Open  life will change [Soleil Recruitment]
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Ceniza She/her
Posts: 19
Pronouns: She/her
Location [IC]: Soleil
Rank [IC]: Ringleader
Played By: Frost


[Image: waka3_by_dayne_doe-dbhip39.png]


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Recruitment for Soleil! There are two ways you can approach this:
1) If you want your character to already be a member of Soleil: perfectly fine! Your character is here to help convince non-members to join! You're welcome to know Ceniza and other members already (if their players are ok with it!)
2) The usual! Your character appears and gets recruited; but you wouldn't have previous knowledge of who anyone is (unless you'd like to liquid time rps before this, then thats fine too!)

Also, to be clear, Ceniza is calling strangers out from the forest and onto the beach!

The pack will officially start and get it's own board on the 1st December!

"Alright lads! Gather up!!"

Flocks of birds took to the sky, squawking in frustration at their disturbance. They had decided on this spot as their meetup when they left the island - in fact, when the fog cleared, it would be possible to see Ambervale as an auburn speck on the horizon. For now though, it was a shadow in the mist, a tease for wanderlust explorers. And for those poor souls, she would be their angel, their shining light, guiding them to the island when the time came.

First, she needed to actually grab their attention.

"COME ON! I didn't send you all out on vacation, we got work to do!"

She had come here with natives of the island who were interested in boosting Soleil's numbers; members of the tribe who wanted to share stories of it's glory with those willing to listen. She looked upon them all, and grinned.

"If you think I'm making a lot of noise, you've seen nothing yet! Now, we all know why we're here," She found a log to leap up onto so they could all focus on her. "We want some fresh faces, some new blood. The bridge back to the island will resurface in a few days, not long at all. It's time to perform, darlings! It's time to grab the attention of every homeless soul in that forest, lure them to this beach, and convince them that they could be so much more in Soleil!"

She did not bother to ask if they were ready, instead she gave them a cheeky wink, and soon everyone would be woken up by the sheer volume of her voice:


And with a swish of her tail, she struck a pose, a figure of elegance as she waited for the curious to arrive.

[-] Likes: Blondie
pippin she/her
Posts: 2
Pronouns: she/her


                                                                      The dye served many purposes - mingling with her natural scent to create something new, masking her colors and features into a black shadow. She is an anonymous creature, small and unassuming from where she sits, back straight with posture Yukon had ingrained in her from the very first minute they met. No longer Pippin, the Triarch of a dying crater, betrayed by those she’d sought to help. 

Just a fox, common and quiet in the perpetual autumn of Ambervale.

She wanted to stay that way.

Blue eyes in a face streaked with rainbow colors stare in amusement as the young ringleader yells into the forest beyond, where they had just returned from scouting.

It was a recruitment to strengthen their forces. It’s been done before, in the years she had been there, under the guise of Merry. It was how she had been brought it, so long ago. And each time, it brought a new surge of anxiety, wonder, questions - would anyone she knew arrive for sanctuary? Would they recognize her? No, they wouldn’t, she’d made sure of that. But she still wondered, wondered -

Pippin chased the thoughts out of her head, and stood as Ceniza made another uproarious cry towards the forest and struck a pose. Pippin rose and began to stretch. After all, she’d need to warm up before such a performance.

[ooc: Pippin has been there for a year or two! However, anyone in Soliel would only know her as Merry. She’d come across as quiet, but very sweet, distant but always willing to jump in and help others. Feel free to know her! also she's gonna be a contortionist unless someone says otherwise whoops]
Brooklyn He/Him
Posts: 2
Pronouns: He/Him

All Accounts Posts: 368

He didn't care much for the loudness of gatherings, or the fact that Ceniza decided to expand.  He was here to observe and maybe get dirty if someone decided to get out of hand.  He trailed behind the two foxes, snuffing the ground, looking for something to eat as they looked for others to join them, Brooklyn didn't care for meeting new faces, he'd rather sit behind and eat truffles while the rest of them spoke.  

