Awkward Turtle (Weiss x Ki Tisa) | ||||||
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Ki Tisa
He... usually
Looking Glass
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![]() [10:10] -- dreamingAlice [DA] The day after their arrival on the border-- a turbulent event at best-- finds Ki Tisa at the bank of one of Inaria's little creeks. His sore paws are screaming, and after a moment he steps into it, lowering his head to drink, ears twitching instinctively. There are no crocodiles in Inaria. But one doesn't break childhood habits so easily. -- ![]() [10:16] -- brokenPersephone [BP] is not a happy camper about any of this she'll have you know!!! ... or not. Because the chill in the air means that her mood has shifted along with her colors, and she has retreated within herself for the most part. But she has to be a good host despite how the thought sours her stomach and makes her anxiety spike, so Weiss eventually comes out of hiding (a strong word really). -- [10:16] BP: H-Hello... [10:17] -- brokenPersephone's [BP'S] voice drifts off, and she shifts on her feet. Really, she is a picture of grace and totally not an awkward turtle. -- [10:17] BP: Are you finding everything... a-all right? ![]() [10:22] -- dreamingAlice [DA] If he wasn't so exhausted, the sudden voice would have sent him into panic. As it were, if a bear dropped down from the sky and started eating him, he'd just kind of sigh about it and whisper "thank god". Still, he startles a little, whipping his head towards the she-wolf who met them the other day. He regards her maybe a little too long before answering. -- [10:22] DA: Hi. [10:22] -- dreamingAlice [DA] he looks at the creek. then back to her. -- [10:22] DA: I guess so? ![]() [10:25] -- brokenPersephone [BP] meets his wide-eyed stare with one of her one, blinking stupidly at him when he answered. What did you expect when you ask someone a question, Weiss?? She looks distinctly uncomfortable, but it's not just him as the season makes her uncomfortable in her own skin really. She swallows, a lot on her mind, but a lack of courage to say any of it really. -- [10:26] BP: That's... good. I'm uh happy t-to hear that... [10:27] -- brokenPersephone [BP] looks like she wants the ground to swallow her. If only the person typing new the outcome of a certain challenge maybe this could help!! -- [10:27] BP: How was the journey...? ![]() [10:28] DA: Uh... My feet bled. [10:28] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Wonders how his sister handles interactions like this with such ease. Talking?? -- [10:30] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Ok Ki Tisa I guess that could have been MORE awkward but you're really reaching for the sun here. He makes what might be like... an attempt at a smile?? But it really just looks like he's suffering on the inside and also the outside. – [10:31] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Finds the fact that he has no control over his life really funny all of a sudden and laughs out loud. -- ![]() [10:31] -- brokenPersephone [BP] claps wolfhands good talk time to add a sticker in my dream journal -- [10:33] -- brokenPersephone [BP] turns to leave this awkward interaction because even with her social ineptitude she's aware this is not how wolfhumans communicate and it's best to abort mission really, but his laugh startles her and she freezes in place – [10:34] -- brokenPersephone [BP] goes from wary to double wary what the fuck was in the water over in Gemini i mean i know we have bodies but at least we're not all WEIRD -- [10:35] BP: Are you... Are you okay? Not just your feet I mean though if you need something for that I can help I can try I think I mean... Ah... [10:35] BP: Are you all right? ![]() [10:36] DA: Haha no!! [10:36] DA: Probably not. [10:36] DA: But you know! That's life I guess! [10:37] -- dreamingAlice [DA] I can't remember months of my life and just ran like 500 miles after seeing a bunch of mangled bodies but could be worse i guess #Positivity -- ![]() [10:38] BP: I guess... [10:39] -- brokenPersephone [BP] decides to stay then. Maybe she wants to have a good conversation but honestly it's probably because this is like a car fire and she can't stop watching -- [10:40] -- brokenPersephone [BP] opens her mouth to say something but closes it -- [10:40] -- brokenPersephone [BP] opens it again -- [10:40] BP: Does it... does it get easier you think? ![]() [10:43] DA: Life?? [10:43] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Considers for about three seconds before laughing again. WHOOO boy. Those days without sleep are catching up. -- [10:44] DA: If it does it hasn't started yet. ![]() [10:45] -- brokenPersephone [BP] considers his words no matter how cuckoo he's acting. She doesn't have a lot of friends okay Ki Tisa you are her Oprah -- [10:46] -- brokenPersephone [BP] takes a step back however -- [10:47] -- brokenPersephone [BP] but stays because okay this is weird as fuck so's her life and she probably needs to watch this asshole look at him he can destroy them all single-handed -- [10:47] BP: Well maybe I can help...? [10:48] -- brokenPersephone's [BP'S] face twists like she clearly doesn't want to but at the same time kind of does? This asshole and his mind games he's too powerful -- [10:48] BP: Let me get something f-for your feet ![]() [10:51] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Sits in the fucking water because WHY NOT! Who can stop me? NOT GOD!!! Not EVEN! -- [10:51] DA: It's fine. [10:51] DA: Don't worry about it. [10:52] DA: What was your name? I'm Ki Tisa. ![]() [10:56] -- brokenPersephone [BP] sits on the land because you know she's not a fucking animal and doesn't want to freeze her bits off like SOME individuals. Ugh. Just the thought