Short Form RP  an eye for an eye [Shatter]
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Lilith She/Her
Posts: 4
Pronouns: She/Her
Location [IC]: Alteron
Rank [IC]: The Assigned
Played By: Gothy

All Accounts Posts: 1,031

[Image: lilithtitle_by_lunecy-dbopczw.png]
The jungle had shifted ever so slightly, almost unnoticeably, but Lilith could feel the oppression lift into the air and disappear like a ghost. She didn’t feel haunted; she didn’t feel the need to look over her shoulder and to expect something she didn’t want. Lilith strode through Alteron with power in her step — teeth ready to grind against muscle and bone if the need arose. She was after all Azuhel’s teeth, ready to fight for the Dragon.

She held no emerald, the shining beacon of her faith in the red woman; instead she only wove around trees and fern, looking for a bite to eat. She didn’t expect a visitor — or maybe she should, in the form of an icy-eyed soldier, but not a dark figure with piercing orange eyes as bright as the sun that burned with such ire that even Lilith felt wary. The serpent stared back with hardened lavender.

What do you want.

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[Image: pixel_gemstones___emerald_by_arrelline-d8dmbrp.png]

Oh well, the devil makes us sin
But we like it when we're spinning in his grip
Love is like a sin, my love,
For the ones that feel it the most

[Image: profilebutton_by_lunecy-dbvh4sz.png] [Image: gallerybutton_by_lunecy-dbvh4re.png] [Image: pinterestbutton_by_lunecy-dbvh4tc.png]

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