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kind soul
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Nervous Nelly
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(Would I be able to join this with Ashe or should I wait until my acceptance thread is done?)
Nervous Nelly
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Newly accepted and free to roam, Ashe was exploring the lands she would call home, at least through the coming winter. She was still wary of the pack, and was doing her best to avoid them en mass. She had been grateful for Echo's bulk when she had walked past the others during her entrance, and had made herself scarce almost immediately. She knew she should mingle with the others, but right now everything was just too new, too unfamiliar. She felt easily overwhelmed, and had ran from the challenge of social interaction. Instead, she got to know the land, which would let her learn at her own pace and just be. Like most, as it turned out, Ashe had entered from the lowlands. Echo had led her into the territory, and she had passed through a structure referred to as "the crumbling wall". Her homeland had no evidence of the creatures who had constructed it, and she was absolutely fascinated. There were other structures, ruins and mysteries that she was quite interested in studying. Of course, it meant finding them, which was Ashe's intended plan for the day. Like when she had been alone on the plains, the land soothed her. She was enchanted with this land, with its brilliant green hills, towering cliffs, and cozy forests.
She padded along, her pace that of a wandering tourist, and she examined things here and there as they caught her interest. Eventually she would visit the coast, and catch her first glimpse of the sea. She had heard the description of the ocean, a vast body of water that stretched off to the end of the world, but she had not yet seen it for herself. Ashe had avoided it so far, probably because it was something she knew she would experience for the first time only once, and she could shape the event to the time of her choosing. She wanted it to be perfectly memorable. A time to look back and say "and that is when I first saw the sea". So lost in her own imagination over what it would feel like, what it would be like, she passed a clearing without noticing the figure that lay within. "Hello? Who's there?" Ashe froze mid-stride like a deer, one foreleg raised and her ears swiveling towards the sound. It was then she spotted him, although his back was turned in her direction and she hadn't thought he had seen her. Oh, how unknowingly right she was. She hesitated, for she was still very unsure of herself, and of what type of pack Gemini really was, even though her interaction with Echo had been normal enough. It would be rude to try and creep away now, for clearly the stranger knew someone was nearby. Her tail tucked and her ears lowered, and Ashe shrunk in on herself. Resigned, she slunk into the open, knowing she should properly introduce herself. She opened her mouth to do just that, only to have a gasp escape instead. The male before her was mottled like one of the plains horses she had seen, all covered in speckles and spots that faded into a rosey coat. His tail, too, reminded her of a horse's. But what had caused her to gasp was the curved horns that crowned his head. She had never seen a hellion before, and while she had been dreaming of her memorable experience of glimpsing the sea, she was caught completely by surprise by this, equally ostentatious event. She once again stood frozen, gaping at him as one might a unicorn. Her blue eyes were wide, and she then took in the mouse sitting at his feet, rubbing one large ear with a tiny paw. She had hunted and eaten many such creatures, and had never seen one so calm in the face of death. Ashe's gaze flicked back and forth between the horns and the mouse, unable to speak as her mind whirred with a hundred different questions, a plethora of scenarios, and a multitude of snippets of possible conversations. Good heavens, she might faint. |
It's in the rain.
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Z a v o n a
#B4CFEC * profile This was the kind of day the monochrome female enjoyed. Cold, windy...anything but sunny. Her thick coat shielded her from the biting wind, allowing her to freely rejoice in all the weather had to offer. Not only was meteorology a passion of hers, but something in the darker, drearier weather brought about a sense of nostalgia, a sense of tranquility. She hoped to feel droplets cascade from the heavens, or puffy snowflakes drifting on the wind as they blanket the earth. Either one would be the highlight of her day, but it was still a little too warm for snow. Either way, she hoped the skies would break open and release its deluge upon the earth. She kept casting glances upward, watching the sky through the breaks in the canopy as she walked. There was no real purpose to her gate, only that she felt the need to get to know the pack's territory better. She is also one who had been accepted into the pack recently, and also felt the intimidating weight of not knowing anyone. Quite frankly, it unnerved her a bit to be in a land full of strangers. The young woman didn't quite know what she had gotten herself into, but she felt determined to stick with it. Livid had been very professional and straight forward without being aggressive. Firm, but not aggressive. From what Livid showed, this would be a pack Zavona could get behind. "Hello? Who's there?" Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the voice. Coming to an abrupt halt, she looked around, trying to locate the source. She relaxed slightly when she noticed the voice was a little farther off, too faint to be directed at her. However, curiosity got the best of her, and she slipped between the undergrowth to investigate. At the edge of the clearing, she stopped. Assessing the scene, she noticed a peculiar looking wolf in the middle of the clearing, with a female standing a few paces away from Zavona. Like Ashe, Zavona had never seen a hellhound before. His appearance was odd, yet fascinating. However, she would be lying to herself if she didn't admit that his empty eye-sockets didn't twist her gut a little, especially at first glance. Irritated with herself, she shook those thoughts away. Who knows what could have happened to him in the past to remove him of his sight. Who knows what he's been through. Everyone has a story. Looking back toward the other female, it seems as though she had gone into a catatonic state. Nothing was emitting from her throat, not a single word. Was she nervous about being social? Was it the male's appearance that struck her? Blue eyes looked from the girl, to the boy, and back to the girl again, before deciding the male couldn't be left hanging. Straightening herself up, she pushed past the underbrush and stepped halfway into the clearing. She still had no idea what the inhabitants here were capable of. Best not get too close just yet. "Hello," she uttered smoothly. "Apologies if I disturbed you. I hope I'm not intruding on anything." She glanced sideways to the other female, giving a small smile and a nod of encouragement. It's alright, just follow my lead. |