makes her curl her tail around herself. -- [10:56] -- brokenPersephone [BP] also it's clear she doesn't really know what to do since he refused her offer of help. How do normal people have conversations? -- [10:56] BP: Ki Tisa? That's a nice name... [10:57] BP: I'm Weiss [10:58] -- brokenPersephone [BP] finds her racing heart start to slow however, though maybe that's all the weird shit happening startling it out of its usual fast rhythm -- [10:59] BP: You did say you were bleeding... How can I not worry about it? [11:00] -- brokenPersephone [BP] looks at her own feet, clearly out of her depth as seen by her more emotional words. -- [11:00] -- brokenPersephone [BP] why did she care. those weren't just feet. those were ENEMY FEET!!! -- ![]() [11:02] DA: Huh? [11:02] DA: Oh. [11:02] DA: It's fine. They'll just callous. [11:02] -- dreamingAlice [DA] He draws a deep breath and expels it in a BIG GUST. -- [11:02] DA: Sorry. I'm just tired. ![]() [11:04] -- brokenPersephone [BP] stays quiet. wiggles a bit in her seat. looks at birds flying overhead -- [11:04] -- brokenPersephone [BP] whispers "why is this so difficult" -- [11:05] BP: Did you not sleep well... ? [11:05] -- brokenPersephone [BP] hates herself because what is this 20 questions get your shit together -- [11:06] BP: O-oh! I can go if you want me to i-if i'm bothering you it's okay I understand [11:07] -- brokenPersephone [BP] shuts the natural disaster that is her mouth, sighs. -- ![]() [11:10] DA: I mean. We didn't really stop often. [11:10] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Not that he tends to sleep much better on a good day, but, well. That might be a little too much information, despite feeling awful LOOSEY GOOSEY. -- [11:10] DA: You know. [11:10] DA: On the way here. [11:11] DA: You're not bothering me. [11:11] DA: You live here anyway. ![]() [11:13] BP: I'm sorry. [11:16] -- brokenPersephone [BP] understands what it means to be tired down to her bones. Sleep is not a thing for her during the winter and the war just made it that much harder to get rest. Even now being awake in the day time is difficult, her shoulders shaking softly if you were close enough to see it, but she keeps herself at a distance. -- [11:16] BP: Just because I live here doesn't mean you have to put up with me though... [11:16] -- brokenPersephone [BP] smiles a small thing for the first time this whole conversation -- [11:17] -- brokenPersephone [BP] is not at ease, but she seems to have relaxed some around this stranger with traitor feet -- ![]() [11:17] DA: Sorry. I know this is weird. I don't really know how to talk to people. [11:17] DA: I was always really bad at it. [11:17] DA: I'm fast though so that's why I volunteered. [11:21] -- dreamingAlice [DA] looks back at her. -- [11:21] DA: What do you do in Inaria? Do you have a job? ![]() [11:21] BP: Yeah... Yeah, neither do I really. If you couldn't tell. [11:22] -- brokenPersephone [BP] chuckles softly -- [11:22] BP: You like to run? I like running too. [11:23] -- brokenPersephone [BP] would offer to accompany him on a jog but lol broken feet and lol weiss is just broken -- [11:24] -- brokenPersephone [BP] also she's awkward did we mention this -- [11:24] BP: I've been to Alteron, but never Gemini... [11:25] BP: Oh me? I'm INSERT RANK HERE BECAUSE CHALLENGE IS HAPPENING [11:25] BP: It's... it's exhausting though [11:25] BP: Just [11:25] BP: Everything ![]() [11:26] DA: That sounds important. [11:26] DA: I'm a Ranger. They're almost sentries. Sort of. [11:26] -- dreamingAlice [DA] Lies the fuck down in the creek, looooooooool. -- [11:27] DA: I've been to. A lot of places. I guess. [11:27] -- dreamingAlice [DA] More than he remembers. -- ![]() [11:28] -- brokenPersephone [BP] wonders how much she can say, seeing as how no one's let her talk for this long anyway -- [11:28] BP: That sounds exhausting too [11:30] -- brokenPersephone [BP] is not even surprised when he lies down in the creek wolfjesus would he be blue when he gets out of there -- [11:32] -- brokenPersephone [BP] also the last sentence should raise a red flag, but this is weiss who has little social experience and honestly it all goes over her head -- [11:32] BP: Alteron was nice... A little warm though. I don't know... I think I'd just rather stay home. It's nice here I think... [11:33] -- brokenPersephone [BP] wolf shrugs -- ![]() [11:34] -- dreamingAlice [DA] brows furrow as he watches little minnows swim casually by. His ears twitch. -- [11:35] DA: How warm? ![]() [11:37] BP: ... Warm. Nice warm. [11:38] -- brokenPersephone [BP] slips her notice that maybe she would be a lot healthier in a different sort of climate where there aren't harsh winters and actual snowfall -- [11:38] BP: I don't think it snows there [11:39] -- brokenPersephone [BP] looks at the trees up above, watching the last of the leaves rustling in the wind, and knows that she's finally settled down now. -- ![]() [11:40] -- dreamingAlice [DA] shifts again, ears pinned back. It never snowed either. In Saboro. Was Alteron close? Was Alteron in the south? Did they see the volcano when it blew? The minnows swim by and flash in the light dancing on the surface of the water. He sees it and feels strange, like maybe he's part of that light instead of his body. Then he shakes his head. -- [11:41] DA: I never saw snow. Until recently. [11:41] DA: Just rain. ![]() [11:43] BP: Snow is... [11:44] -- brokenPersephone [BP] wonders how she can describe it. Maybe it would help if y'know her owner actually had seen it before but we're gonna wave some wolfhands -- [11:46] -- brokenPersephone [BP] still wonders how to describe something that brings her such pain but yet is just an intrinsic part of herself -- [11:46] BP: Snow is... cold. [11:47] BP: But nice. |