Escape  is it really escaping when you can just walk away?
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Umbra She/Her
Posts: 5
Pronouns: She/Her
Played By: Jess

All Accounts Posts: 193

The large beast lay in her pit, her disgusting hole of self loathing. She hated it here. Not because she didn't like the wolves or how the lands had changed.... She actually liked them. She was bored and the Pink Thing had settled in nicely, made friends. Umbra didn't care too much for friendship, let alone all the damn drama that happened here and all the freaks moving in and out. Ya know.... There was an idea. Golden eyes flitted about, scanning the area outside her little pit of a den and slowly the long canine slithered from her hole and began moving, long tail dragging some behind her. She stalked onward, moving in near silence like the shadow she was. Nothing more, just a shadow, just a passing shadow. Just a shadow moving toward the border where she would go wander for a bit, maybe do some soul-searching, find herself. She might come back.... She probably would some day but, as of now, she wanted out. Wanted to see the world, see what had changed. Peace out Gemini, this little shadow is off on an adventure!

(Love you guys! I'll bring her back some day, if not her then I'll for sure bring someone on in. <3!)
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