Acceptance thread THIS AINT A SCENE | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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![]() E R E B US,
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Erebus didn't fully understand exactly what he was getting himself into. A deep part in his gut told him that he had a small idea of what he was getting into after talking to some stragglers that were near the territory that gave him some times. Whether he should actually believed what they said was actually debatable to the wildcat. He didn't fully trust those that he came across, and he of course wasn't going to trust a couple of strangers that he had just came across. He guessed that he was lucky that he was intimidating because they said that they would give him any information that he needed as long as he didn't hurt them. Erebus did enjoy having others submit to him to a point, but he also didn't want others to be afraid of him all the time. He was coming here for a reason after all, and one of those reasons was to make so called friends. Which had been something that the youngster had yet to acquire in his life, which was perfectly fine with him because the point of living was to survive was it not? He wasn't here to play any sort of game, but he felt like if he was ever going to see his mother again, the female would be slightly disappointed at how he came out to be. The one thing that he never wanted to become though was someone like his father. One who never respected those that he lived around and threatened the lives of those that he didn't want he wanted at the time. He had only experienced that side of him before his death when he was just a cub. It was probably better that way, but it put a lot of stress and strain on his mother to be able to feed her only child. Sabres were great hunters of course, but that didn't mean they were always successful. Once he was old enough to probably survive on his own, Erebus left his mother thinking that it would be the best option for her so she wouldn't have to worry about him and live on without him. He was a burden to her after all, as his mother and his father never wanted to have children together, they were simply forced by the rest of their family to do so. The short tailed sabre wasn't fully grown, and he didn't think that mattered all that much. He was still large enough to take on most other predators unless they were a equine because that would prove to be more difficult. Wolves weren't all that much a threat to the wildcat since his body weight immediately outclassed those that he came across. He had never really been in fights before though, as he sought to just vocally threaten a creature and they usually got the drift and would run away. If anything, Erebus acted more feral around others due to his lack of socialization, he didn't have any siblings to be able to establish social boundaries and therefore didn't know what could be considered right and now. Because he wasn't skilled in that area though, he wasn't about to show any type of weakness toward those that would ultimately approach him. Showing weakness gave other creatures something to exploit, and that could either end up with him being killed, or seriously injured. He was going to do everything in his power to survive, so the well being of those around him currently didn't hold any value just yet. Erebus isn't experienced in most areas other than hunting and using the resources around him to survive. He knew how to read the land and be able to find food when the food started to become scarce. He adapted quickly to his environments, making it easier on his body to be able to figure out the best hunting spots and the areas that he wanted to avoid. One of the areas that he wanted to avoid, were the large amount of packs that were in this area. There was something in the pit of his stomach that told him that he should be avoiding said creatures because they weren't like other sabres. They were COMPETITION. Yet, he didn't want to start up anything against the packs because he knew that if he wanted to get himself dead, all he would do would injure one of their own and they would want his head on a stake. How these creatures interacted with each other he wasn't sure, having only met a couple wolves here and there during his journey. He had only met regular wolves and maybe a couple hybrids, but he had never met anything such as a Dire or even a Hellion. Erebus didn't even know what those were, having left his mother and father leaving no time to learn about the outside of the world before traveling on his own. Erebus had followed the directions that the strangers had given him, and he noticed that from the treeline that he was standing out, that there was an expanse of open area. He never liked being in the open, as he preferred being hidden in the trees. The coloration of his body worked more for the darkened area of a forest, but the copper hues could also help him hide in tall grass if it was night. He blinked his mixed orange and red eyes before letting a low huff escape his jaws. He was on high alert, and his body was alert due to his anxiety of what was to come. Would there be a fight? Would they turn him away because he was a different species? Did he even know what to say when he finally appeared in front of all of them? Erebus had no idea, and the youngster was starting to slightly panic in his chest. He didn't want to have any injuries to fix because he had rarely gotten any of them in his life. He didn't know how to treat most injuries other than minor scratches and scrapes. His ears were pinned against his skull, and his lips were curled over his elongated incisors in a slightly fearful manner. His nostrils were flared to catch any scent of a group that would smell different compared to the surrounding air. Even due to his young age, he was fairly large around. He stood around four feet tall, and was a little over six hundred pounds to top it off. He was a heavy weight, meaning that he wasn't greatly suited for sprinting long distances or dealing with creatures that happened to be faster than him. Once he got something though, usually through strategy, it wasn't hard for Erebus to rip something to shreds. The short tailed sabre then caught a scent that he had never smelled before, stopping him in his tracks. Erebus had been crouched this entire time, which was a position he felt more comfortable in being in case he had to make a run for it. Occasionally, his claws would show from their sheathes digging into the ground while he fidgeted when he finally stood to his full height. His attention soon turned toward the surrounding area, looking for any sign of movement among the plains. For the time being Erebus didn't see anything, and the sabre simply stood there, having no idea what to do next.
