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    Thread: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right [Gyr]
Post: RE: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ...

When the little Miss Goldie said hello, Murdocks smile grew three times it's normal size, her voice was so sweet, and small, and cute.  Of course Doli might not like the fact that he called her cute i...
4 Replies
    Thread: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right [Gyr]
Post: RE: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ...

My my my my my my my, what a BEAUTIFUL evening it was.  Murdock sat himself in the low hanging branches of some tree covered in purple flowers, which was very indigenous to this area he had found. ...
4 Replies
    Thread: Not my Gumdrop Buttons!
Post: RE: Not my Gumdrop Buttons!

His coat did help! In fact it was a matted mess most times, but the weather here had kept it relatively groomed.  Which was lucky for the white wolf, as he really didn't pride himself in his looks, bu...
4 Replies
    Thread: the world, brand new
Post: RE: the world, brand new

The large white wolf had been in the middle of swimming, as he did like to do very often.  Large white paws paddling methodically through the water, swimming in circles, singing to himself as he did s...
2 Replies
    Thread: Not my Gumdrop Buttons!
Post: Thresher

Murdock would not remember seeing this small wolf (not a wolf) before, maybe he would think of it as a dream when he saw him with Miss Goldie all that time ago, but for now, the jackals presence did n...
4 Replies
    Thread: The welcome whistle of the wind.
Post: Thresher

It was a beautiful day outside, as was literally every other day here in Inaria.  The sun was shining, and the breeze was blowing, and even the birds were seemingly singing a different song!  Oh, wait...
4 Replies
    Thread: Not my Gumdrop Buttons!
Post: Not my Gumdrop Buttons!

There was a chill in the air, and usually when that happened the fluffy white stuff started to fall from the sky.  He felt as if it had a while since this stuff had come down enough for him to make hi...
4 Replies

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