Private Roleplay thelema | zasha | |||||||||||||||||||||
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[this is set before his leaving thread, because i really want these two to see each other hngg!!] It seemed Gemini was a bleeding heart for any refugee that stumbled upon her borders, the people had shown him immense kindness despite all Saboro had done to their Queen and those who followed her here. If Blue Sister hadn't nearly killed them at the borders, he was almost certain that this place might have if they were any other place... If they weren't as soft. Many had died for less. Everyone here was so cautious, those that attended him still spooked if he yawned or brushed past them, every action he made was carefully monitored in case they had to 'put him down' so he had heard one of the attendants whisper. It was strange, very strange. Fitting into a new place like this was difficult given the people here. Was there people here rooting for them to fail? Wishing and hoping they were the monsters that they thought them as back in Saboro. The ones who did Coven's bidding, come here to finish the job? Rolling green hills of a wide open expanse stretching what seemed to be endlessly before him, patches of thistle and lilac hugging rocks with poppies that danced lightly with the brisk morning breeze. He shuddered, shaking his coat of the nipping cool air, the sun having yet to warm the dew covered grass. He trudged on drunkenly, stumbling here and there as he tried desperately to balance himself. His eye was an issue, but one that could easily be ignored most of the time. It was more of an annoyance now. Often he found himself avoiding late night strolls for the fear of stumbling and hurting himself further, his senses not nearly as sharp as they used to be. It was a shame really. But he made his way to the small pond without much trouble, wheezing a tired panting as he dunked his head into the cool water, he hadn't spotted her before, and if she'd seen him before Zasha had seen her, then this would've been quite the odd reunion. He'd pulling head up with a loud gasp, face soaked and his fringe sticking to the side of his face. He spotted Eve, her tattered form, and it was as if he were looking through her, until something in his head clicked and everything lined up. "Evaaaah???" He barked at her curiously, head tilting in such a way that now his scarred and missing eye was shown as well. "EVAAAAH EEEEEEEVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Zasha bounded forward, keeping to the shallower edges of the pond, scooting to a complete halt if she hadn't darted off from his loud crying. "Hiiii hihihihi!! Remember?? Evah remember Zaaaaaaashaaaaaa??!" His tail thumping loudily behind him as he smiled one of those painfully huge grins, drool escaping through the spaces of his teeth, but what was new here honestly? Little did she know, they were now almost like twins. |
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She addressed him, albeit she seemed slightly bewildered that he was even here to begin with. His tail hit the ground so hard, the thumps were starting to turn into loud thwacks. She looked better here, far better than she did when he saw her in Saboro so long ago. He wondered if she was happy here, if she found a place among the people and thrived. Tongue lollying out of his mouth and then finally to lick away the excess drool that had accumulated. There was a smile the finally tugged at her lips and Zasha wheezed a bit of laughter, his ribs still ached and he strained just a bit. Falling silent as he tried his best to hold off the cough that threatened to follow, it was the absolute last thing he needed, he'd feel that pain in his sides for hours. Tattered ears perked up to questions and for a moment it seemed like he was deep in thought, or if someone had just gave him bad news. How long had they been in this place? He glanced around at the lush, green hills and then to the pool of water. His sense of time had always been shot, and now with how long his recovery was taking, there were missing pieces from when he blacked out after the attack. "HmmmmmmMMMMmm, not long? Maybe long? Maybe?? Zasha dunno." His usual shrill voice now hoarse and raspy. The mention of Saboro however, it was still a sore spot, his head sinking just a little as he looked down at his large paws. The toes curled, claws creating grooves in the dirt as he flexed them. "Zasha..." The words caught in his throat, truths he didn't want to admit, another pain he didn't want to face. Let Blue Sister rip him apart one hundred times over, rather than speak this truth. "Gone. Zasha- ZASHA LOST DARK BROTHER." He cried, his eye wide though the pupil a tiny dot in a vast sea of red. "Gone...gone...gone.. Saboro, Zasha dunno. Gone? But Brother, Brother gone. He's gone. It was an immensely heavy feeling, that wound was still fresh. How long had he waited at the ravine, screaming and crying for his brother and his children. The jungle had swallowed them up, and he'd never see them again. The flesh wounds, the bruising, it all meant nothing to him. He didn't care, he missed HIS brother. Zasha wanted him back, despite how others felt and saw him. The water threatened to rain down from his eye, but he blinked it away as it rolled down his greasy furred cheek. Compose yourself. "E-Evah, is Evah h-happy here?" His voice nearly faltering again, head raising to look up at her just barely. |