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
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![]() The days were long and the nights were lonely. He hadn’t seen Aela anywhere in weeks, and his children were all missing. He had followed Aranea’s scent as it led out of the territory. Did she leave? Although he was an understanding father, husband and civilian of Gemini, his heart ached each and every day that passed. He missed them; he wondered what went wrong, how it went wrong, when it went wrong, and all these questions kept his mind running at a thousand miles per second. He felt himself get lighter as he hardly ate. He forced himself to, knowing that Aela wouldn’t want him to worry, and although he couldn’t help but be worried, he trusted she would return.
He would wait until the end of time. So, as he left his empty, cold den, Kaden figured he would get some work done. It was the least he could do to keep himself busy without the thoughts driving him half insane. He found the gap through the wall and into the highlands, the crisp green grass turning into shrubbery and golden long strands. The coastal wind flowed through his fur, the fingers of the mistress sea calming him as he wandered the lowlands for any seeking refuge or unknowingly trespassing on Gemini’s land. Luckily he was gentle, as was the rest of the pack as long as the other was not threatening. Saboro was always the anxiety on their minds. After a while of wandering through the grasslands, Kaden stopped to take his breath. He could feel winter coming as the palette on his tongue was quite cold from the cool air. He remembered the snow, how it was slow to fall upon the sill as fire warmed his family. He paused then, a scent he caught that was unfamiliar and out of place. Green eyes scanned the horizon and he found the large figure in the near distance. They stood still, the outline that of a large feline. The small timber was cautious, knowing he could easily get mauled despite being surrounded by pack land. “’Ello?” he called out to them, taking a few steps forward. “Y’lost? Or are yah seekin’ acceptance?” Either way, he would try to help. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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Almost Sparkles
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![]() E R E B US,
actions - “speech” - thoughts
Wolves confused Erebus even to this very day. The large wildcat didn't understand how such creatures were able to trust each other with their lives. At least that's what the sabre had heard about when he was young about the packs that surrounded the area where he had grown up. Sabres could be considered solitary to some degree, but at the same time most of them were independent to their own regard. Wolves practically needed a group to stay alive, while there were sabres that could just survive on their own if they really wanted to. In his eyes, sabres were better for survival on their own, hence the reason being why he has been on his own for some time now. It had been his instinct to stay away from other predators in fear that they would ultimately see him as prey and try to rip him to shreds. That's the last thing that anyone wanted to have to deal with, and he knew how to pick his battles. But he also knew when to show respect for creatures that were stronger and bigger than him. This doesn't mean that he is immediately going to show respect to those that he comes across, but in this situation he would have no choice to show respect in order to get into a place such as this one. He knew that if he was in a group, that he wouldn't trust anyone to keep their word. Why should they? They didn't know anything about him, and he wasn't their friend so that acquired nothing from trying to be considerate to him either. It just seemed the most logical to the sabre right now, but he tried to keep a somewhat open mind never having been in a place such as this one. The wildcat had trained his body from living alone, and if an entire pack were to attack him, he would only have to hope that he would be able to injure one of them and leave it from there and be able to escape. While he was standing in the lowlands, the sabre was thinking about several different ways that he could escape if things that worse for wear for him. There wasn't a lot of the environment that he could use to his advantage, and wolves were able to run longer distances compared to a sabre like himself. It would take several attackers at once to take him down, maybe even less if his attackers were more experienced than he was. Now that he thought about it, Erebus had no idea how many packs were even in the area, or what they were even called. He just wanted to be pointed to a place where he would be able to be accepted and research a little bit on how these packs worked together. Whether or not he would permanently stay was a