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    Thread: The Business of Survival
Post: RE: The Business of Survival

{ A L L I V A N T } ( [hr] Allivant faced the new pup with a smile trying to form on his face. But, behind him, he could hear the other young one jump into the b...
8 Replies
    Thread: The Moon, The Stars and the Wind that blows
Post: RE: The Moon, The Stars and the Wind that blows

{ A L L I V A N T } ( [hr] When she jumped, Allivant jumped too, standing there motionless, staring blankly. But only for a second, once he realized what he was ...
4 Replies
    Thread: The Business of Survival
Post: RE: The Business of Survival

{ A L L I V AN T } [hr] Has the pup froze at the sound of Allivant’s words, he froze too. Disappointment came over him has he saw the child run into the bushes. Scareing her was the last thing he wa...
8 Replies
    Thread: The Moon, The Stars and the Wind that blows
Post: RE: The Moon, The Stars and the Wind that blows

{ A L L I V A N T } ( [hr] Whipping winds and chilly temperatures were not too new to this Mastiff. Being covered in tons of packed in fluff, Allivant was usually ...
4 Replies
    Thread: The Business of Survival
Post: RE: The Business of Survival

{ A L L I V A N T } ( [hr] With the world at his grasp and no fences or gates to keep boundaries, Allivant felt has free as eagle soaring across the vast landscape...
8 Replies

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