Private Roleplay i'm on your side [cocytus] | ||||||
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The afternoon days he had to himself, no pups yipping and yelping, but he never was able to pry himself far from their sides. Always anxious that they'd get into trouble without a watchful eye. They were competent, and strong. With luck they'd turn out more like Azuhel and Inc, with only a bit of that love Zasha had given them, nestled close to their hearts.
Laying in a grassy clearing, the afternoon sun attempting to burn through the clouds, there was a high chance that by evening it'd be pouring outside again. During those rainy hours his mind always seemed to drift toward old homes and faces. A weepy eyed sister and a scraggly little brother, standing side by side. There faces forever stuck in frown that only seemed to dip lower and lower the more he watched them, there was an echo, a clamor of cries and ambient noises from long since passed. Children's screams and loud cawing of birds. Then a buzz of static as his eyes fluttered open and he panted harshly. The greasy male's fur stood near on end, but that prickle of fear or be it vivid excitement was slowly diminishing as it always was. He'd never see those poor children again, but only in dreams and fading memories. I imagine one day, things settling, and I think about what that might be like. A snap of twigs turned his attention, and the red eyed male turned his head slightly. "HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!!" Came the flood of noise, a harmonious greeting. |