different matter, as the sabre didn't really like sticking to one place that he was certain would create problems for him. Would he even fight if a war was to break out against another pack if he joined this one or would he just sit out? Maybe if he thought they were going to win he would do so, but if he believed that they were going to lose then he wouldn't attempt to change the tide of battle. Anxiety continued to bubble up in his chest the more and more he waited for someone to show up. How big was their territory? It would be understandable if their territory was on the larger size and took them larger to patrol the areas. The wildcat had been one to patrol his own territory, but at the time it had been decently small, just enough to be able to sustain himself during the seasons. He had only lived through one winter before, and figured out that they were quite harsh. He quite liked the snow, even if his pelt didn't exactly help him blend into the white substance. Erebus even debated whether or not he was going to sit himself down for the time being while waiting for a creature to appear on the horizon. His rounded ears were on a swivel as he listened to the sound of song birds from the tree line that was a couple yards away from him when he had padded into the grassland. He could hear a couple bugs buzzing, but thanks to the changing season, there were fewer bugs to worry about. Finally, he saw movement out of the corner of his red-orange eyes, and noticed that there was something small in the distance. It definitely wasn't a sabre like himself, and that immediately made him uneasy already. How was he supposed to deal with the creature if it was a wolf? When he had dealt with lone wolves in his territory, all he had ever done was snarl at them. They were another predator after all, and had been invading land that had belonged to him. His large paws were hidden in the grass as he put pressure on them, causing his claws to unsheathe and sink into the ground, again due to his anxiety. The creature seemed to notice him, and as the other got closer to the large beast, Erebus did finally figure out that it was a wolf with strange grey markings and green eyes. Interesting, he had never really seen a wolf like that before, and the other was obviously smaller than him. He wasn't at all afraid of the other attacking him, he was just afraid whether or not the other actually belonged to the pack. The lupine kept a distance away from him, obviously wary about the larger creature. He didn't blame him. Flaring his nostrils, he waited for the wind to change direction so he was able to test the others scent to make sure that he smelled like the scent marker. It checked out. It probably didn't help Kaden that Erebus body language showed that he was tense and unsure of what to really do. Asking for acceptance? Sounded like joining to him, and he shuffled his paws as he opened his jaws to speak, but as he tried to say something, there was a crack in his voice, causing Erebus to immediately stop himself. He hadn't spoken to anyone in years, opting to deal with more with body language than anything else. He pinned his ears against his head in some embarrassment as he cleared his throat before finally speaking. "Erebus. Seeking acceptance." The sabre kept it short and sweet, but with the way his voice sounded, it sounded gravely, his voice not having been used for a while now.
forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes |
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![]() As he approached the large cat, Kaden noticed their body language was tense and stiff, as if nervous to be around the wolf. He wondered if this individual had a hard time with others, or perhaps was wary of wolves in general. Was it the scent of a large pack? There were many instances that could make someone nervous, but Kaden was careful to keep his distance for both of their sakes. He was trying to be mindful and respect distance with a comfort radius.
The cat was quiet, hesitant to answer. Green eyes watched curiously until they eventually answered, stating their name and purpose. “Nice t’meet yah, Erebus. I’m Kaden, a Ranger o’ this pack. We’re known as Gemini.” he said, forcing a small smile upon his face. He felt like it had been so long since he had done his job, trying to gather thoughts of his personal life, but he now planted his mind in his work rather than try to be stuck in a sickness of loneliness. “Iffin’ y’don’t mind me askin’, where do y’come from?” There was always that fear of someone from Saboro, but Kaden doubted this large beast was from the western edge where the jungle was thick and teeth only knew how to score flesh. The place only reminded him of the stench of smoke and ash, an instance he never wanted to experience again. ✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
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