Private Roleplay  A Sword Returned [Azfhal]
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Kokipa she, her
The Wraith
Posts: 12
Pronouns: she, her
Location: Alteron
Rank [IC]: Civilian
Played By: Apocolips

All Accounts Posts: 29

Try not to think about what might have been

Cause that was then and we have taken different roads
We can't go back again 
There's no use giving in
And there's no way to know
What might have been 
- What Might Have Been by Little Texas

The sword was heading home, going back to the beginning of things instead of running from them. The black wraith decided to use the skills that she had gained for all those years to the test. To find the master that she had run from but didn't. How could one explain how she had become the perfect unfeeling thing, only to become something of the light. She had met a ghost prince and her world turned around. She had still tried to serve her master but she couldn't be the dark when she wanted to be the light for her prince. But it had been so hard, she got so lost. She just went into the woods and just got lost there. Kokipa had disappeared from the land she had called home, which had honed her into a blade and she just left. She was gone for a long while but she she had come home. Back to the lands that she knew so well and to the wolves that had come into it. Ye the the one thing that she had failed to do was track down the Baron who had made her who she was...Azfhal. 

She had not gathered much information, had tried to not be on the same tracks so her scent would be caught. She did not want to confront the wolf whom she had spent years being his sword to. Kokipa knew that she was not going to get a welcome, that she had betrayed him in some way. But had she? She did not betray him, though she had left Alteron. She told no one of his motives and that he was her teacher. Nothing. The black wraith moved silently through the woods, knowing she was entering his realm now. The realm of the wolf who had spent years playing the political game that Kokipa still had no real desire to play. But she wanted to know if she was welcomed back to the place that she had somewhat missed. Granted, now she was courting another Court but she knew where a sword belonged. With its master. She smelled the unique smell she knew so well, the smell she always knew to hide and keep hidden. Kokipa did not walk like she was trained to, not keeping 100 percent concealed. She wanted her presence known to the wolf she sought. 

The wraith weaved through the trees, always looking for something that would come at her. Her body position looked relaxed by sight but those who knew what to look for saw the soiled spring that could change in an instant. The wraith was a sword despite her look of being a serf, which was what made her so good at getting information. At being able to hide in plain sight. Her eyes finally gazed upon the wolf she sought, his fur the same though he looked older than when she had seen him last. But age changes everyone and Kokipa was no exception to it. Her bright eyes stayed on him, her body and mind racing for his reaction. She knew that he would soon feel her presence. 

Azfhal.... her mind called, willing for him to turn around. 

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