He was able to find a few good truffles on the ground, picking them up he carried them to over where Ceniza was caterwauling at a high pitch, and plopped down next to her, engorging himself in the treats.  If there was one thing Brook loved more than anything, one thing that would make him shut the hell up, it was truffles.  

Ceniza spoke- and struck a pose, and when she was done, for a few moments there was silence, and he guffawed.  His mouth full.  "Yer not gonnah get people ta follow ya if ya keep fackin' hollerin' like that, Ceniza."  No one wanted a loudmouth show off as a leader- and yet, here he was, following her as he said he wouldn't do earlier on.  "Should be more like Merry here, all quiet and watchful, doncha think there Merry?  HA!"  He laughed and truffle flew out of his mouth.

In all honesty Brooklyn liked these gals, and he didn't want to see anything happen to em, which is why he was here.  Making sure no facking low life trouble makers show up to hurt em.  They could try, but they weren't gonna get far.  Not with the mouth full of teeth, and the don't give a shit attitude he had.
Lucretia she/her
Posts: 9
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Location: Hiraeth

All Accounts Posts: 347
(This post was last modified: February 26, 2018, 03:12:46 PM by Lucretia.)

Lucretia yawned dramatically, fluttering her eyes against the bright sunlight. As Ceniza's voice rang out into the air, she slowly swiveled her head to look up at the young foxwolf and grinned. It was a glorious time to be awake indeed, though she was a little too excited to go home so she could get her beauty sleep. She stood up and gave her long back legs a good stretch before trotting over in front of the log that her leader stood gracefully. She gazed at her as she passed by, marveled by how her dark and amber coat almost blended in with the trees and their magnificent colors. Yes, she was truly music to the eye. And Lucretia appreciated that about her, along with her positive energy that she was putting out into this mission. She smirked, curling her tail around her paws and sitting close by.

"You're looking quite charming today, my lady," she said alluringly without looking her way. "Any soul out here would be a fool not to be drawn to us." 

     She drew in a long breath, watching as cold wisps bellowed in the air. If they were to gain any more bodies here, they'd need to attract them in the best way. And how else were they to do that without Lucretia here? She was sure to impress them with how persuasive she can be. Not that she would need to spend much efforts after they see her. She would make sure anyone who joined their mirthful gang would be welcomed warmly, and made to feel as splendid as she did to be here. She almost couldn't contain her excitement. Trying to keep her elegant composure was difficult, but she was determined. 

     She stood again, sweeping her feathery tail across the earth and began to pace. She heard Brooklyn the badger cackling next to Ceniza, and her ears flattened against her head. What an awful sound, she much preferred Ceniza's voice or her own. But she stayed silent, not wanting to waste any time. She stopped in between her pacing, and turned to face the resplendent ringleader. She then sat, clearing her throat and began to yip and howl. Her voice, after all, was the most captivating out of the rest and she used it skillfully to attract anyone within a small radius. But she was saving the most enchanting sounds for later, when the time would come to seduce newcomers to the troup.

"Come, my darlings!" she sang, "Let us bring you to a place of joy and grandeur!"

000 -
Almost Sparkles
Posts: 26
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(This post was last modified: December 29, 2017, 03:31:54 AM by 000.)

Phibonacci sat on a bump on a log in a hole in the ground.
He squinted at the autumn leaves, at the gusts of wind and the swirling fog, but most of all he squinted at a flock of birds taking to the sky, disappearing like spirits in the sea.

A scurry of foxes had overtaken the beach where the avians had been resting, and now strolled about yapping into the air.
The magpie gave a huff, puffing out his chest feathers.
He wrinkled his wings and then dashed off the log until he was spiraling about the heads of the yodeling canines--just out of reach, of course.

"Ehstop it, stop it!" the bird chuffed, tail feathers flashing in the dim light.
He aimed a particularly scornful eye down at the howling brown canine.
"You sing like cats, screeching to the sky."
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