blackness spread in him like ink on water, dark regrets, as he was brought back to the day he stood in the swamp and a vengeful father sunk his fangs into the Starreaver’s leg. Now he would pay, now he would pay, for everything he had done before, and he prayed to his gods for the type of mercy that spurred this hell into motion. Make it quick, if nothing else, for even he deserved that much. Thoughts moved fast, even in a foggy mind, and all that fear came and went in an instant; the actual wolf who appeared spoke. Eyes opened once more to roll sluggishly towards her; he recognized her but couldn’t remember her name. “Wuhhh-wh…?” he started with a string of incomprehensible noises the shuddered out of him with every quaking breath. Pain made it difficult to be charming. “N-no.” Not yet. He felt her nudge his shoulder and had enough of his wits about him to shoot her a displeased grimace; he had every intention of getting on his feet, once his exhaustion waned and he could get the racking chills under control. Then she eased down next to him, her side pressing into his, and the cold eased in the slightest. He was still soaked through and even now ice began to crystalize in his furs and on his hair. Regardless of how futile he knew it would be, he found himself curling towards her, pressing his face into her fur and creating a warm pocket of air where he breathed. Slowly he felt some of the fog lift from his pounding head. He knew what he needed to do now, he just had to convince this wolf to— The shout was like a knife through the brain and he flinched violently as another voice sliced the air. This one was familiar too and it spoke in words. Yelling, panicked, Gaven recognized it as belonging to that human. Gaven immediately gave a great effort to stand, muscles seizing helplessly at his demands, and almost pulled himself to his knees to see Ahote with the knife…only to collapse ineffectually back into the wolf. He couldn’t do this alone, but he needed these two to not kill each other, and he couldn’t frankly predict how this one was going to go down. “Ahote…no…” Gaven rasped pushing upward with trembling arms so he could stare down the tip of that vicious little knife. Even if the wolf had been the cause of Gaven’t current condition, what did he hope to accomplish with that knife? “Wh-what’re you even-“ He coughed again, cold air biting at the back of his lungs and throat. Fuck this noise. He couldn’t play peacekeeper right now. Maybe later when he wasn’t fighting death. “I need to get back to camp,” he muttered, first to the wolf. To Ahote, he repeated the phrase, hopefully in words he understood. “I need to get back to camp.” He needed out of the wet furs and next to a warm fire with something warm to drink. Then he would be fine. Then he wouldn’t die and they could never, ever talk about this again. What a happy ending for all of them. |
The Mad Hatter
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I listened to the bleeding heart of the elf, as he liked to call himself. His heart was a like a rhythm, a steady song, that was stroking cords that led to thoughts that I knew were dangerous. The melody that his heart created was mesmerizing and lured my thoughts in as if he was a siren leading the sailors to their deaths out at the sea. Had this been a day before my integration into the pack he would have already been dead. I would have delighted in ripping out his throat as I gorged myself on his entrails; but this was not the day. No one likes a murderer. Yet, it's hardly murder if he's already dying..consider it a mercy. I snorted mentally at that thought. I won't be the reason for this stupid elf meeting his demise. He can die naturally if that is what he wishes. My mind whirled as I felt fingers pulling on my fur and it took every ounce of my strength to fight the will to snap at this stupid elf. What the hell was he doing? I'm not a fucking blanket. I narrowed emerald colored eyes at the elf as he curled himself into my body, face finding its way into my warmth. Splendid. The whole sensation felt weird as he continued to use me as his own personal blanket, creating warmth with a mixture of my fur and his heavy breathing. Fucking elf why did you have to go get fucking soaking wet. It was freezing but I was a wolf and wolves had fur to keep them warm on the coldest of nights. Whatever. Fuck it. I'm your fucking blanket, elf. I found myself pressing closer into him as I lowered my head near his wet furry head. This was so fucking weird. Then the sounds of another echoed through the hollows of my ears. There was something I was suppose to do, right? Should I protect the elf? I was hardly a protector but he was suppose to be pack..and pack protected pack. Stupid fucking elf. The steps came closer and I tensed my muscles as I prepared myself for a fight. I heard the sound of metal before the shouting ricocheted through my ears. My head swiveled around at the same time the elf was trying to stand. I bared my fangs into a snarl at the stupid human. I almost yelped in surprise as I felt him falling back into me. Oh for fuck's sake. I narrowed my emerald colored eyes into a glare at the human as I growled rather loudly, fangs still bared. I watched the human swing the metal thing around, "I'm going to rip your fucking throat out fucking human!" Stop swinging that stupid fucking thing idiot! Then the elf began to speak...he knew this human? Fucking great. I felt him try to push upward again, the trembling of his arms was rather loud. Then he started to speak again before a rather painful cough took hold of the elf. I could feel the demons clawing at my thoughts as they started whispering. Fucking fantastic. It's not too late...we could kill them both. You know how much you love dancing in blood. I closed my eyes as I tried to focus. Stop looking so pathetic elf. I slowly opened my eyes as the elf's words trailed through my ears. I swiveled my head to look at him for a brief moment. I eyed him suspiciously for a few moments as I kept alert for the human should he try to do anything stupid. It was obvious he had never been in a pack full of wolves. That's right idiot you live among fucking wolves! I'm not your average fucking dog! I snorted at the elf as I pushed myself up to all fours, careful not to push him back on his back. As long as he kept his fingers clamped on my fur he'll be fine. "Let's get this over with," Because I am not a fucking pony. This was fucking stupid. I offered him my back as I turned my head to glare at the stupid moron wielding the metal man made thing. That's right human, stay away or I'll rip out your fucking throat. OOC:
Almost Sparkles
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Good GOD--Ahote tightened his grip on the blade when the animal snarled ferociously--that was one MEAN little fucker!
He wondered how it hadn't yet already ripped out the fallen human's throat, all his muscles tensed as he prepared for the beast to lunge and the high probability of him bleeding out while the monster got itself stabbed in the face or heart some shi-- his name was spoken, and with recognition of the voice it was immediately that Ahote realized his mistake. He blinked, standing still with his legs spread for stability, the knife out protectively, while the wolf glared and growled and the other human struggled to speak and stand. He waited, eyeing the wolf suspiciously as it turned around, offering him a rather threatening look. Ahote was reminded of so many other scenes before this that had always played out similarly. Always making assumptions, always in the wrong place at the wrong time, always the third wheel, always driving the anger and paranoia of others no matter what he did. The wolf was big and probably strong enough to carry the human at least some distance, and as usual he wasn't so sure he wanted to draw so near to what was clearly an aggressive animal. It probably knew the area better than him too, having lived here all its life--or so he presumed. So Ahote was left watching awkwardly yet again while wolf helped out human while a second human stood idly by, wondering just what to do now. Despite the grimness of the situation, Ahote found himself grumbling sarcastically in Spanish, "¿Necesitas boca-a-boca?" |
in your heart shall burn an unquenchable flame
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“Wait…d-don’t hurt him,” Gaven breathlessly pleaded as the wolf (understandably) exploded into defensive rage. “He’s sc-scared. For good reason.” Gaven wouldn’t spell it out for her, but she was a big wolf with big teeth, an apex predator. Wolves also responded with a powerful flight or fight response when they felt faced with danger; it was funny how similar the two species really were. Gaven could tell the she-wolf was becoming testy with the situation but even if he explained everything to her he didn’t feel it would matter. She was bursting with a fiery sort of arrogant pride that Gaven could relate to and bringing her down a notch would be difficult, if not nearly impossible. He just needed to be grateful she was offering whatever begrudging help she had for him. “S-sorry,” he muttered in response to her growing impatience. “I can make this up to you…later…” He didn’t climb onto her back despite her offering. She made it clear that she didn’t exactly want to offer that form of help though something possessed her to do it anyway. He did, however, sling his arm over her back and use her as leverage to finally pull himself to his feet. Shaking as a newborn fawn, he kept his hand on her to balance himself, still standing at a crouch as he tried to convince his muscles that they needed to do this regardless of their achy weakness. He heard Ahote grumbling to his side, but didn’t catch the words, merely settled his gaze on the man with a tired gaze. He could understand the man’s hesitation to jump in and help. Being bit wasn’t the most fun. “Where do you d-den?” Gaven asked the wolf again. “Maybe I can convince Ahote to t-take me…part of the way. Though we…haven’t st-started on good terms…” Not to mention he didn’t know how much Ahote really understood of Gaven’s trade tongue, when he spoke to him, and it was hard to charm a person with a language barrier. Still, Ahote was here and he knew where Gaven’s camp was. If he was with Gaven the wolves would also leave him alone. They could mutually benefit one another, even if Gaven would be benefitting most from not dying that night. Trying to talk to the human was better than doing nothing. “C-Come with us, Ahote,” he switched to the tongue he hoped the man had more understanding of. If his voice wasn’t raw and tired he would have made himself sound more inviting. “Be-because…I d-don’t know. I don’t have a good reason, work with…me here.” |
The Mad Hatter
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I swiveled my head slightly in confusion at the elf as he pleaded at me to not hurt this stupid fucking human. Seriously? I narrowed emerald colored eyes into a glare as he said the second part. The old me would have ignored his warnings and the both of them would have already been dead. Of course I am pretty sure I would not be without injuries since this idiot has chosen to swing around the shiny pointed thing; but the old me was not here. At least in a partial sense as there was no telling when she'll rear her ugly head back into my life. After all, those demons had a funny way of making feel so warm and welcomed before clawing their way back into my life. They were so awesome to their little hostage. Stupid fucking human. Stupid fucking elf. "Yea well he is in a territory full of wolves," I retorted, "What did he hope to accomplish with swinging that stupid thing around?" I growled lowly as I felt claws dragging into the rocks. Deep breathes, Razi. No one likes to encounter an angry wolf even if the fucking moron really should take a lesson on how to approach a big beast with razor sharp fangs. It took great strength to bring myself to inhale and exhale as I tried to calm myself from this idiot coming at us like a mad man. I was getting pretty good at fighting the urge to want to indulge the blood lust. Yet, I was not about to get my hopes up. Life sure loved making me her bitch from time to time. I shoved my ears painfully forward as he muttered some kind of apology and something about making it up to me later. Yea, I don't think he would like my idea of making it up to me later; but I kept those thoughts to myself. "Yea, yea, whatever. We're pack ok, elf?" The words were rather strange as they left my mouth. Were we truly pack? This place had a funny idea of what was considered a pack. Then the elf turned to the other male in an effort to try to speak to a human who was either too fucking stupid or just simply did not comprehend the language he was spewing out to the man. Yet, this so called Ahote was spitting out words that I did not recgonize as being 'human talk' and I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes. I watched the elf sling his arm over my back as I felt the yank of my red fur as I became the wall, legs stiffening as my paws braced themselves against the extra weight. I wanted to be angry at everything happening around me, but I was soon realizing that it wasn't going to solve anything here. At least not in the ideal way I would have thought it would. I felt his body shaking like prey as he braced himself to his feet, legs bent in a way that would seem uncomfortable. I snorted at them, "The ocean tried to swallow you, elf, do you really need any other reason than that?" I shoved my nose into his furs as I inhaled his scent before drawing back and sneezing. "Stop lolly gagging and just point me where I actually need to go," I pawed at my nose as the words left my lips. OOC:
Almost Sparkles
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February 08, 2018, 03:44:23 PM
(This post was last modified: February 08, 2018, 03:46:57 PM by 000.)
He watched the pair's next actions closely, nodding and slowly sheathing the knife as the other human spoke to him again, though he kept a hand close to his hip as the wolf began to haul the other off, half-dragging and half-staggering across the ground.
Ahote kept close in case his help was needed, yet at a distance he was sure would allow him proper time to enact self-defense should he require it. For both actions he cursed himself, and for cursing himself he cursed himself yet again. He couldn't help his thoughts from drifting to his own faults and inadequacies as they began to walk off in silence, his ears unable to catch what words the pair were speaking to one another. But even without knowing the language, even he could hear that here was a man at death's door, and he wasn't about to let him step through, if he could help it. Although he didn't know the man well, he was still the only [living] human he'd seen for miles around, and so far his best bet at survival in these strange lands...besides, he was pretty sure if the guy did die, all the wolves would jump down his throat in an instant. Actually--he kind of expected the human to do that at some point, too. He caught sight of the wolf straying, looking around and pawing its nose as though in confusion. Did it not know which way to head, after all? Carefully Ahote stepped forward and aside, moving one arm straight to point out the proper direction, all while keeping a close eye on the wolf itself. "Here," he manged to growl in the wolves' tongue, unintentionally making it sound like they had already arrived. |